Hello there, as the title explains, I'm looking for a D&D 4th edition campaign. When can I play? My timezone is GMT+2, I can play on weekends at pretty much any time, or fridays after 6 PM local time. If possible, I'd like to play every two weeks, but at least once a month. Experience tells me that games with sessions any rarer than that usually tend to fall apart, so I'd like to keep a somewhat regular rhythm. What do I want to play? Well, 4E, obviously. Joking aside, I'm looking for a longer campaign, something that takes me from humble beginnings to hero of legend. Mechanically speaking, I'd like to begin low and eventually reach high levels. Not necessarily all the way to 30, but somewhere around 20 would be quite ideal. I'm just really itching for that classic "fighting your way to the top"-feel, if that makes any sense. What do I bring to the table? Enthusiasm, mostly. I tend to be an active player in the sense that I not only participate during the sessions, but also like to communicate with the rest of the group outside the game regarding planning our next move, characters, backstories, etc. I'm reliable, so barring extreme circumstances (my sudden demise, for example) I won't flake out. Once I agree to a date, I will absolutely turn up. I also have about 10+ years of RPG experience, both as a player and GM, and I know the rules pretty well, so you won't have to teach me or anything like that. So yeah, that's me. If you're a GM who always wanted to run a 4E campaign, but wasn't quite sure or was looking for a sign, well, look no further.