Hi all, I had been looking for some magic item tables for pathfinder to import using TableExport for use with RecursiveTables. Silvyre pointed me to a database of 3.5 magic item table import commands that Ziechael had put together. Since I'm not sure what needed to be changed between 3.5 and Pathfinder for magic items, beyond that I needed greater/lesser lists for minor/medium/major items and I'm running Iron Gods right now and needed to add a whole bunch of tech tables, I went ahead and made my own. I've uploaded the commands to github (new table imports here)if anyone is interested. If you aren't running with technological items, just ignore the Minor/Medium/Major Item table and make all your calls straight to Minor/Medium/MajorMagicItems. I'll be updating this in a bit with better html calls to d20pfsrd.com for details on specific weapon/armor types similar to how the spell table for the wands and scrolls works (I figured out how to extract web addresses from cells towards the end of setting this up). I also plan to add a generic gear set of tables.
The google sheet I used for parsing the TableExport data into human readable tables and my edited tables into !import-table commands is here(public version). For extracting the web addresses I used an excel VBA script, I'll see if there's a way to transition that into the google sheet as well, but in the mean time this is the script:
Let me know what you guys think of the tables.
EDIT: This is the macro I use with this set of tables:
!rt /w gm &{template:pf_generic} {{name=Settlement}} {{subtitle=Inventory}} {{Minor Items=[[[[?{Settlement Minor Items|Thorp,1d4|Hamlet,1d6|Village,2d4|Small Town,3d4|Large Town,3d4|Small City,4d4|Large City,4d4|Metropolis (Nearly All Minor Items Available),4d10}]]t[MinorItem] ]]}} {{Medium Items=[[[[?{Settlement Medium Items|Thorp,0d0|Hamlet,0d0|Village,1d4|Small Town,1d6|Large Town,2d4|Small City,3d4|Large City,3d4|Metropolis, 4d4}]]t[MediumItem] ]]}} {{Major Items=[[[[?{Settlement Major Items|Thorp,0|Hamlet,0|Village,0|Small Town,0|Large Town,1d4|Small City,1d6|Large City,2d4|Metropolis,3d4}]]t[MajorItem] ]]}}
Output for a Large Town:
Added better granulation for random Ioun Stone result as well as direct hyperlinks to most item results. Did not add direct hyperlinking to specific weapon types on d20pfsrd.com as the specific pages don't actually have that much useful information.
The google sheet I used for parsing the TableExport data into human readable tables and my edited tables into !import-table commands is here(public version). For extracting the web addresses I used an excel VBA script, I'll see if there's a way to transition that into the google sheet as well, but in the mean time this is the script:
Function GetURL(rng As Range) As String On Error Resume Next GetURL = rng.Hyperlinks(1).Address End FunctionWhich I found in this Q&A forum.
Let me know what you guys think of the tables.
EDIT: This is the macro I use with this set of tables:
!rt /w gm &{template:pf_generic} {{name=Settlement}} {{subtitle=Inventory}} {{Minor Items=[[[[?{Settlement Minor Items|Thorp,1d4|Hamlet,1d6|Village,2d4|Small Town,3d4|Large Town,3d4|Small City,4d4|Large City,4d4|Metropolis (Nearly All Minor Items Available),4d10}]]t[MinorItem] ]]}} {{Medium Items=[[[[?{Settlement Medium Items|Thorp,0d0|Hamlet,0d0|Village,1d4|Small Town,1d6|Large Town,2d4|Small City,3d4|Large City,3d4|Metropolis, 4d4}]]t[MediumItem] ]]}} {{Major Items=[[[[?{Settlement Major Items|Thorp,0|Hamlet,0|Village,0|Small Town,0|Large Town,1d4|Small City,1d6|Large City,2d4|Metropolis,3d4}]]t[MajorItem] ]]}}
Output for a Large Town:
Added better granulation for random Ioun Stone result as well as direct hyperlinks to most item results. Did not add direct hyperlinking to specific weapon types on d20pfsrd.com as the specific pages don't actually have that much useful information.