I have two questions about macros. I've seen em referenced a few times here on the forums, and I'm not understanding em. The first one is the term "selected". I've seen a few macros set up on the forums like "/roll d20+@{selected|WIS_MOD}" Is this macro intended for the GM to be able to pull the wis mod off of the token he has selected? Or is the word selected a placeholder for the name of a character? My second question is in attack macros. I'll frequently see things like "/me recognizes an ally in trouble,looses a quick disruptive arrow [[1d20+13 vs AC]]" Is that intended to pull up the AC of the token you have targeted so you know if you hit? Or is this just designed to be a reminder that this attack is vs AC and not vs Touch AC or something? I'd be inclined to think it was just a reminder, but it's inside of the brackets for the roll so that makes me think it's referencing a number. Any help would be appreciated :)