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[5e Shaped] 6.1.0+

Kryx said: Dice is for the number. Die is for the size. No, I mean the third slot... Thanks
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Uhhh that shouldn't be there. I'll have to remove that on the next version. It doesn't do anything.
Kryx said: Uhhh that shouldn't be there. I'll have to remove that on the next version. It doesn't do anything. AH... that answers that... hehe eh thanks.   I will have some minor questions later regarding things that don't affect my game tomorrow, but I will get them all in one message for you.  The one thing I wanted to say was thanks for being  PROMPT...  really awesome man... really awesome!
Ok, I thought I had the general idea behind this spellcasting toggle... But, I guess not and i'm just more wondering exactly how it works...  like for example my wizard here.. Do I use the third or full setting?  but yeah, could you tell me when I should use each setting or do you have a page that already explains each one?  I love this sheet, just a couple things got me stumped :D! Thanks!
Full. It even says there ..wizard. It should auto-populate when you select the class. Third would be for Eldritch Knight, Arcane Trickster, etc. if I'm not mistaken.
Doug E. said: Full. It even says there ..wizard. It should auto-populate when you select the class. Third would be for Eldritch Knight, Arcane Trickster, etc. if I'm not mistaken. Oh, dang.. sorry... I get it now.. I guess I was thinking of it in a different way, so it wasn't clicking.  Thank!
Kryx said: Uhhh that shouldn't be there. I'll have to remove that on the next version. It doesn't do anything. I thought that third space was for Life Cleric Bonus for Healing Spells
Kryx said: Ryan, adding stealth to armor just changes how stealth rolls. You can do so in edit mode as well. Change it to roll with disadvantage. Okay, something is glitched out on his sheet. His AC is stuck at 18 even if I change what armor he has equipped and I have a feeling that is what is stopping the disadvantage from automatically being applied. Not sure how to figure a way to fix it. Tried removing all his armor from his sheet and re-added it but no luck. :(
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@jbokcrusader: you're correct. I've fixed that translation locally and pushed it so it'll be fixed in the next version or now for pro users who grab it from github. @Ryan: You'll have to send me an invite and give me control of the character in question.
Hi @kryx! I have an odd behavior with imported Spiritual Weapon spell, and wondered whether it was the sheet (I think so), or roll20. If it's the sheet, I'll create an issue on github. To reproduce: - Import Spiritual Weapon via API - Click the "Edit" pencil on the Spells tab - Click the "Modify" button - Page focus switches to "Spiritual Weapon" and an error message is displayed: "Please enter a valid value. The two nearest valid values are 0 and 1." - Click the "Done" button. Same error message is displayed again. - The field that is being highlighted as being in error is "Higher level", which has a dice value of 0.49. That happens to be correct for Spiritual Weapon, it's how the sheet can deal with SW's "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for every two slot levels above the 2nd." language 
@thorsten try dragging from the 5th edition SRD
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If you pull the latest from github it's fixed.
First of all great work with the sheet Kryx! I'm really loving it this far. I have only encountered two issues this far. First is that it's not possible to choose charisma saving throws for attachers. Is this somehow intentional? Second is that while spells work brilliantly with SRD there's a problem with Magic Missile and especially when choosing to cast it on higher level. Currently higher level only adds the extra dice (1d4) but the problem is that Magic Missile adds 1d4+1 / level. I got around this by setting 2nd damage as [[?{Spell Level}-1]] but I recon many doesn't even notice that they are missing that +1 / level. But anyway you're doing fine work here. Keep it up!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Charisma attacher added in the latest build. Magic Missile was discussed earlier in the thread and every thread since the beginning. :P See&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Btw I'm back from vacation so let me know if there are any other outstanding issues.
Hope you enjoyed yourself Kryx.&nbsp;
Doug E. said: Not that particular roll but here are two; This one showing that luck did not kick in and this one showing it did (at least, I assume the greyed out 1 is the original roll of 1 and the 17 is the re-roll Weird, but not impossible. And I've made lots of rolls to test and it always fails with the first roll but always functions ok with the second roll. Then I tried using normal setting for rolls and it will fail. Bump. It's not a huge priority for me as it is circumstantial but maybe someone else...? I couldn't log it on github because I don't have an account there.
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
I've actually been wondering about Life Domain cleric healing spells - is there a guide somewhere of what I should copy/paste where to best set it up? I've been doing it manually but it's a bit of a hassle when they level up.&nbsp;
@tim: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
@TheWebCoder What would you enter in global healing bonus to cover a Life Domain cleric's Disciple of Life ability (bonus heal of 2 + spell level)? I have been doing it on a case by case basis like this:
I accidentally entered a value in "uses" on a trait, and then cleared it out. I now get an error of no uses left from the Shaped Scripts Trait Police. Is there a way to clear this out? v6.0.4, BTW.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
John S. said: I accidentally entered a value in "uses" on a trait, and then cleared it out. I now get an error of no uses left from the Shaped Scripts Trait Police. Is there a way to clear this out? v6.0.4, BTW. Easiest to delete the trait and recreate it, probably.
How is the temporary hit point slot best used. It doesn't seem to be tied to the hp shown on the token. Do you have to manually account for them?&nbsp;
Gary W. said: How is the temporary hit point slot best used. It doesn't seem to be tied to the hp shown on the token. Do you have to manually account for them?&nbsp; What I usually do is set that attribute to a different bar. That way you can change it on the fly without having to use the character sheet.
John S. said: @TheWebCoder What would you enter in global healing bonus to cover a Life Domain cleric's Disciple of Life ability (bonus heal of 2 + spell level)? I have been doing it on a case by case basis like this: The old way to do this would be simply put 2 + ?{Spell Level} in the global heal variable. That will work perfectly and it will get applied to every spell that does healing without you having to manually add it to each spell. However, Kryx has the nice "cast at higher level" function that asks what level you want to cast spells, and it defaults to the base level of the spell. Putting 2 + ?{Spell Level} in the global heal will override that, which may be fine but it makes me wonder... Hey Kryx, is there a different way to write that now that would hook to your casting level selector instead of overriding with ?{Spell Level}
I've been doing the&nbsp; same at John S . I recall, in past sheet versions, the 5th field under Higher level was labeled 'Flat'.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
6.1.1 (2016-08-24) Features "Flat Heal" wording restored Remove warning for higher level dice if using 0.49 Charisma attacher for saving throws added (not sure how this was missing before - perhaps on the custom saving throws refactor) Halfling luck now applies if you're rolling in "normal" or to the first roll when rolling 2
Sheet Author
API Scripter
FYI I have pushed 6.1.1 (and 6.1.0) to roll20, though it is unlikely to go live for a week. Haven't had time to finish off OGL conversion, though as mentioned above that's mainly PC so it's not as crucial.

Edited 1472073076
Hey Kryx, for the healing bonus field under settings, is there a different way to write 2+?{Spell Level} that would use your casting level selector instead of overriding it with a blank selector? The goal is a global bonus for life clerics that is 2 + spell_level. Thank you.
Would this work? @{Character Name|higher_level_query_1} Just from looking at the chat stuff.
Hey there and thx for your work. I've been using an older version of your character sheet for a long time (in french) and i want to test the new one before converting my campaigns. My problem is that i can't find the language selection on the character sheet (i just created a new test campaign). Am i blind ? Can you help ? Thx in advance.

Edited 1472133126
BP said: Would this work? @{Character Name|higher_level_query_1} Just from looking at the chat stuff. BP, that was super close, but it couldn't find the Character Name. So 2 + @{higher_level_query_1} Example of the sheet <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Example of the output. Can anyone verify if it's doing the right math? I casted cure wounds at 4th level and Amathel has 16 Wis so +3 <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
lafouine2baz said: Hey there and thx for your work. I've been using an older version of your character sheet for a long time (in french) and i want to test the new one before converting my campaigns. My problem is that i can't find the language selection on the character sheet (i just created a new test campaign). Am i blind ? Can you help ? Thx in advance. The translation system is run directly through roll20 now. You need to change your language preference to French in your Account settings.
Liam said: lafouine2baz said: Hey there and thx for your work. I've been using an older version of your character sheet for a long time (in french) and i want to test the new one before converting my campaigns. My problem is that i can't find the language selection on the character sheet (i just created a new test campaign). Am i blind ? Can you help ? Thx in advance. The translation system is run directly through roll20 now. You need to change your language preference to French in your Account settings. THX A LOT ! Do you know if the Built in SRD &nbsp;will get translated one day ?

Edited 1472136559
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The SRD is very unlikely to be translated as the books aren't translated. That's the stance WotC has taken this time around. I'll take a look at the "higher_level_query" stuff when I get a chance. I'd be inclined to use "higher_level_query" if possible - it should work. I don't want to give wrong info though.
The SRD and the books are 2 different things. Isnt the SRD made for other people/companies to do something with it ? For the french version, we have this website :&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The whole SRD is translated and accessible. It would be easy to implement that in roll20 i guess ?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
This topic is best handled with roll20 as I have no power over the SRD.
Yeah, you're right. THX.
I don't know if im just not seeing it i have seen where it says it can be edited but i cant seem to find where Is there a way for the 5e shaped sheet on roll 20 to do the brutal critical automatically when you roll a crit

Edited 1472233470
alucard d. said: I don't know if im just not seeing it i have seen where it says it can be edited but i cant seem to find where Is there a way for the 5e shaped sheet on roll 20 to do the brutal critical automatically when you roll a crit @Alucard, on the first page of the sheet you've got the weapons enable edit mode by clicking the pencil click gear for the weapon in question to open up the module on the damage line, the last item is "crit" increase that value by 1 die. For example, for a greataxe, instead of 1d12 (the default) make it 2d12. Then the net result on a crit would be 1d12 + str + 2d12 crit. You could even type in the info for brutal critical under the "freetext" field as a reminder

Edited 1472253527
Hey Kryx, one more for you: is there a way to connect a custom attribute to the uses of a trait? For example, I make a custom attribute called lucky_points and it has a value of 3/3. I then connect the blue dot (bar) of my token to lucky_points. So far, so good, but it could be even better. Is it then possible to somehow associate lucky_points to the uses of the Lucky Feat trait? Another approach is if I could somehow directly assign a class trait to a token dot? My end goal is to be able to track a trait in the dots, just as I can with, say, hit points.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
All you can do is ask Roll20 to restore the ability to set repeating sections to the bubbles. Nothing else I can do, unfortunately.
Kryx said: All you can do is ask Roll20 to restore the ability to set repeating sections to the bubbles. Nothing else I can do, unfortunately. Ah, ok. I'll follow up with them. Thanks man.
I'm encountering the issue again where I can update an NPC attribute, but it doesn't recalculate the bonus. It's as if the sheetworkers aren't kicking in. On 6.0.4 right now. I can re-test with 6.1.1, though last time this happened, the update to a newer sheet version jolted it out of its funk and it started working again. (Animated GIF - does that work in here? :))
@Thorsten B. : I've encountered this before, I find that if I reload (actually exit and rejoin, not refresh the browser page) it will work properly. I think it's a issue with the sheetworkers not triggering due to some browser connection or event not working right.
@BP: That did it! This is a roll20 / browser issue then, not a sheet issue. Good to know, and thanks for giving me the workaround!
Wait, you mean the old 'turn it off and back on' fixes problems? Unheard of!!
I have seen that the battlemaster/life cleric questions on setup coming up all the time so I went now that I have more freetime again and started the section that I have put off for a bit in the documentation. At the end there is a new section (WIP) for Example Macro Setups with examples on how to set up some commonly asked things for different classes. Currently it covers barbarian, life cleric, and battlemaster with more coming in the next few days (late here atm). So hopefully this can be a section found/pointed to for those who are wondering how to set these things up so anyone that wants to add/make things clearer feel free to on the documentation or give a suggestion in one of these threads. I may not be active in posting but I do read the shaped sheets threads. For those who want a quick link to the new section <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Hello. I have a game with a previous version of the shaped sheet. Is there anyway to update with a Plus account? Thanks!