"What you really want on that thing is gyroscopic recoil compensation. Holo pick up wouldn't hurt either. Hell, may as well go all the way and pimp it out!" For Vic, or anyone else wanting to pimp out their weapons, here is the list of gear that will help. It was confirmed in a meta that these bonuses do stack, but some of them don't overlap, like the laser sight and the holo sight. The following is what I think would make up your basic level of pimpage: Intelligent Weapon +1 if -DM is less than 2 Holographic Sights +1 DM at Medium, IR/Low light, reduce range by 2 range bands. Laser Scope +1 DM when aiming Laser Sight +1 DM at Close and Short range HUD +2 DM at all ranges. Total cost: 9150cr ( with comp/1 int weapon ) With all of the junk listed above attached to your weapon you'll be getting +3/+4 DM on each shot. Even if you're totally uncoordinated you're probably going to hit most of the time. Optional extras I think would be cool for Vic's Gauss rifle Gyrostabiliser (TL 9): Stabilisers can be added to any weapon with recoil, reducing the recoil by one point at the cost of 300 credits . ( CSS p54 ) Monopod/Bipod/Tripod (TL 4): A weapon can be given a support frame to stabilize and support it for a cost of Cr. 50 . It takes 2 minor actions to set up the weapon. Recoil is halved (round down) when firing from this rest. ( CSS p55 ) ( Handy if you want to lay down the auto. Recoil goes up by 1 when firing a burst, and by 2 when going fully auto ) Bio-Mass Sighting Aid (TL 10): Using the thermal signature of a target and a densitometer, this device ‘fills in’ the outline of targets on its display. The sighting aid reduces the DM for cover by 2 points and can ‘see’ through up to 12 inches of inorganic material. Cr. 500.The TL 12 version is more sophisticated and can eliminate up to 4 points of DM due to cover; it costs Cr. 750. ( CSS p54 ) Duct Tape (TL 6): A strong, fabric-based, multi-purpose adhesive tape. Useful for hasty repair work as well as for restraining and gagging prisoners, among many other things. Cr. 5. ( good for taping extra mags together, or for when you need to keep you man boobs from wobbling during action scenes ) Toughened Sights (Details vary) Rugged versions of these sights are available at one Tech Level higher and at 1.5 x the cost. These sights are extremely tough; they can be used to hit someone over the head as an improvised weapon and will remain accurate afterwards. ( CSS p55 ) X-Ray Outlining Aid (TL 9): Adding a special outlining element to an existing sighted scope, the firer can see exactly where a target’s body lies behind an obscuring object. So long as the object is not made of metal, shielded or more than a metre thick the firer ignores any cover or concealment that the target is taking advantage of. Cr.300. The TL 11 version is more powerful and can function through up to 3 metres of material. ( CSS p54 ) ( Lower TL than the bio mass scope, and totally eliminates cover DMs, and it's cheaper. I think this is an example of how the CSC is a Frankenstein of different source materials. I chose to pretend this scope didn't exist when pimping out my guns, but here it is if you want it. ) So all up, for a maximum pimpage that includes a gyro stabilizer and a toughened biomass scope you're looking at a total of 10575cr A 100 round mag for a gauss rifle costs 40cr . If you're keen on APDS ammo that turns your AP attack into a super AP attack (-8 from target's armour) you're looking at 400cr per mag. Worth it. Gauss rifles also come with a RAM grenade launcher. So it may be worth looking into grabbing a grenade or two. Even if it's just a smoke grenade. You're scope can see through smoke so it could be handy to fire that out first. Either that or a some other kind of explosive mayhem. The price of RAM grenades are a touchy subject for me though.... would rather not talk about it. The following stuff it just for reference. Rifle, Gauss 4mm (TL 12): Rifle, Gauss 4mm (TL 12): Arguably the ultimate development of the slug thrower, the gauss rifl e generates an electromagnetic field along the length of its barrel which accelerates a bullet to very high velocities. The round itself consists of a dense armour piercing core surrounded by a softer metal covering, ending in a hollow point. This gives the round excellent stopping power and good armour penetration. A single-shot RAM grenade launcher is fitted as standard, it takes two full combat rounds to load a new grenade. Gauss rifl es may use semi-automatic, burst-fi re or full-automatic modes; either the rifl e or the grenade launcher may be fi red in a given round. Gauss rifl e needles are not compatible with handgun ammunition. ( CSS p82 ) Gauss Weapons use electromagnetic effects to accelerate projectiles to very high velocity. Although of smaller calibre than other projectiles, gauss needles penetrate armour better and deliver worse injuries on the whole. All gauss weapons in this section are treated as full-AP weapons, ignoring a number of points of armour equal to the number of dice they roll for damage. DSAP (Discarding Sabot Armour-Piercing) ammunition can be used in all gauss weapons larger than pistols. It converts a gauss weapon to super-AP, ignoring twice as many points of armour as they roll dice for damage. ( CSS p82 ) (DSAP cost x10) ( CSS p52 ) Intelligent Weapon (TL 11): This adds Computer/0 to any weapon. intelligent Weapon (TL 11):Cr 1,000.The TL 13 upgrade adds Computer/1 to any weapon. Cr 5,000 ( CSS p56 ) Laser Sight (TL 8): A laser dot pointer can be fi tted to most weapons. It is not useful beyond Short range but at Close or Short range it grants a +1 DM on all hit rolls. Cr. 200, negligible weight. At TL 10, the use of more advanced optics eliminates the beam-and-dot signature of the basic laser, at no increase in cost. ( CSS p54 ) Personal Heads-Up Display (HUD) (TL 9): A personal HUD projects an aim point on an image of the target, automatically correcting for wind, gravity and so on. Various display devices are available, ranging from a vacc suit helmet visor to a pair of designer shades. A HUD grants a +2 DM on all hit rolls at all ranges, for any weapon it is keyed to. Pickups for additional weapons cost Cr. 250 each and require an hour or so to fi t and calibrate. There is no real limit on how many weapons can be calibrated to one HUD. Cr. 1,500, 0.5 kg. At TL 11 the HUD is a holographic projector and no obvious visual device need be worn. These HUDs cost the same as the standard TL 9 version but have negligible mass. ( CSS p54 ) Holographic Sights (TL 10): Holographic sights project an image of the aim point for the user and automatically compensate for wind, gravity and similar conditions. They are not useful in a close-range point-and-shoot situation but give the benefits of electronic telescopic sights plus a +1 DM to hit rolls for shots made at Medium range. Cr. 2,000, 0.5 kg. ( CSS p54 ) Electronic Telescopic Sights (TL 7): Electronic Telescopic Sights (TL 7): Electronic sights combining the capabilities of both electronic and telescopic sights . They are still rather fragile. Cr. 3,000, 1.8 kg. ( CSS p54 ) Electronic Sights (TL 6:) Electronic Sights (TL 6:) Electronic sights with image enhancement and light intensifications capabilities are available to provide the capability to see and hit in the dark. Treat any low-light conditions as normal lighting for weapons equipped with such sights. These sights do not increase the weapon’s performance at range, other than by removing the worst eff ects of poor lighting. Cr. 2,000, 1.5 kg. ( CSS p54 ) Telescopic Sights (TL 4): Telescopic Sights (TL 4): High-quality telescopic sights for attachment to a longarm, such as a rifl e or carbine. The sights eff ectively reduce the range to the target (for purposes of determining the DM due to range) by 2 range bands, while conducting aimed fi re. Low-tech (TL 5 or lower) telescopic sights are delicate, however and can be misaligned by jarring impact or temperature, humidity and so forth. Cr. 25, 0.8 kg. ( CSS p53 ) Laser Sight (TL 8): Integrated optics and laser sights give an extra +1 DM bonus to any attack that has been aimed (see page 61 for
the aim action). Cr 100. At TL 10, x-ray lasers and improved display
technology removes the tell-tale ‘red dot’ of a vislight laser. Cr 200. ( Main Rulebook p102 )