After GMing twice a week 6-10 hour sessions for almost a year now I've noticed my chat archive is getting a bit.. shall we excessively long? To the point where it locks up the R20 tab for me for about 20+ seconds when I ask it to display the entire thing, (and I have a fairly high end computer) and some of my players on slower comps can't access the archive at all anymore. (Likely because of some crazy long half dozen 1dx10000000+10000000 rolls a player made a few months back to prove a point about random calculations that are now just crazy large numerical values it has to render every time the chat log is accessed.) Is there some way to easily prune the log down into smaller sections? (maybe separated into 3 months blocks of play sessions?) I know there's an option to delete the log in its entirety, but that would remove the ability of players reference it when they need to look up names/places and other past events during the game.