As a GM, I'd like to create standard macros for all players in the campaign. They could be used but not modified by the players. I'd also like to define placeholder macros that could be set by each player.
This would give me standard feedback on important rolls like initiative and to-hit rolls. Players could fill in their values for the placeholders without typing in the basic macro.
For example:
The GM creates a campaign macro for initiative:
Scenario 1 -- Players have individual #initBase macros -- say 4 and 6.
Expected result --
Player 1 types #init and rolls initiative with his #initBase of 4. 4 is added to the d20 roll.
Player 2 types #init and rolls initiative with his #initBase of 6. 6 is added to the d20 roll.
Scenario 2 -- Player does not have an #initBase defined
Player 3 types #init. Roll20 prompts for a value for initBase. The value is added to the d20 roll.
Alternately, Player 3 types #init and gets an error for #initBase undefined.