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[5e Shaped] 6.1.2


Edited 1474480761
Sheet Author
API Scripter
To automatically reduce uses you need the API script. If you have that then you'll have to have Deceive activate Bardic Inspiration. In the freeform section of Deceive put something like this: %{NAME|repeating_trait_(id of bardic inspiration)_trait} replace "(id of bardic inspiration)" with the id as outlined in the documentation for getting the ID of a repeating section.
Yes, that was my original idea.  But I didn't want it to spam Bardic Inspiration every time they used the skill.  Oh well, I think perhaps I'm expecting too much.  Thank you for responding, and making a great sheet!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You can simply bardic inspiration to just have the title and that'll make it easier.
Kryx said: You can simply bardic inspiration to just have the title and that'll make it easier. Yes that would cut down on the size of the spam at least.  Thanks!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
There is more involved when setting advantage that affects multiple parameters set by the sheet. A user cannot do it on the fly like that.
Hey Kryx I am really needing some help with the sheet. I just recently moved over to your sheet, I love the layout and everything on it however there are some things I'm not understanding and tinkering with just to see if I get and understand how to input information. My biggest hang up at the moment is Spells and Higher Level Spells in particular. I'm not sure what to put and how to put them in, here is an example of one of the player characters in my Campaign. My main issue with the spells is Fire Bolt upgrades at 5th level, 11th and 17th. I only see what looks to be 2 options for higher level spells. I don't know how I would enter this in to make it automatically upgrade when the Sorcerer hits the next increase at 11th. He is currently a 1st level Fighter and 5th level Sorcerer. Help please :)

Edited 1474574587
KS Backer
Ryan B. said: Hey Kryx I am really needing some help with the sheet. I just recently moved over to your sheet, I love the layout and everything on it however there are some things I'm not understanding and tinkering with just to see if I get and understand how to input information. My biggest hang up at the moment is Spells and Higher Level Spells in particular. I'm not sure what to put and how to put them in, here is an example of one of the player characters in my Campaign. My main issue with the spells is Fire Bolt upgrades at 5th level, 11th and 17th. I only see what looks to be 2 options for higher level spells. I don't know how I would enter this in to make it automatically upgrade when the Sorcerer hits the next increase at 11th. He is currently a 1st level Fighter and 5th level Sorcerer. Help please :) For spells you can drag and drop the fire bolt spell from the compendium. - Enter edit mode - Click the "i" in the top right to search the srd - Search "Fire Bolt" - Drag and drop that entry onto the spell entry - The spell is now auto filled in. For any manual entry, the formula can be copied from the drag and drop but it is ((@{level} + 1) / 6 + 0.5)dX for damage to scale with level where X is the die type (so ((@{level} + 1) / 6 + 0.5)d10 for fire bolt)

Edited 1474575501
I was so use to using the original 5E character sheet I had no idea about that compendium at all and you just blew my mind. I'm absolutely stunned and amazed. So follow up question about the Compendium, is there a way to custom edit the compendium for a game? Or is it all coded from someone / a group of people?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The compendium cannot be added to. If you're a pro user you can supply your own JSON file and use it via our companion script, but other than that anything not in the SRD has to be done manually. The SRD is not "complete" as WotC have only released so much. It's a legal reason.
Well with that being the case, is their a site that can guide me on how to properly write these formula's or learn how to write them. A database site where people suggest their own JSON files or any other useful / helpful resources for such a thing. I planned on becoming a pro member after our first campaign ends and we move on to our second.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You don't need to write any formulas. Only cantrips have that weird syntax and you can simply pull in Fire bolt or another until you learn it. For normal spells you could do the same - pull in a spell and adjust it as needed. There is also documentation linked in the first post if that will help.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Fyi I looked into the saving throws import issue and I have identified the cause (I tried to be too accurate and certain data loses a race condition). I'll hopefully have a fix for pro users tomorrow.
Kryx said: Fyi I looked into the saving throws import issue and I have identified the cause (I tried to be too accurate and certain data loses a race condition). I'll hopefully have a fix for pro users tomorrow. Cool beans. Sent you a little sumpin' sumpin' via Pay Pal for all the hard work you do.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
6.3.1 (2016-09-23) Features Resolved saving throws when imported from SRD Thanks for the contribution btw - it's a nice motivator that people do benefit from my work on the sheet.
I had the "Cloud to Butt" chrome plugin installed while importing some NPCs, including a guy that had both Cloudkill and Stinking Cloud, which of course became Buttkill and Stinking Butt. The spell description for Stinking Butt was particularly comical: "You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of yellow, nauseating gas centered on a point within range. My butt spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. My butt lingers in the air for the duration. Each creature that is completely within my butt at the start of its turn must make a Constitution saving throw against poison. On a failed save, the creature spends its action that turn retching and reeling. Creatures that don't need to breathe or are immune to poison automatically succeed on this saving throw. A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses my butt after 4 rounds. A strong wind (at least 20 miles per hour) disperses it after 1 round." I have the humor of a five year old.
Martin K. said: I had the "Cloud to Butt" chrome plugin installed while importing some NPCs, including a guy that had both Cloudkill and Stinking Cloud, which of course became Buttkill and Stinking Butt. Oh I wish there was a like button.  This may me spew my breakfast. :)  H
One of my players is an urban ranger with a number of bows and enough different arrows to make Hawkeye jealous. I've seen examples of nested macros that I think would be perfect. Would anyone point me in the direction of an example of shooting with a bow as a macro, then choose the arrow, then resolve it all? Is that possible? Or, if you have another idea I'm game. @HLazar, something tells me you'll have a good idea. For example: Dex 20, Prof Bonus +4, +1 Bow that adds +1d6 thunder. Possible arrows: +1 arrow, fire arrow 1d8 piercing + 1d6 fire.

Edited 1474763803
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Each bow should be a different macro. Beyond that it won't be simple. Ammo is one of the most complex parts of the sheet/script. You'll have to use freeform and get the ID of each ammo and then get that on the chat macro so the script can remove 1 from that ammo. All of that in a query. Sounds not so fun to setup. What would be better is if I setup an alternative to typing in a single ammo which queries for all ammos.
TheWebCoder said: One of my players is an urban ranger with a number of bows and enough different arrows to make Hawkeye jealous. I've seen examples of nested macros that I think would be perfect. Would anyone point me in the direction of an example of shooting with a bow as a macro, then choose the arrow, then resolve it all? Is that possible? Or, if you have another idea I'm game. @HLazar, something tells me you'll have a good idea. For example: Dex 20, Prof Bonus +4, +1 Bow that adds +1d6 thunder. Possible arrows: +1 arrow, fire arrow 1d8 piercing + 1d6 fire. Are you using API? I am not familiar with how the ammo works but it sounds like Kryx may be working on a solution. Certainly you can easily just add your arrows as attacks and call them from your standard bow as I set up the  Battle Master maneuvers . This would mean that you would need to manually add attack bonuses and damages as well as manually tick down ammo. Otherwise, it looks like you need to do some complicated ID and macro things. Let me see play and see what I can come up with but be advised, I am not a PRO user so I don't have access to API which I thought was needed to count down ammo. H
So Kryx, Question.  We utilize the Circles above the characters for the obvious purposes, and utilize Spell Point system, and such.  With abilities (such as Ki) that show in traits we can not seem to locate the attribute it draws from to auto-populate the min/max trait into the icon.  Any clues?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Traits are repeating sections and do not appear in the options for bubbles. Several threads have been opened about it as Roll20 removed the behavior, but they chose to close those threads - effectively saying they aren't going to do it. I would suggest using spell points as a method of tracking Ki that can be used in a bubble.
Was importing a few monsters this morning from my .jason, and all attack simply show "+" for damage type. Not sure if its just a problem on my side? ShapedScripts v4.4.7, Shaped Sheet v6.3.1 for reference. As always, thanks for the great sheet!

Edited 1474840916
Compendium Curator
I don't know if this has been experienced by others before, but I'm having trouble with the Warlock class - their spell slots seem to be missing entirely from the sheet. This extends from existing characters to new characters during class generation. Features pop up but no spell slots come up at all.

Edited 1474841079
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Seb, If you are not on the most recent version then warlock spell slots are automatically added under Features and Traits. In an upcoming release Warlock spell slots will be below normal spell slots and will contribute to what level your spells cast as (for higher level and auto decrementing that Lucian and I are working on). John, can you give me an example? Importing is very very touchy and I'm afraid to touch it before I get some tests (talking to Lucian about that). I really need to address it for Storm King's Thunder as well.

Edited 1474847619
Kryx, sorry, I should know to be a little more specific. I imported Bulett, Ettin, Swarm of Bats and Gargoyle via !shaped-import-monster -- from my 5e-monsters.js dated 7 days ago.
The plus on the damage type happens whenever the sheet reparses an attack, as near as I can tell. I don't think it's specific to importing. It also happens whenever I edit an attack. When I'm splitting a longsword attack into one handed and two handed versions, for instance, and it realizes the text has changed.
I was logged in as my player account. That was me above. ^
Just a quick question about the Spell part of the Sheet. Any plans on adding all the spells in advance for all classes? Automatically adding all spells for that class and level? (Yes I know, Im lazy) =P
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Nope, I cannot add spells to the sheet for legal reasons. The spells included in the SRD are all that WotC has made available.
Oh I see. Thats atad annoying. =/
Calle M. said: Oh I see. Thats atad annoying. =/ I would suggest upgrading so that you can use the API.  the companion script can make this part of your life a lot easier.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'm hoping to address the + damage issues before the end of the week. I should have time the next few days and I'll try to focus on this. Also of note I now have  Accessing character ID from sheet workers which will allow me to build an internal cache into the sheet to hopefully make it much quicker and testable. I'll try to get a testing system setup with the help of Lucian to avoid regressions in the future, but he's busy for a bit so we'll see when that gets done.
Hey wanted to say that I really like your sheet. I've gotten a lot of mileage out of it already, thanks for all the work. I went ahead and subbed to your patreon. Looking forward to updated conversion functionality so that Storm King can import NPC attacks properly. Is there any chance at setting a global default to roll 2? Right now the first thing I do when I make a new NPC is go set that flag.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hey, thanks for the support. The only way to set a global default different from the sheet default is by using the companion script, unfortunately.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Can someone give me a reproduction path that doesn't require a SKT creature? I just tried dragging an Adult Red Dragon from the SRD and it works perfectly fine. Last I heard there was issues with the parsing, but perhaps the issues only exist on OGL conversion? Any clarification and full steps to reproduce would be appreciated.

Edited 1475242285
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kryx said: Can someone give me a reproduction path that doesn't require a SKT creature? I just tried dragging an Adult Red Dragon from the SRD and it works perfectly fine. Last I heard there was issues with the parsing, but perhaps the issues only exist on OGL conversion? Any clarification and full steps to reproduce would be appreciated. Import via !shaped-import-monster --Bulette und you will see the problem. Or, more easily, an action freetext Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (4d12 + 4) piercing damage. will do the trick (all with current Github). On another note, is it supposed to look like this? It seems as if the right column overlaps the horizontal lines of the left one. Chrome 53.0.2785.116 on MacOS X if it makes a difference. EDIT: Dragging an Adult Red Dragon does NOT work in current github.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The divider is too big, will be fixed on the next version. It's a result of the resizing effort. You can actually get everything to collapse in 1 column now which is nice for people who prefer that. Dragging an Adult Red Dragon does NOT work in current github. Dragging and from json are two totally different things. Dragging is from the SRD, importing is from the script. But I see the issue - the "+" is becoming the damage type.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kryx said: The divider is too big, will be fixed on the next version. It's a result of the resizing effort. You can actually get everything to collapse in 1 column now which is nice for people who prefer that. Dragging an Adult Red Dragon does NOT work in current github. Dragging and from json are two totally different things. Dragging is from the SRD, importing is from the script. I know, this is a dragged dragon's tail (whereas the Bulette is from the JSON). But anyway, the problem seems to be parsing of the freetext, regardless of source.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
[5e Shaped] 6.4.0