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Gorefest Dungeon June 12th Session

Joining us today is: Archie playing Welet Tonkin the Cleric at 250 points Mark W . playing Kegorach the Elven Wizard at 271 points Naryar playing Brother Sarman the Martial Artist at 283 points Luke C. playing Kritty the Catfolk Swashbuckler at 299 points. Today’s session started out slow with the group at town finishing up with their final purchases before searching out for a quest. Kegorach came through for the group as he managed to remember some rumors about caravans being attacked and the trading company paying for the retrieval of the cargo manifests and for whatever is causing the attacks to be neutralized. More rumors pointed them towards a Myrmidon nest near the place where the caravans disappeared. These bipedal insects that were cousins of the Coelopterans. In order to make this trip, they bought a wagon and several laborers to drive the horses and watch the wagon while they investigated the nest. With Sarman and Kritty attempting to enter first with stealth, finding only a gap in the rocks to a small area and a small pond full of rainwater. Returning to the group and explaining what they have found, the made the attempt to draw close a drone with a thrown ration and control him with a cleric’s spell. Instead what happened is that Kegorach managed to establish communication with the Myrmidons using a large amount of gesturing. Unfortunately, communications broke down fairly soon due to a misunderstanding and instead the group decided to set up a choke point at the entrance to the nest and started a fight. It didn’t go the way that they wanted when the injured drone was immediately picked up by the others and taken away while those from the Soldier caste screened them. Perhaps it was this display that caused guilt in the party and made them back down. Instead Kegorach got back into contact with the ants and convinced them to allow him and Hobo the cleric to go heal the drone. Led further into the nest, the two casters were brought into a dark circle of Myrmidons where communication was establish with a deaf Elite and the drone was healed. A back and forth conversation ensued where they revealed that they did take the wagons and boxes from the caravan and that the people from the caravans were dead. Despite healing the drone, the Elite was adamant that Sarman was to be brought to them to pay for his crime against the nest while Kegorach attempted to convince them that since no harm was done, they didn’t need him. Through a few miscommunications with the Elite, it finally came down to Hobo hitting Sarman with a Spasm spell forcing him to drop to the ground. Happy with this turn of events where it appeared that even his team agreed he must pay for the harm, the Elite ordered several soldiers forwards to the stricken Martial Artist as Kegorach frantically gestured for them to stop. CP awarded: •1 CP for coming to the table. Total of 1CP Kegorach has earned the right to purchase Sign Language (Myrmidon)
...By the way, what's the cost of a resurrection spell ?
Around $30,000 in town, if you're lucky.
Bad mistakes on my part it seems, all the way through the session! I hope Sarman gets out at least, we did kinda throw him under the bus after we all agreed to attack there. I did a pretty bad job roleplaying the SoD (AC) and Selflessness disadvantages too. Me and honourary Hobo Sarnam could have broken out the rice wine and sat down for some Meditation after the negotiations for some additional guidance but hindsight is 20/20 and all that. I didn't even notice that the warrior had left until we started attacking because of where I had put my camera.
Lol not really. I was the one responsible for the attack, and hence Sarman is reaping what he sow. Although there was a LOT of team confusion within the team while we were pondering our options, and that certainly influenced me to attack. I guess this is what you get when we start roleplaying and solving dungeons differently in a hack-and-slash game. Also I thought resurrection was more expensive than that... Anyways, not dead yet. So that's one option open if Sarman dies and isn't devoured by the ants. If he survives, he is certainly going to acquire more quirk level phobias. And of course immediately get drunk afterwards.
Resurrection is 300 energy points and a Kromm post puts the price at around $25,000. I decided to just make it a nice round 30k and the body has to make it back to town. As for the current situation, I will say that there may be the possibility of getting Sarman out without losing a limb.
well kritty is getting antsy and is ready for a fight ... and some fat loot ;) worst case the munk dies and i will use his gold for the good of me :D lol :P
Interesting! Cliff hanger!
Yep. Gonna see what I can actually do this coming sunday. As said, everyone might be able to avoid losing limbs.
ok so some bad news on my end this sunday June 26 2016 i cant make it sence the one day CPR and first aid has turned into a two day one >.> and i have to do it for both school and work >.< its a pain ... but kritty is kinda out of the loop right now any ways lol :P look ford to hearing the recap lol maybe by the time i am here kritty will have something to swing at lol :P
*joins in Chris's Vader scream*