The goal of this idea is to make NPCs easer to macro as GM. None of the current functionality would change. You would have 3 bars at the bottom of the screen, the current macro bar (if shown), a new bar where you can drag characters sheets and it will show their name and maybe a scaled down pic (the entire bar and pics should be options), and a contextual ability bar relating to the current selected char. The key part is the bar listing the characters would be on a per page basis so you only have the characters/NPCs you need for that page, you would drag the characters from the character sheet screen onto the bar, you could also have it so if a linked token was dragged onto the bar the correct character would be added. Once set up you would simply click the character you wanted to use then it would display a ability bar for that character as well as change the text chat persona to that character. I believe this would make macros a lot more easy to use for DMs although this can be done at the moment it requires you to go through and unchecked one set of NPCs/Mobs and tick the new set when you change page, this would solve that and make the interface a lot tidier when using large numbers of macros. Even with this functionality it would also be a nice extra to have some sort of folder like grouping for macros and abilities so that you can group related macros together, a good example would be the attack and damage rolls for an aoe attack in 4e D&D each being its own separate macro then grouped under a folder named after the attack. I would love to hear anyone's views on this, do you think there could be a better way?, do you think it would help?, do you even argy there is an issue?