Heh, [Calculation] was just a placeholder for what the actual stuff is.
Here is where I wish roll20 had a spoilers type formatting so I could hide these macros, but here are the macros in their entirety:
?{Action|Compound Longbow, %{Fyodor Konstantin (Ardeyn)|Compound-Longbow} |Longsword, %{Fyodor Konstantin (Ardeyn)|Longsword}}
The longsword macro is not roll query compatible yet because I stopped working on this when this error cropped up. The longbow macro is:
&{template:default& #125; {{name=**Fyodor Konstantin**
@{attack1} & #125;& #125; {{attack=[[1d20]]& #125;& #125; {{Target # Modifier= [[[[?{Effort to hit& #124;0& #125;*-3]][Effort] -3[Heavy Ranged] -3[Archery] + ?{Additional Attack Modifiers(#[description])& #124;0[No Modifiers]& #125;]] & #125;& #125; {{Effort to hit=[[?{Effort to hit& #125;]] & #125;& #125; {{Damage=[[@{attackdmg1}[Weapon Damage] + [[?{Effort to damage& #124; 0 & #125; *3]][Effort] + ?{Pierce& #124;no,0 & #124;yes& #44;1 & #125;[Pierce] + ?{Special Ammo& #124;No& #44;0[No Special Ammo] & #124;Psychic Arrows& #44;2[Psychic Arrows]& #125; ]] & #125;& #125; {{Effort to damage= [[?{Effort to damage& #124; 0 & #125;]] & #125;& #125; {{Max Effort=[[@{effort}]] & #125;& #125; {{Covering Fire=?{Covering Fire?& #124;no& #44; No & #124; Yes& #44; Yes:[[2]] speed & #13;Target's attacks are 1 step more difficult (easier to defend against)& #125; &# 125;& #125; {{Successive Attack= If enemy defeated, make free attack against new target & #125;& #125;
And since it's easier to read, here it is without the html entities:
&{template:default} {{name=**Fyodor Konstantin**
@{attack1} }} {{attack=[[1d20]]}} {{Target # Modifier= [[[[?{Effort to hit|0}*-3]][Effort] -3[Heavy Ranged] -3[Archery] + ?{Additional Attack Modifiers(#[description])|0[No Modifiers]}]] }} {{Effort to hit=[[?{Effort to hit}]] }} {{Damage=[[@{attackdmg1}[Weapon Damage] + [[?{Effort to damage| 0 } *3]][Effort] + ?{Pierce|no,0 |yes,1 }[Pierce] + ?{Special Ammo|No,0[No Special Ammo] |Psychic Arrows,2[Psychic Arrows]} ]] }} {{Effort to damage= [[?{Effort to damage| 0 }]] }} {{Max Effort=[[@{effort}]] }} {{Covering Fire=?{Covering Fire?|no, No | Yes, Yes:[[2]] speed
Target's attacks are 1 step more difficult (easier to defend against)} }} {{Successive Attack= If enemy defeated, make free attack against new target }}
But it gives this as the output:
Note the ability command buttons in Successive Attack that are not present in the actual macro, along with the -0 target number and +0 damage lines in Effort to hit and Effort to damage respectively.
EDIT: HTML entities were converted when I posted this replay, have put spaces in them so that they now show up correctly.