I'm trying to use this script for generating table results, and I'm not getting the results I'm expecting. I'm using The Aaron's version of BrianRTMod, version 1.0003. When I use the macro !rtpower --name|Critical Table I --Critical Hit|[rt:CritTableI[1d8 + 20]#] for example (just for testing), I'm expecting that I'll get the 21st result in the table I have...every time. There are only 21 results, each with weight 1. Yet I get a different result every time. According to the description of the script, "Sufficiently large values for expression or negative values for expression may force the results to clamp at the top or bottom of the table." This is not the behavior I see. It looks more like a wrap-around effect. I am clearly getting results that are not just the last result on the table, and also clearly not just the first 8, as they would be if I were just rolling 1d8. The problem is the same if I use 1d8-8, expecting to get the first result every time. Am I misunderstanding something? Or doing something wrong? Maybe there's a script update I'm missing?