Hello, my name's Aaron, I'm 19 years old, and for a number of years I've been interested in tabletop gaming. Several months ago I learned of a game called Shadowrun from Spoony's Counter Monkey series, and it really piqued my interest. However, I've never actually played before so if you accept me into your game you'll probably have to teach me the ropes. But don't worry, I'm a quick learner and I've played games such as Neverwinter Nights for quite some time so I'm somewhat accustomed to these types of games.
I realize that I'm posting this around the holidays, so I'm unlikely to get into a game until after New Years; but I'd like to post this early so when the games do start rolling in I'm first in line. I'm capable to playing essentially any time, since I don't have a job and I don't start school until next year. My time zone is -3.5GMT (People always ask about the .5, it's because I live in Newfoundland Canada and we have our own little time zone for some reason) so it's likely I'll be several hours ahead of any North American players.
I've already gone ahead and created a character (see attached) but if there's anything you want me to change then consider it done.
TL;DR: I'm a 19 year old guy named Aaron who has never played before but wants to get into a Shadowrun game.
I can be contacted on Skype with the username ElTacoLad
Anyway, thanks for reading my post and I hope you accept me into your game!