Unfortunately, due to the reasons listed in Advanced Usage for Roll Queries , manually recreating the Roll Templates is necessary in order to nest them within a Roll Query. Scott C. is correct in pointing out that calls are not problematic, but their corresponding values can be. The suggestion of using Ability Command Buttons in place of an Advanced Roll Query is a good one, and one many users opt for. I took the liberty of adapting Wes ' equivalent (Advanced Roll Query) macro for the 5e OGL sheet (which can be found here ): &{template:5eDefault} {{charactername=@{selected|character_name}}} {{subheader=@{selected|character_name}}} {{subheaderright=Ability check}} {{ability=1}} {{simple=1}} {{showadvroll=1}} {{rollname=Result}} ?{Ability|
Strength, {{title=Strength}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|basic_strength_check_mod} [Strength Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|basic_strength_check_mod} [Strength Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Strength Save, {{subheaderright=Saving throw}} {{save=1}} {{title=Strength Save}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|strength_save_mod} [Strength Modifier + Proficiency Bonus] + @{selected|global_saving_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|strength_save_mod} [Strength Modifier + Proficiency Bonus] + @{selected|global_saving_bonus} ]]}} |
Athletics, {{title=Athletics}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|athletics} [Athletics Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|athletics} [Athletics Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Dexterity, {{title=Dexterity}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|basic_dexterity_check_mod} [Dexterity Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|basic_dexterity_check_mod} [Dexterity Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Dexterity Save, {{subheaderright=Saving throw}} {{save=1}} {{title=Dexterity Save}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|dexterity_save_mod} [Dexterity Modifier + Proficiency Bonus] + @{selected|global_saving_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|dexterity_save_mod} [Dexterity Modifier + Proficiency Bonus] + @{selected|global_saving_bonus} ]]}} |
Acrobatics, {{title=Acrobatics}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|acrobatics} [Acrobatics Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|acrobatics} [Acrobatics Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Sleight of Hand, {{title=Sleight of Hand}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|sleightofhand} [Sleight of Hand Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|sleightofhand} [Sleight of Hand Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Stealth, {{title=Stealth}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|stealth} [Stealth Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|stealth} [Stealth Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Constitution, {{title=Constitution}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|basic_constitution_check_mod} [Constitution Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|basic_constitution_check_mod} [Constitution Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Constitution Save, {{subheaderright=Saving throw}} {{save=1}} {{title=Constitution Save}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|constitution_save_mod} [Constitution Modifier + Proficiency Bonus] + @{selected|global_saving_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|constitution_save_mod} [Constitution Modifier + Proficiency Bonus] + @{selected|global_saving_bonus} ]]}} |
Intelligence, {{title=Intelligence}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|basic_intelligence_check_mod} [Intelligence Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|basic_intelligence_check_mod} [Intelligence Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Intelligence Save, {{subheaderright=Saving throw}} {{save=1}} {{title=Intelligence Save}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|intelligence_save_mod} [Intelligence Modifier + Proficiency Bonus] + @{selected|global_saving_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|intelligence_save_mod} [Intelligence Modifier + Proficiency Bonus] + @{selected|global_saving_bonus} ]]}} |
Arcana, {{title=Arcana}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|arcana} [Arcana Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|arcana} [Arcana Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
History, {{title=History}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|history} [History Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|history} [History Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Investigation, {{title=Investigation}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|investigation} [Investigation Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|investigation} [Investigation Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Nature, {{title=Nature}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|nature} [Nature Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|nature} [Nature Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Religion, {{title=Religion}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|religion} [Religion Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|religion} [Religion Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Wisdom, {{title=Wisdom}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|basic_wisdom_check_mod} [Wisdom Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|basic_wisdom_check_mod} [Wisdom Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Wisdom Save, {{subheaderright=Saving throw}} {{save=1}} {{title=Wisdom Save}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|wisdom_save_mod} [Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency Bonus] + @{selected|global_saving_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|wisdom_save_mod} [Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency Bonus] + @{selected|global_saving_bonus} ]]}} |
Animal Handling, {{title=Animal Handling}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|animalhandling} [Animal Handling Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|animalhandling} [Animal Handling Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Insight, {{title=Insight}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|insight} [Insight Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|insight} [Insight Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Medicine, {{title=Medicine}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|medicine} [Medicine Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|medicine} [Medicine Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Perception, {{title=Perception}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|perception} [Perception Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|perception} [Perception Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Survival, {{title=Survival}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|survival} [Survival Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|survival} [Survival Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Charisma, {{title=Charisma}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|basic_charisma_check_mod} [Charisma Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|basic_charisma_check_mod} [Charisma Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Charisma Save, {{subheaderright=Saving throw}} {{save=1}} {{title=Charisma Save}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|charisma_save_mod} [Charisma Modifier + Proficiency Bonus] + @{selected|global_saving_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|charisma_save_mod} [Charisma Modifier + Proficiency Bonus] + @{selected|global_saving_bonus} ]]}} |
Deception, {{title=Deception}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|deception} [Deception Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|deception} [Deception Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Intimidation, {{title=Intimidation}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|intimidation} [Intimidation Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|intimidation} [Intimidation Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Performance, {{title=Performance}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|performance} [Performance Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|performance} [Performance Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} |
Persuasion, {{title=Persuasion}} {{roll1=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|persuasion} [Persuasion Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}} {{roll2=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|persuasion} [Persuasion Modifier] + @{selected|global_check_bonus} ]]}}