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Marketplace Question

If I buy something from the marketplace and I find something wrong with one of the art assets, how do I notify the creator so he can correct it? In this case the item is Quick Encounters: Ships Pack 1 by Gabriel Pickard. 28747-Cog(ship) 2 upper Deck and 28746-Cog(ship) 2 hold are the same image (both reflecting upper deck, there is no hold picture).
Gabriel P.
Marketplace Creator
Howdy, thanks!  I'll see about getting that corrected.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Good catch. &nbsp;That may be a display bug (I've seen some issues with the thumb nails. Have you purchased the set and found that to be the case? For marketplace issues, you can email&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and they can pass messages along to the artist in question or deal with other issues directly. Many of the artists are active on the forums and will answer questions or comment on threads (Gabriel is one of those!).&nbsp;
The Aaron
API Scripter
(See! =D)
Gabriel P.
Marketplace Creator
This ones definitely me, someone was even nice enough to contact me before about this, but I was distracted and forgot to write it down.&nbsp; I've turned in a corrected version, but if you're in a hurry&nbsp;Kiyomi N. message me and I'll send you a copy.
Thanks! Yeah I wasn't sure how to get in touch with him, there wasn't like a contact link via the marketplace. I've bought a ton of these from you Gabriel and there's one other error I found I wanted to ask you about but it looks like you might have fixed it already. The windmill on Village to Pillage: Hamlets/Outskirts wasn't showing up properly on map for the base and upper level, but it appears to have been corrected. Thanks Gabriel! Love your work &lt;3