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Chrome horizontal slider bar stopped working.

Everything worked fine on Monday but tonight, a new problem. Tonight I noticed that my horizontal slider bar no longer works in game though there is no issue with the vertical scroll bar. I worked around it by doing control pings on the gm layer to move around the map... just a bit painful.  I swapped to Firefox, same game, and no issue with the horizontal slide bar.  Will see again tomorrow night when I run my next game to see if it was just a fluke or a continuing problem. Closing and restarting the browser, Chrome 53.0.2785.116, did not fix the problem. 
Lucky you. I tried it with BOTH firefox and chrome and both give me issues with the horizontal scroll bar depending on my zoom level. Even worse is that at least the actual left and right buttons for scrolling work on firefox, but on chrome only the right button works (making it almost impossible to scroll left without control pinging).

Edited 1474513749
Hi guys. Could you please carefully work through the first three steps of our guide to Solving Technical Issues ? Step 1: Make sure to use the right browser Please check if these issues persist when using both Chrome and Firefox. Step 2: Ensure that there are no extensions/addons interfering with Roll20 Please disable all add-ons/extensions and anti-virus programs. Step 3: Clear your cache If none of the above succeeds, please thoroughly work through Step 4 . (Don't forget the complete Console Log!) Thank you!
Derrik, I didn't notice the zoom level making a difference on Chrome; but you are right the right button on the horizontal scroll bar did work intermittently. Since I was in the middle of  running a game and had a workaround I didn't investigate too far with Firefox other than the scroll bar functioned for me. Silvyre, if the gods of traffic congestion allow me time before I run tonight's game to capture logs or some such I will give it a try.

Edited 1474533225
I figured it out. Or more specifically a friend playing in my campaign figured it out. Or actually more specifically someone else in a different Bug post (Tom W.) figured it out and my buddy noticed it: it's the macro scroll bar overlapping with the window scroll. It seems like there might have been a minor UI change and now even a small amount of macros that normally don't require scrolling can overlap into the horizontal scroll bar so the browser thinks I'm trying to interact with the macro quickbar rather than the window. I even tested this by hiding the macro bar from the Macro's menu and everything suddenly worked fine. Then when I show it again the problem returns and I notice I only gain control when the horizontal scroll bar is just somewhat past my last macro (hence why my right button worked and why zooming had an effect). Edit: Just a quick reaffirmation. I opened my web developer tools in Firefox, added a margin-bottom of 20px to #macrobar, and I immediately had perfect control of my scroll bar without having to toggle off the macro quick bar. There certainly seems to be something with the #macrobar css that makes it overlap.
Roll20 Team
For anyone having this issue, can you check to see if change Chat Tech to None fixes this issue? We had patched in a video chat fix yesterday which may be tied to this.
Roll20 Team
Just tested this myself and there's an overlap conflict when the macro bar generates a scroll bar of its own. This scroll bar obscures the tabletop's and makes it impossible to select it. I'm putting together a ticket and we'll try to get a fix done underway soon! Thank you for the bug report!