Northlander- 2nd Edition AD&D Campaign Next game will be Friday October 04 5:00PM PST (2 weeks from now) Northlander is a fantasy based campaign setting focusing on cultures that mirror those of the Norse, Karelian (Finnish), and Celtic cultures. All characters begin at 1st level Character classes available: Warriors: Fighters & Rangers. Wizards: Mages & Specialist Wizards. Priests: Clerics, Druids, specialty priests. Rogues: Thieves and Bards. Races Human, Half-Elf, Halfling, Gnome, Dwarf, Bariaur, and Half-Giant. Attributes Players have 84 points to assign to character attributes (Strength, Intelligence, etc.) Regardless of racial bonuses or penalties, initial ability scores cannot be lower than 6 or higher than 18 (the exception being Half-Giants who may have Strength scores as high as 20). Warriors characters may purchase Exceptional Strength at 1 point per 20%. Proficiency checks Non-weapon proficiencies may be chosen from the following sourcebooks: Player's Handbook Complete Thief's Handbook Complete Ranger's Handbook Complete Bard's Handbook. Unless a cost for crossover groups is specified, all proficiencies from Complete Handbooks are allowed only for the class to which the book pertains. Characters receive a +1 /level to their proficiency check rolls When rolling the success of a proficiency check the degree of success will vary. If you roll lower than or equal to your proficiency score you achieve a standard success. If you roll lower than or equal to half of your proficiency score you achieve a good success. If you roll lower than or equal to one quarter of your proficiency score you achieve an amazing success. Alignment Characters must be of Good or Neutral Alignment Starting Hit Points Characters have maximum hit points for the first three levels. Starting funds Characters begin with maximum gold pieces for their classes; 200 for a fighter or ranger; 180 for a cleric or druid; 120 for a rogue; and 50 for a wizard. Warriors
Weapon specialization: Only single-class fighters (not rangers) may choose to utilize weapon specialization. Parrying, as described in the Player's Handbook, may be used. Most weapons, equipment, and non-weapon proficiencies from the Complete Fighter's Handbook are allowed, but samurai weapons, firearms, and new armor types are specifically excluded. Shrug off: Warriors get back one half of all hit points lost after surviving a combat encounter. Wizards
Wizards with high Intelligence can gain the ability to cast bonus spells in the same way that Priests gain bonuses for high Wisdom: Ability score Bonus Spells 13 1st 14 1st 15 2nd 16 2nd 17 3rd 18 4th Wizard spells may be selected from the Player's Handbook, Tome of Magic, and Complete Wizard's Handbook. Wizard Proficiencies Wizard characters receive the Spellcraft and read /write proficiencies for free. Initial spells Mages are given an initial spell book which contains Cantrip, Detect Magic, Read Magic, and four 1st level spells of the characters choice. Specialist wizards may not select spells from an opposing school as part of their initial spells. Bard's are given an initial spell book which contains Cantrip, Detect Magic, Read Magic, and two 1st level spells of the characters choice. Subsequent Spells Wizards add two spells to their spell books upon gaining a new casting level, and Bards add one spell upon reaching a new casting level. These spells may be of any spell level that the PC can cast, so an 8th level wizard can choose 1st through 4th level spells. All other spells must be obtained through their adventures. Priests
Player character Priests may only worship non-evil deities. Priest Proficiencies Priests receive the religion and read /write proficiencies for free. Priest spells Priests do not memorize their spells in advance the way that wizards do. Priest spells are in fact prayers that are invoked by the Priest and given power by virtue of their faith, their standing in the church, and the whim of their deity. Therefore as long as the spell is of a level and sphere allowed to the priest, then he may cast it.