Lets say I make an entry, that is just a table of rolls that are common. 1d20+1 1d20+2 1d6+1 1d6+2 1d6+3 ETC. Is there a way to make them all hyperlink type rolls? When playing MOST monsters in the game, they have simple things... Like 1d20+5 for attack, 1d6+2 for damage.... If I had a journal that I could just click the various rolls, and it would roll them, I wouldn't need to create a sheet for each monster... I could just say, oh it's a +5 monster, or a +2 monster, click click, rolls are easy peasy. (I realize I can make a generic character with all these as macros, but the layout is ugly with a single column. I'd like to get it working with a bit more formatting.)