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[5e Shaped] 4.3.0


Edited 1465755473
Sheet Author
API Scripter
D&D 5e Shaped Character Sheet This is the redesigned Shaped character sheet for use on with the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons (5e). The sheet is designed to be usable by all Roll20 users regardless of subscription level. If you are updating an existing campaign I highly recommend you duplicate your campaign and use that to copy data over. I also recommend starting each character from a fresh sheet. Shaped Character Sheet Companion Script Documentation Please report any bugs in the issues tab or on this thread. They will however be tracked on the issues tab Features High performance sheet without the lag of old versions (100% sheet workers) Improved styling to match the 5e paper sheet with nearly all elements clickable to output to chat Compendium Integration for NPCs, Armor, Equipment, Spells, Weapons NPC actions and traits are parsed and clickable. Customizable skills with the option to change the ability on the fly Translations (English and French so far) Auto populated Class Features which include things like Lay on Hands or Sneak Attack Spells with filtering and the option to cast at a higher level Customizable Classes - Change Name, HD, or spellcasting level of the classes Armor - Covers normal armor as well as unarmored ability cases like monk, barbarian, etc. Equipment with gold and weight automatically calculated. Equipment Items are clickable from the core page for items like Potion of Healing Attachers can be used to remind yourself to add to saving throws while within 10 feet of your paladin Extra features: Jack of all trades, halfling luck, vision, movement, appearance. Settings for how to output all rolls, death saves, initiative, etc Roll settings to choose to always roll with advantage, disadvantage, or query for both Optional bonuses to all skills, abilities, saving throws, etc. How to Update the sheet yourself (as Pro): Copy the html from github In Roll20 go to campaign settings and choose a custom character sheet. Choose D&D 5e as the SRD In the HTML tab paste the HTML code Copy the css from github On Roll20 in the CSS tab paste the CSS code. Copy the translation from the appropriate file github (en is English, fr is French, de is German, it is Italian, etc) On Roll20 in the Translation tab paste the JSON from the appropriate file. Hit save. Contribute Since many have asked for it: If you appreciate what I do and want to compensate me for the countless hours that I have spent building this character sheet feel free to support me on Patreon or Paypal ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ). Thanks so much for your support. This Patreon campaign is not affiliated with Roll20; as such, contributions are voluntary and Roll20 cannot provide support or refunds for contributions.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.3.0 (2016-06-12) Features Wrap boxes now have slightly more padding Settings page redesigned:
Just curious, why is "Roll 2" hidden when there's plenty of room to have it in line with the other roll options?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
"Roll2" has not moved. It has been in its current location for quite a while. The other buttons are used in the regular workflow so they are on every page. For example you are in normal mode, but want to make this roll with advantage so you toggle it. The script can then reset it or not. Now you make another roll and want to change it again and it's readily accessible. With the buttons on all pages they are accessible for the normal workflow. "Roll 2" is a setting you set once and forget about, therefore it doesn't need to be shown on every page, adding to the busyness of the page.
I feel it should be shown with all the other roll options.
Updated with newest sheet and companion. Now my sheets look like this: Monster imports look like: I don't know if it is on the sheet side or companion side. I noticed there is a translation option now and I didn't add that to the sheet import. The link is broken for that anyway.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Translation link fixed. It moved again. I blame Phil (roll20 guy). You must input the translations as a pro user otherwise it will not work very well as you can see.
Kryx said: Translation link fixed. It moved again. I blame Phil (roll20 guy). You must input the translations as a pro user otherwise it will not work very well as you can see. OK, works now. *phew!* If I messed up my player's sheets they'd sacrifice me to Asmodeus. Everything is in working order now. Thanks.
Kryx said: "Roll2" has not moved. It has been in its current location for quite a while. The other buttons are used in the regular workflow so they are on every page. For example you are in normal mode, but want to make this roll with advantage so you toggle it. The script can then reset it or not. Now you make another roll and want to change it again and it's readily accessible. With the buttons on all pages they are accessible for the normal workflow. "Roll 2" is a setting you set once and forget about, therefore it doesn't need to be shown on every page, adding to the busyness of the page. I agree with Kryx. It's something that doesn't need to be shown on every page for most cases. It's actually still there after some constructive conversations that those of us wanted (me included, but now have confirmed to using adv/dis). Players have different pages open for different things. But as Kryx said, it's a set once deal. There's no need to even consider changing it once the GM notifies how he/she wants rolls made.&nbsp;
It's actually still there after some constructive conversations that those of us wanted (me included, but now have confirmed to using adv/dis). Just out of curiosity, why do you now prefer using normal/adv/dis before each roll instead of the Roll 2 option? Been using Roll 2 for the sake of familiarity & ease of use, but I'm open to making the switch if it's inferior.&nbsp;
I prefer Roll 2 as well, but I would like to be able to easily switch to one of the other options and switch back.
Grant said: It's actually still there after some constructive conversations that those of us wanted (me included, but now have confirmed to using adv/dis). Just out of curiosity, why do you now prefer using normal/adv/dis before each roll instead of the Roll 2 option? Been using Roll 2 for the sake of familiarity & ease of use, but I'm open to making the switch if it's inferior.&nbsp; I like using the new adv/dis for a couple reasons. First of all, it makes my players make a conscious decision on whether or not they have adv/dis. Secondly, you never see that would have been crit. There's no way to us it if you weren't rolling with adv, so why even see it? It makes crits more exciting for my players. We ran the two roll thing and a lot of times they'd see that crit and think they got it, when they didn't. Lastly, adv/dis now mirrors how you'd roll in real life. The sheets goal is to emulate the paper sheet as close as possible, why not roll like your at a table?
I prefer Roll 2 because sometimes you forget something that would have granted advantage or disadvantage after the roll. I would like the Roll 2 option to be more visible so I don't have to explain to to DM'screen and players in the many one shot games I run and play.
Well since we're all giving out opinions now... I hate Roll 2. I just want one roll to show up. So defaults as they are I like.
The font and layout of the roll template has changed within the past week, and I can't say that myself or anyone else I've played with prefers the change. It's off center and without borders. Is there a way to use the prior layout? Or an earlier version of this sheet? I just made my players switch to the new shaped sheet from the old one and I'm afraid I'll be making them switch back and redo everything. Again.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kaelev said: now have confirmed to using adv/dis Cool to hear! I like it for the same reasons. Roll2 isn't going away. No need for people to weigh in on both sides of the topic. Both options exist and will continue to exist. @Tony: You can install 4.0.4 if you wish. See&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> It will be unsupported - the same as the legacy sheet, but it's an option.

Edited 1465806496
KS Backer
Did a small bit of testing with the time I had. Looks better now, I did like the rolls being centered in their own half with roll2, damage, etc. as if felt less empty but its not as big of a deal but something that keeps bugging me everytime I use the new one with the 2 rolls more centered which puts them off center in their section. The new way though seems to have alignment issues as rolls/lines don't match up There I can see 3 different alignments for the rolls versus the old one where the divider was always centered and the rolls were always in the center of their half. Also, damage seems misaligned at times such as on divine smite

Edited 1465813830
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Centered: will push later. I'm sure you'll still want each individual side centered within it's side, but that gap is too large and makes secondary damage not cohesive.
Hi Kryx, Thanks for putting in the scrollbars for the background info; it's really made this sheet substantially better for my more verbose players! However, whilst it's present for Personality Traits, Ideals and Flaws it doesn't seem to be on Bonds? This is on the last version Roll20 have pulled in 4.1.1 so not sure if it's fixed in later ones? - James
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hi James, I definitely missed bonds. I will release a version with this fix later today.
Kryx, I am going to be doing a short youtube video series on 5e gaem creation in roll20, are you ok with me using your sheet as the example sheet?

Edited 1465839814
This is a very tiny aesthetic thing, but: On spells/abilities with saving throws, the contested stat appears to now be in pink and &nbsp;all caps. I feel that the stat being in all caps unbalances the line (with "saving throw" following in all lower case) and just doesn't look as nice. ^^; It stood out just fine in pink and was, in my opinion, quick and easy to read already. What it used to be: (sorry about the width difference - had to go into the chat history to find it) Current: ... That's it; that's the post. :D
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Lindsey, it is an issue with the translations and will be fixed as soon as roll20 implements it - they are doing so now. James, sounds great!!
Oh! Awesome, ok - thank you for all you do! &lt;3
@Kryx and Lucian: Everything is looking great! Only thing missing is the green/red adv/dis dot that appeared in the rolls. I liked that feature. If you decide to add that back in, don;t change a thing after that! :P
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The dot is gone? Should be there.

Edited 1465848573
I just updated. Tried it on PCs and NPCs, nothing there. 4.3.0 and 3.0.0 respectively.
Is that a script setting?
API Scripter
The script shows dots on tokens for advantage/disadvantage. The dots on the roll template output are a sheet thing.

Edited 1465850323
Okay, I did find one minor thing, and I'm not even sure it actually is a thing because I can't recall what it looked like previously. When rolling checks for strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, or charisma for PC/NPCs, when hovering over the roll result, the core stat name associated with it doesn't show. Example: Rolling for Investigation -&nbsp; Rolling d20 + 2 = (13)+2 instead of&nbsp; Rolling d20 + 2[int] = (13)+2 The only reason why I bring this up is because it shows the core stat when rolling saves for each of those.

Edited 1465858506
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.3.1 (2016-06-13) Bug fixes Red/green dot for adv/disadvantage has been positioned correctly (it broke as a result of the tooltips being moved to the bottom right on the sheet) Template centering has been adjusted Added scrollbar on Bonds Fixed font sizes on NPC sheet giving mismatches (See screenshot above) Fix spell first row having a top border
Sheet Author
API Scripter
FYI there were performance improvements made on Roll20's end. I would expect the sheet to be much faster. See&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> if you're a pro user.
Another quick look and the only thing I could find in the limited time I spent looking it over is the text on death saves has no spaces on it between successes and failures The other stuff may just be I am not use to it yet as coins, armor, prof bonus, and inspiration outputs all feel a bit off balance because of how much space is open on the right but I would need more time to really say if it's just new to me being the reason it feels off or not.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'll fix death saving throws spacing. For the rest you likely don't like it because they are numbers in the text entry with inline rolls. I could convert them to output in the number section if you prefer. Not sure which way I'd lean.

Edited 1465913757
Sheet Author
Hi Kryx, On 4.3.1, I have a few comments : some accentuated letters in french texts translation appeared messed up. See image : The "é" character is sometimes printed correctly somtimes like this "Ãc". The strange thing is that this is true only for new characters. Old one have their "é" and "à" printed correctly. Might be something linked to latin to UTF-8 conversion in my experience, but I don't understand why it's showing only now. the roll with disadvantage when wearing an armour with this property is working for newly created characters, but not for old ones. I know that you recommend to create from scratch character when updating, but that's the only feature that seems not to work properly on old characters. So if you have some magic trick, I am all ears, otherwise, I'll force myself to re-create them all from scratch.

Edited 1465914146
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The old ones work because my translation system didn't cause this issue. Roll20's does. I will remind them to fix it. I don't recommend from scratch when up dat ing, only when up grad ing from the old legacy sheet. Up dat ing from shaped 2 and newer should be no problem. If you toggle off stealth and re-toggle it then it should do it for you. Though it should've done so on the update. You can also enter edit mode and change Stealth from "Normal" to "Diadvantage" - that's all the armor part does.

Edited 1465914582
Sheet Author
Ok, thanks for the precision between updating and upgrading ;) I tried toggling off and on Stealth on the Equipment tab with no success :( When I set the disadvantage manually on the stealth skill, it's working (rolling with red dot). But when I delete the armor, revert to normal, and re-add the armor, it's not working anymore (rolling normally). Strange behavior, but I can live without this feature. On newly created characters, it's working as intendend though.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If it's just one character then please set it manually. No idea how it would get in such a state where it didn't work unless it doesn't work on all sheets.
Sheet Author
Ok so I played a bit with the Stealth option and a few things I encountered : first, even with new characters, the Disadvantage roll is based only on the&nbsp;equipment&nbsp;having the "stealth" attribute toggled on, regardless of the&nbsp;armor&nbsp;being&nbsp;equipped&nbsp;or not (toggle or not) by the character into the Equipment tab. I don't know if this is by design. An improvement could be that, it rolls with disadvantage only when the&nbsp;armor&nbsp;is effectively equipped (to manage situation when PC take off their armor, without deleting the item from their inventory). When I generate again the skills (thanks to the button in Edit mode), and then use the newly generated Stealth, I have the same correct behavior than for a new character. So it was related to an "old" version of the skill being used. tl;dr : I fixed my issue but I propose a general improvment in the first bullet point

Edited 1465922343
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yes, it needs to be changed to only work when toggled on. I can't get the armor to toggle stealth to disadvantage either - I'll have to put out a fix for it. Old version of the sheet shouldn't cause a problem as I'm finding that field by a name that is stored in a hidden way. I'll investigate. Not until tomorrow though - I play tonight.
@Kryx Thanks for this link
Last night (10:14 PM CEST) something weird happened for me while playing our campaign using the live 4.1.1 sheet. I had made a roll switching to Disadvantage, but afterwards no matter how much I changed between Normal/Advantage and Disadvantage the roll continued to be with the red dot showing disadvantage. Hovering over the roll in the chat all the rolls appear to have been done using Normal (no kl1 or kh1 part, and no gray rolls for either advantage or disadvantage rolls).&nbsp;Eventually I relogged Roll20 and it was behaving normally again. I can't reproduce it.
Can someone explain the differences between these two: &nbsp;and&nbsp; I understand the last one to be where you adjust if there are some special modifier that influence your rolls. But why a seperate one for spellcasting, when it is already in the other one? Because it is more common with mods for these? I can see that if I type something in Heal it updates both. Also - I can't see e.g. a character's actual Spell DC is until I cast a spell - shouldn't that be shown on the character sheet (I know Default Ability is there - just had players not able to make the connection). Is this related to if someone multiclass e.g. a Wizard /Cleric (if so, isn't that an issue with Default Ability too?)?

Edited 1466006963
Sheet Author
API Scripter
They are the same. It is presented in both places to allow the user to adjust it on the fly. A character's spell DC is shown on the actual spell - both on the sheet and in the output. That DC depends on what ability they use which can vary per spell.
It would be nice to have an on/off toggle for Attachers (default on) that was taken into account before looping through the rest of the list.&nbsp; Example: I'd like to write an "Blessed"&nbsp;attacher, and roll a d4 every time I roll a saving throw or an attack, and I don't want it to show up if I'm not currently blessed. I can currently achieve this by editing my attacher and unchecking ~8 boxes, and rechecking ~8 boxes when I want to use it again. It would be nice if I could just check once to enable the attacher and once to disable it. Thanks for your work on the sheet!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Attachers have become less and less necessary. I honestly don't use them for anything on any of the characters in my campaigns. As of right now I don't plan on altering them much as a result. Though perhaps I'm missing some use cases. For bless look at the "Bonuses & Penalties" section of the settings tab. It actually recommends exactly what to put in those inputs. "d4cs0cf0" under ATTACKS - attack and SPELLCASTING - Attack.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
4.3.2 (2016-06-15) Bug fixes When spell levels has been changed so that if you have a spell of a level in your spells list that level will show in the slot levels as well as in the list of items to filter spells with. Example: I have spells of level 1&2 and slots of levels 1 and 2. I have a wand of fireballs - fireball being a 3rd level spell. The sheet now shows the 3rd level for slots as well as the 3rd level for spell level filtering. Death Saving throws on the roll template has been properly aligned
I like the attachers for a lot of interesting things, particularly the Blood Hunter's Crimson Rite (adds a small roll to damage dealt which can be of varying damage types, but isn't always active). &nbsp;Plus, needing to throw a formula into the bonuses and penalties section is a bit cumbersome, and doesn't allow for flavor text. &nbsp;A global toggle for each attacher would be nice; the only alternative I can think of is a separate attack whether it's active (e.g. "Longsword", and then "Longsword (Crimson Rite Active)") For now, I just use an attacher to attack rolls: "Deal [[1d4]] fire damage if Crimson Rite is active." Once my player acquires more rites though, the damage type may vary.

Edited 1466016175
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I would suggest you investigate the other common work flows - you can make crimson rite an extra item like smite and colossus slayer, etc. See the documentation. This is a much better usage than attachers. You can setup crimson rite to toggle for damage type. Regarding bless and other buffs: they are so uncommon that the need for a system to handle them is low. But handling it through the normal system instead of adding on some text that says "add 1" is much better. Attachers have no usage that I know of that other (better) workflows doesn't currently cover.
I use it to output my superiority dice (uses) for every attack. Certainly this does not make attachers essential as I can add it to the freeform of each attack but it does make it simpler. H

Edited 1466075044
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kryx said: I would suggest you investigate the other common work flows - you can make crimson rite an extra item like smite and colossus slayer, etc. See the documentation. This is a much better usage than attachers. You can setup crimson rite to toggle for damage type. Regarding bless and other buffs: they are so uncommon that the need for a system to handle them is low. But handling it through the normal system instead of adding on some text that says "add 1" is much better. Attachers have no usage that I know of that other (better) workflows doesn't currently cover. I know that this is not a debate about removing attachers, but I would still contest the statement that attachers have no usage. While attachers on attacks don't seem very useful to me, they are still useful as reminders on rolls that have no way of attaching stuff via a freetext field. E.g. I use an attacher on dexterity saving throws to remind me of shield master goodies (they would totally be forgotten otherwise), and an attacher on all saving throws for my paladin due to aura of courage. I could just add the bonus to the saves directly, but this way, it also serves as a convenient reminder that everyone within 10 feet also gets to add the bonus to their saving throw. I don't believe that bless &nbsp;is a very good use case, on the other hand.