First attempt at using a sheet worker. So I have an HTML select input for Power Attack. The options are 0, 1, or 2. I have the following sheet worker code in my sheet: on("sheet:opened change:meleeweapon1-pwratk", function() {
getAttrs(["meleeweapon1-pwratk"], function(value) {
switch(value.meleeweapon1-pwratk) {
case "0":
"meleeweapon1-pwratk-attack": "",
"meleeweapon1-pwratk-damage": ""
case "1":
"meleeweapon1-pwratk-attack": "+ (?{Power Attack? (put in penalty with negative sign ie -3 (Max of -@{BAB})|0}) [Pwr Atk]",
"meleeweapon1-pwratk-damage": "+ [[abs(?{Power Attack? (put in penalty with negative sign ie -3 (Max of -@{BAB})|0})]] [Pwr Atk]"
case "2":
"meleeweapon1-pwratk-attack": "+ (?{Power Attack? (put in penalty with negative sign ie -3 (Max of -@{BAB})|0}) [Pwr Atk]",
"meleeweapon1-pwratk-damage": "+ [[2*abs(?{Power Attack? (put in penalty with negative sign ie -3 (Max of -@{BAB})|0})]] [Pwr Atk]"
}); The select input is changing the value to 0, 1, or 2, but the sheet worker never seems to set the other two attributes. I must be missing something (probably something simple). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!