Hi guys, I asked for help a while ago and got some really really solid help from two really helpful people. I was wondering if I could get some help again. I'm trying to make a macro that, with a single push (or multiple if impossible for one push) roll from this system I'm working on. The system is (and anyone here is welcome to use it) a modified Lingering Injures Chart. Here are the rules:
The following chart is used when a player or Important NPC is brought to 0
Roll d20 to determine the injury
Roll required injury dice (if applicable)
Roll d20 to determine the severity
NOTE: Using this chart requires a certain level of
common sense. Obviously a squirrel can’t cause a player’s leg to become
severed. The acceptable solution is if a monster can’t cause all of these
conditions, don’t use this system.
INJURY TABLE (no values have been assigned as of yet.)
Head Injury
Disadvantage on all INT, WIS and CHA checks.
Also, the player rolls against a DC 10,15,20, N/A*
Con Save; Fail means unconscious for an additional 1d12 hours, +2d12, +3d12,
(only the required healing spell can bring the
person back to consciousness).
Alternatively, a potion using a healing kit charge
or the reagents and the herbalism tool proficiency with the herbalism tools can
be brewed. This potion would cause the affected creature to wake up. A DC
10,15,20, N/A Wisdom (Medicine) check. The potion takes 30 minutes to brew and
must be consumed within the day. Each potion created this way weighs 1 pound.
*A 1 on the severity table is
instant death. (Decapitation or Severe Brain Damage)
Damaged Arm
(1-6) or Hand (7-20) (even left, odd right)
The arm or hand becomes unusable and the creatures
lift, drag and lift weight is half of its maximum.
The creature has disadvantage on Acrobatics and
Athletics checks that would require using the affected limb.
A 1 on the severity table Is a
complete loss of the damaged body part
Damaged Leg
(1-6) or Foot (7-20) (even left, odd right)
the creatures speed on foot is halved, and it must
use a cane or crutch to move unless it has a peg leg or other prosthesis.
Another creature with a free arm can also help it move. The creature falls
prone after using the Dash action. It also has disadvantage on Acrobatics and
Athletics checks that would require using the affected limb. The creatures
lift, pull and drag weight is half of its maximum.
A 1 on the severity table Is a
complete loss of the damaged body part
Damaged Eye
(1) or Ear (2) or Nose (3)
Disadvantage on perception based skills using that
A 1 on the severity table Is a complete loss of the
damaged body part
Internal Trauma or Bad Bleed
The creature will die regardless of death saves in
48,24,12,6 rounds. Alternatively, someone can tend to the wound to stop the bleeding
using a healing kit by making a DC 10,15,20,25 Wisdom (Medicine) check.
The wound is infected. The creatures hit point
maximum is reduced by 4,8,16,32 after every long rest. If the creatures hit
point maximum drops to 0, the creature becomes unconscious. Upon falling unconscious,
the creature rolls a DC 10,15,20,25 constitution saving throw for every
festering wound. If the creature passes, the creature survives unconscious for
24 hours. After 24 hours, the creature rolls another save.
3 saves and the wound heals naturally, 3 fails and the
creature dies.
Alternatively, during a long rest someone can tend to the
wound using a healing kit by making a DC 10,15,20,25 Wisdom (Medicine) check.
After a success, the wound heals at the end of the rest. A failed save has no
effect on healing the wound.
The creatures speed on foot is reduced by 5 feet. It
must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw after using the Dash action or the
Athletics or Acrobatics skill. If it fails the save, it falls prone.
Unless tied to the severity table the player can
choose where the scar is and possible side effects.
Instead of falling the creature stay standing with
0hp. It will stay conscious for it’s constitution mod in rounds. After this
timer has expired the creature falls unconscious at the start of its turn in
the stable condition. Another hit and the creature rolls a DC 10,15,20,25
Constitution save. If the creature fails, it is forced into the unconscious
Severity Table (1d20)
1 (Regenerate only) + Scar + Internal Injury or
Bad Bleed + Festering Wound
2-3 (Heal spell of level 5 or higher) + Scar +
Internal Injury or Bad Bleed
4-18 (heal spell of level 3 or higher) + Scar
19-20 (any heal spell) + Scar Note: If the creature suffers a Scar, Festering wound or Internal Injury or Bleed, they do not add extra injuries as stated above.
The healing spell only takes effect if the
creature the spell is being used on is stable. The spell must specifically
target each effect individually.
Healing Potions can also be used to treat conditions. Each
tier of healing potion can heal its respective tier on the severity table when
it is appropriate (Healing potions can’t re-attach missing body parts).