EDIT: added the set of NPC templates. These can be used by anyone, they just have slightly different formatting. Thanks to tox for pointing these out to me. EDIT2: The info contained in this post is now available on the wiki as well: <a href="https://wiki.roll20.net/5e_OGL_Roll_Templates" rel="nofollow">https://wiki.roll20.net/5e_OGL_Roll_Templates</a>. Since there doesn't seem to be much info around about the 5e OGL templates. Here's what I've figured out from logging the chat input via the API to see just what was being passed with a variety of options. First of all there are 5 templates; atkdmg, atk, dmg, simple, and spell. The details for each: atkdmg (I'll explain the parts of this one in the atk and dmg templates themselves): &{template:atkdmg} {{mod=+8}} {{rname=rname}} {{r1=r1}}
{{always=1}} {{r2=r2}} {{attack=0}} {{range=range}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}}
{{dmg1=dmg1}} {{dmg1type=dmg1type}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg2flag=1}} {{dmg2=dmg2}}
{{dmg2type=dmg2type }} {{crit1=$[[6]]}} {{crit2=$[[7]]}} {{save=1}} {{saveattr=saveattr}}
{{savedesc=savedesc}} {{savedc=savedc}} {{desc=desc}} ammo=Fists {{charname=charname}} simple (as with atkdmg, the parts will be explained below): &{template:simple} {{rname=rname}}
{{mod=mod}} {{r1=r1}} {{always=1}} {{r2=r2}} {{charname=charname}} atk: &{template:atk} {{mod=mod}}
{{rname=rname}} {{rnamec=rname}} {{r1=r1}} {{always=1}} {{r2=r2}} {{range=range}}
{{desc=desc}} ammo=Fists {{charname=charname}} {{mod=}}: what goes in the mod
field {{rname= }}: what goes in the name
field on a standard roll. Apparently does not work in custom atk template
macros. {{rnamec=}}: what goes in the name
field on a critical roll. Apparently does not work in custom atk template
macros. {{r1=inline roll}}: the first roll {{always/advantage/disadvantage/normal=1}}:
formats for always rolling advantage/disadvantage, greying out the lower roll,
greying out the higher roll, only rolling once respectively {{r2=inline roll}}: the second roll. Not
displayed if normal is selected in the previous field. {{range=}}: attacks range {{desc=}}: attack description/text ammo=: not an actual roll template field, is used by the companion API for ammo tracking {{charname=}}: adds the
character’s name to the roll
dmg: &{template:dmg} {{rname=rname}}
{{attack=0}} {{range=range}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=dmg1}}
{{dmg1type=dmg1type }} {{damage=1}} {{dmg2flag=1}} {{dmg2=dmg2}} {{dmg2type=dmg2type
}} {{save=1}} {{saveattr=saveattr}} {{savedesc=savedesc}} {{savedc=savedc}}
{{desc=desc}} {{charname=charname}} {{rname= }}: what goes in the name
field on a standard roll. Does not actually get displayed unless the attack toggle is off. {{attack=}}: toggles formatting
for merging with an attack rolled without damage, has no effect in the atkdmg template {{range=}}: attack’s range {{damage=}}: no apparent effect {{dmg1flag/dmg2flag=}}: no
apparent effect {{dmg1/dmg2=inline roll}}: damage
roll {{dmg1type/dmg2type=}}: the type
of the corresponding damage {{save=}}: Toggles the save DC
area to be displayed/hidden. {{saveattr=}}: What save the
target needs to attempt {{savedesc=}}: What happens on a
save {{savedc=inline roll}}: the DC of
the save {{desc=text}}: attack
description/text {{charname=}}: adds the
character’s name to the roll spell: &{template:spell} {{level=Level
}} {{name=name}}
{{castingtime=castingtime}} {{range=range}} {{target=target}}{{v=1}} {{s=1}}
{{m=1}} {{material=material}} {{duration=duration}} {{description=description}}
{{athigherlevels=athigherlevels}} 0 {{concentration=1}} {{charname=charname}} {{target=}}: populates the target
field {{v/s/m=}}: toggles showing/hiding
V, S, M(and the specific material component) {{concentration=}}: toggles
show/hide of “concentration” in duration npcaction: &{template:npcaction} {{name=NAME}} {{rname=RNAME}} {{description=DESCRIPTION}} {{charname=CHARNAME}} npcatk: &{template:npcatk} {{attack=1}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{name=NAME}} {{rname=RNAME}} {{rnamec=RNAMEC}} {{r1=R1 [[1d20]]}} {{always=1}} {{r2=R2 [[1d20]]}} {{description=DESCRIPTION}} {{charname=CHARNAME}} npcdmg: &{template:npcdmg} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=DMG1 [[1D6]]}} {{dmg1type=DMG1TYPE}} {{dmg2flag=1}} {{dmg2=DMG2 [[1D6]]}} {{dmg2type=DMG2TYPE}} desc: &{template:desc} {{desc=DESCRIPTION}} General notes: Anything that says it toggles something off/on means that if you put anything after the "=" that feature is turned on, if there is nothing after the "=", then it is off. The atk and npcatk template formats ability command buttons in all of their fields so that they look more like regular text rather than the default large pink buttons. I haven't used the associated script, so some of the non-reactive fields may require that in order to have an effect. The atk and atkdmg macros generated by the sheet utilize @{rtype} in place of {{always/normal/advantage/disadvantage=1}} {{r2=[[1d20 as seen in my OP. This attribute would allow you to link whether a second d20 is rolled or not to what the settings of your sheet are. Post up any edits, errors you notice. Hopefully this helps some people out.