I am using TurnMarker.js TokenNameNumber.js StatusTracker.js IsGM.js Health Colour.js ItsATrap.js VecMath.js TokenCollisions.js PowerCards.js PersonalView.js New Script The newest script is PersonalView, listed below.... as posted recently....is there a coding error? I can't see an extra } but I am not a coder... on("change:campaign:turnorder", function(current, previous) { var CharacterIDs = ["-JgkH8hme8IcXgSo8F9f", "-JgkGs07oHSprISJutLR", "-JgkGrQvhn0XNpK4Vubk", "-Ji_M_ygUiza_oZ3wUyF", "-JgkH-DQxm6bYGRb2jWH", "-JgkGm0ANzfNR3Wdfcrm", "-JgkH2ttgf_oNlBi-pgE"]; // eg var CharacterIDs = ["-KHWScTHo_oHinvteAqm", "-KGucJWiVEW9vZhF7_eM", "-KHWSkIxLWXyGIO5A4dJ"]; var CurrentTO = JSON.parse(current.get("turnorder")); var PreviousTO = JSON.parse(previous["turnorder"]); var Token; var Character; // Save F2F data... if (!state.f2f) state.f2f = {}; if (_.isEmpty(state.f2f)) { _.each(CharacterIDs, function(charid) { Character = getObj("character", charid); state.f2f[charid] = { CharacterID: charid, ControlledBy: Character.get("controlledby") } }); } // Process the turn order... if (CurrentTO.length > 0) { _.each(state.f2f, function(a) { getObj("character", a["CharacterID"]).set("controlledby", ""); }); if (CurrentTO[0].id != -1) Token = getObj("graphic", CurrentTO[0].id); if (CurrentTO[0].id != -1 && Token.get("represents") !== "") Character = getObj("character", Token.get("represents")); if (CurrentTO[0].id != -1 && Token.get("represents") !== "" && Character.id in state.f2f) { Character.set("controlledby", state.f2f[Character.id]["ControlledBy"]); } else { // Return control to all players during npc and custom item turns... _.each(state.f2f, function(b) { getObj("character", b["CharacterID"]).set("controlledby", b["ControlledBy"]); }); } } else { // Turn order tracker is empty. Return control to all players... _.each(state.f2f, function(z) { getObj("character", z["CharacterID"]).set("controlledby", z["ControlledBy"]); }); state.f2f = {}; } // Simple Initiative Tracker (Green Dot)... if (CurrentTO.length === 0 && PreviousTO[0].id != -1) getObj("graphic", PreviousTO[0].id).set("status_green", false); if (CurrentTO.length > 0 && CurrentTO[0].id != -1) getObj("graphic", CurrentTO[0].id).set("status_green", true); if (PreviousTO.length > 0 && PreviousTO[0].id != -1) getObj("graphic", PreviousTO[0].id).set("status_green", false); });