I believe this is the console log you wanted:
Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://*.googlesyndication.com https://*.doubleclick.net
https://partner.googleadservices.com https://www.googletagservices.com https://ssl.google-analytics.com https://www.google-analytics.com https://ajax.googleapis.com http://ajax.googleapis.com https://d3clqjduf2gvxg.cloudfront.net https://cdn.firebase.com https://*.firebaseio.com https://*.tokbox.com https://*.opentok.com
http://static.opentok.com http://www.google-analytics.com http://cdn.crowdin.com https://crowdin.com http://stun.l.google.com". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-Hk+u0RMsdP5KDKuSckWy47SGnn6K3WqnvTzo4TRcsgs='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution.
app.roll20.net/:13 Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://*.googlesyndication.com https://*.doubleclick.net
https://partner.googleadservices.com https://www.googletagservices.com https://ssl.google-analytics.com https://www.google-analytics.com https://ajax.googleapis.com http://ajax.googleapis.com https://d3clqjduf2gvxg.cloudfront.net https://cdn.firebase.com https://*.firebaseio.com https://*.tokbox.com https://*.opentok.com
http://static.opentok.com http://www.google-analytics.com http://cdn.crowdin.com https://crowdin.com http://stun.l.google.com". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-0e7Q3QqVn8f0h38oogzHudH+MBBdX9InX4bX658dij4='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution.
app.js?1474466961:35 70
app.js?1474466961:35 TOUCH SUPPORTED: false
app.js?1474466961:35 USING WEBGL ACCELERATION...
app.js?1474466961:35 WEBGL STARTUP SUCCESS
app.js?1474466961:37 Custom Sheet Translation
app.js?1474466961:30 select
app.js?1474466961:30 Switch mode to select
app.js?1474466961:46 Initializing new dice engine with randomness...
app.js?1474466961:46 Using random entropy
app.js?1474466961:48 Unable to start up OpenTok!
app.js?1474466961:50 Compiling sheet...
app.js?1474466961:50 Found rolltemplate: pf_spell
app.js?1474466961:50 Found rolltemplate: pf_attack
app.js?1474466961:50 Found rolltemplate: pf_defense
app.js?1474466961:50 Found rolltemplate: pf_generic
app.js?1474466961:50 Found rolltemplate: pf_block
app.js?1474466961:50 Found webworker script
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "Medium" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "(floor((@{level} + 1)/2))" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "(@{feats-level} + [[ @{feats-race} ]] + [[ @{feats-class} ]] + [[ @{feats-misc} ]])" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "@{condition-Sickened}" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "(@{unchained_skills-show} * @{BG-Skill-Use}* -1*floor(((@{level} * 2)-@{Total-BG-Skill-Ranks}+0.1)/(abs((@{level} * 2)-@{Total-BG-Skill-Ranks}+0.1)+0.001))*(( @{Total-BG-Skill-Ranks} - (@{level} * 2)) ) )" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "(@{unchained_skills-show} * @{BG-Skill-Use}*(@{Appraise-ranks} + @{Handle-Animal-ranks} + @{Knowledge-Engineering-ranks} + @{Knowledge-Geography-ranks} + @{Knowledge-History-ranks} + @{Knowledge-Nobility-ranks} + @{Linguistics-ranks} + @{Sleight-of-Hand-ranks} + @{Misc-BG-Ranks} + @{Craft-BG-Ranks} + @{Perform-BG-Ranks} + @{Profession-BG-Ranks} + @{Artistry-BG-Ranks} + @{Lore-BG-Ranks} ))" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "@{worn-total-weight}" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "@{item_total_weight}" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "(@{spellclass-0-spell-points-class} + [[ @{spellclass-0-spell-points-bonus} ]] + [[ @{spellclass-0-spell-points-misc} ]])" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "(@{spellclass-1-spell-points-class} + [[ @{spellclass-1-spell-points-bonus} ]] + [[ @{spellclass-1-spell-points-misc} ]])" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "(@{spellclass-2-spell-points-class} + [[ @{spellclass-2-spell-points-bonus} ]] + [[ @{spellclass-2-spell-points-misc} ]])" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
app.js?1474466961:50 Finding sheet rolls...
app.js?1474466961:51 window resize
app.js?1474466961:36 Final set zoom!
app.js?1474466961:35 UPDATE GL SIZE!
app.js?1474466961:36 Final set zoom!
tutorial_tips.js:7 tuts loaded
app.roll20.net/:1 Mixed Content: The page at '
https://app.roll20.net/editor/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image '
http://imgsrv.roll20.net/?src=paizo.com/image/content/Logos/PathfinderRPGLogo_500.jpeg'. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
sheetsandboxworker.js?20160628:225 Starting up WEB WORKER
VM30:643 •.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸ The Aaron Sheet v0.2.4 ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•
VM30:644 •.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸ Last update: Fri Mar 04 2016 07:28:11 GMT-0600 (CST) ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•
VM30:8072 ס§₪₪₪₪§|(Ξ≥≤≥≤≥≤ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ> ,## /## <ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ≥≤≥≤≥≤Ξ)|§₪₪₪₪§ס
VM30:8073 ס§₪₪₪₪§|(Ξ≥≤≥≤≥≤ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ> /#/ / ## <ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ≥≤≥≤≥≤Ξ)|§₪₪₪₪§ס
VM30:8074 ס§₪₪₪₪§|(Ξ≥≤≥≤≥≤ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ> / / / ## <ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ≥≤≥≤≥≤Ξ)|§₪₪₪₪§ס
VM30:8075 ס§₪₪₪₪§|(Ξ≥≤≥≤≥≤ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ> | ##___#/ <ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ≥≤≥≤≥≤Ξ)|§₪₪₪₪§ס
VM30:8076 ס§₪₪₪₪§|(Ξ≥≤≥≤≥≤ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ> | ## athfinder <ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ≥≤≥≤≥≤Ξ)|§₪₪₪₪§ס
VM30:8077 ס§₪₪₪₪§|(Ξ≥≤≥≤≥≤ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ> # | ## sheet version <ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ≥≤≥≤≥≤Ξ)|§₪₪₪₪§ס
VM30:8078 ס§₪₪₪₪§|(Ξ≥≤≥≤≥≤ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ> ### / 00.66 <ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ≥≤≥≤≥≤Ξ)|§₪₪₪₪§ס
app.js?1474466961:42 Final page load.
app.js?1474466961:51 Refresh jukebox List!
app.js?1474466961:41 Auth'ed.
app.js?1474466961:41 Go post auth!
app.js?1474466961:41 initial setup
app.js?1474466961:51 Refresh jukebox List!
app.js?1474466961:39 T.r
app.js?1474466961:51 Refresh jukebox List!
app.js?1474466961:41 Got players value...
app.js?1474466961:41 joining game...
app.js?1474466961:39 Player -J_RylqdYE9zApUkaRvD is offline...
app.js?1474466961:40 Global Volume: 47=0.22089999999999999
app.js?1474466961:39 Player -J_h5eHdAkmQV780RcKy is offline...
app.js?1474466961:39 Player -JaWfmlzmFZvZ1qWjVgr is offline...
app.js?1474466961:39 Player -Jb42DtN45TlOqbcCBde is offline...
app.js?1474466961:39 Player -JbwuTIqaJVfliAFboyH is offline...
app.js?1474466961:39 Player -JfD8mlY0XA4K1rfjthG is offline...
app.js?1474466961:39 Player -JfFziRm8RGjHS_qZeOV is offline...
app.js?1474466961:39 Player -KES6vifz3yBOpQMNRo1 is offline...
app.js?1474466961:39 Player -KS4IvxrFAq08pVzH1N5 is offline...
app.js?1474466961:41 Deferred finish joining...
app.js?1474466961:35 Firebase Online
app.js?1474466961:44 refershing page listings!
app.js?1474466961:49 Refresh Journal List!
app.js?1474466961:49 Search took 19ms
26app.js?1474466961:39 Full load page!
app.js?1474466961:41 We have 26 pages
app.js?1474466961:42 Scan for new plays!
app.js?1474466961:41 handle page changes
app.js?1474466961:41 false
app.js?1474466961:44 refershing page listings!
app.js?1474466961:41 init active page!
app.js?1474466961:39 activate page!
app.js?1474466961:39 FULLY ACTIVATE VIEWS FOR PAGE.
app.js?1474466961:51 Refresh jukebox List!
app.js?1474466961:39 Graphics: 0
app.js?1474466961:39 Paths: 0
app.js:44 refershing page listings!
app.js:39 Reorder by ZORDER
app.js:37 Do refresh link cache!
app.js:49 Refresh Journal List!
app.js:49 Search took 113ms
47jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 Mixed Content: The page at '
https://app.roll20.net/editor/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image '
http://imgsrv.roll20.net/?src=app.roll20.net/images/statussheet.png'. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/18441934/ZG7HWnTFNOzTtZToeWvJbQ/mini.png?1461518457 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
28app.js:35 new caster!
app.js:38 Swapping
https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/18386616/iCr5wSBFWQvcwXB7UhWnoA/thumb.jpg?14613839095 to
https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/18386616/iCr5wSBFWQvcwXB7UhWnoA/original.jpg?146138390952app.js:38 Swapping
https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/17909715/MSbM_vNTea-EnPc74F_DFA/thumb.png?1459987051555555 to
https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/17909715/MSbM_vNTea-EnPc74F_DFA/med.png?14599870515555553app.js:38 setting src
app.js:39 Reorder by ZORDER
app.js:42 Show Character View Dialog!
app.js:42 --- RENDER CHARACTIVE VIEW ----
app.js:42 CLICKED
app.js:42 Redoing charsheet html
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "Medium" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "(floor((@{level} + 1)/2))" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "(@{feats-level} + [[ @{feats-race} ]] + [[ @{feats-class} ]] + [[ @{feats-misc} ]])" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "@{condition-Sickened}" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "(@{unchained_skills-show} * @{BG-Skill-Use}* -1*floor(((@{level} * 2)-@{Total-BG-Skill-Ranks}+0.1)/(abs((@{level} * 2)-@{Total-BG-Skill-Ranks}+0.1)+0.001))*(( @{Total-BG-Skill-Ranks} - (@{level} * 2)) ) )" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "(@{unchained_skills-show} * @{BG-Skill-Use}*(@{Appraise-ranks} + @{Handle-Animal-ranks} + @{Knowledge-Engineering-ranks} + @{Knowledge-Geography-ranks} + @{Knowledge-History-ranks} + @{Knowledge-Nobility-ranks} + @{Linguistics-ranks} + @{Sleight-of-Hand-ranks} + @{Misc-BG-Ranks} + @{Craft-BG-Ranks} + @{Perform-BG-Ranks} + @{Profession-BG-Ranks} + @{Artistry-BG-Ranks} + @{Lore-BG-Ranks} ))" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "@{worn-total-weight}" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "@{item_total_weight}" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "(@{spellclass-0-spell-points-class} + [[ @{spellclass-0-spell-points-bonus} ]] + [[ @{spellclass-0-spell-points-misc} ]])" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "(@{spellclass-1-spell-points-class} + [[ @{spellclass-1-spell-points-bonus} ]] + [[ @{spellclass-1-spell-points-misc} ]])" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 The specified value "(@{spellclass-2-spell-points-class} + [[ @{spellclass-2-spell-points-bonus} ]] + [[ @{spellclass-2-spell-points-misc} ]])" is not a valid number. The value must match to the following regular expression: -?(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?
app.js:42 251ms to end of html
app.roll20.net/:1 Mixed Content: The page at '
https://app.roll20.net/editor/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image '
http://imgsrv.roll20.net/?src=paizo.com/image/content/Logos/PathfinderRPGLogo_500.jpeg'. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
app.js:42 Really updating character sheet values
/js/d20/sheetsandboxworker.js?20160628:57 Triggering for sheet:opened
app.js:42 Setting up repeating sections took until 12ms
app.js:42 Updating ALL VALUES
app.js:42 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 12ms
app.js:42 Querytest took until 14ms
app.js:42 Attribute cache compliation took until 15ms
app.js:42 Set values (including auto-calcuating variables) took until 101ms
app.js:42 Appending to sheetform
app.js:42 Appending to screen took until 231ms
app.js:42 Took 239ms
(program):200 Notice: Attributes at version: 0.66
app.js:51 window resize
app.js:36 Final set zoom!
app.js:35 UPDATE GL SIZE!
app.js:36 Final set zoom!