here is the XML the xml needs to be converted to is a link to the script Wiki <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and here are the instructions from there I'm no XML wizard but files created in an older version seem to work but new ones I have created don't...Wolflair has done some updates lately that may have created code that the script doesn't no how to deal with. I wish I knew coding beter..I do a lot of VB and VBA coding at work but don't know java or xml very well. Usage Export the character (or characters) as an XML file in Hero Lab (File -> Save Custom Output, choose "Generate XML File"). Open the XML file in your favorite text editor that isn't WordPad, MS Word, or any other word processor (I recommend Notepad++ ) and copy the entire contents (Ctrl-A, then Ctrl-C, for the shortcut-impaired). Go to's XML to JSON converter , and convert the XML to JSON (paste the XML into the field on the left, set the result mode to "text", click "XML to JSON", then copy the text from the text field on the right). Paste the JSON text into the GM Notes on a token you intend to use for the FIRST character in the XML file (if you're importing more than one). Repeat steps 1-4 on new tokens, if you want to import multiple files at once. Select the token (or tokens), type "!hl-import" into the chat window, and press enter.