Looking for a group to play (long term) any non-fantasy game (that is not d&d, PF, etc). When: Weekday evenings or afternoons between 3 PM and 11 PM PDT (GMT -7). Any day Monday through Friday. Why: I'm running a PF game and have another high fantasy on the burner. I want to play a sci-fi or modern action game. I have over 20 years of experience with most RPG systems from the 80's and a few from the 90's. I like learning new systems as well. I tend to be quiet until I'm comfortable with a group and a game. Games I'm familiar with: Cyberpunk 2020, Rolemaster Space, Star Frontiers, Gurps (Transhuman Space), Star Wars (d6 and Saga), Champions, Marvel Superheros. Any of these and more would be of interest. I'm something of a power-gamer and a rules lawyer, but I also follow the "GM is always right" rule. I have Skype as well as the Roll20 voice. I do not have a web cam and prefer not to bog down my (ancient) computer with any other programs. The best way to contact me is with the PM here on Roll20. Let me know if you have a group that I might fit in with.