I'm starting a brand new campaign on Sundays at 5:30pm PST/8:30pm EST. I am a
veteran Pathfinder GM with 4 years of experience with the Pathfinder
system and who has been GMing for Pathfinder Society for a while. I have
my own campaign setting and some minor house rules mostly regarding
crafting and problematic classes. I am looking for committed players that will make it most weeks and that
wants to get involved in the game to some extent. I would like this
game to make it to the long run without scheduling issues, hence I am
looking for players that will be available for foreseeable future at the scheduled time (hoping for 6 months mark). New
players are welcomed, but I expect you to do some light reading to
understand the base of the game systems (combat, magic, skills, etc.). We will be using Skype . The
character creation will be as follow: Rolled stats , 2 traits, no
drawbacks, Core Rulebook, Ultimate Series and Advanced Series reference
material only. I think that the Roleplaying aspect is more
important in a game than the character composition itself (race, stats,
etc.). Of course, your actual character will probably differ due to
campaign setting, stats, and party composition than what you post below.
Hence, if you are interested, please reply in this thread or via PM 1) Nickname. 2) Age. 3) D&D Experience. 4) An
example character background of a few lines. Sessions are expected to last 3 1/2 to 4 hours . The current party is Paladin - Brawler - Witch - Arcanist.