This question may have been asked before, but I am making a Journal Handout to describe Skills for a game's rules, and wanted to set up a short list at the top as links to be able to click one and jump to the relevant section, which requires a "destination anchor tag". In regular HTML, this is achieved by labelling a link like <a href="#Fishing">Fishing</a> to jump to a section such as <h2 id="Fishing">Fishing</h2> In the formatting bar there is a chain icon to Insert Link, and buttons for 3 kinds of links: URL, e-mail or Anchor are given, but I don't know what to put if I select the Anchor choice. It probably doesn't have to be the full HTML code, but I can't tell if I need just a name of the link, with #, with or without quotes. Let me know if there is a way to insert Destination Anchors.