I am in need of two more players for the Carrion Crown Adventure Path for the Pathfinder game system. Skype will be used for communication and Roll20 will be used to play the game. The game will be played on Sundays at 6 pm EST.
This is only the second campaign that I've DM'd. The other was the Second Darkness Adventure Path and that was on Roll20 as well. I've decided to stick with another adventure path so that I have everything laid out in front of me rather than take on the responsibility of creating everything from scratch. I won't be deviating from the contents of the book very much and doing things like side-quests and etc. I don't feel like I'm experienced enough yet to be able to deliver that kind of stuff without feeling like it's a bit cheap or not done well enough.
We had our first session on December 30th and the group finds itself to be in need of someone who can handle traps or some sort of beefy melee character. I would prefer to have someone with some experience join the group but I'm not entirely against bringing in someone new to the system.
If you're interested, take a look at the free player's guide which can be found on the paizo website and get a feel for the AP and the setting. Once you've done that, using the guidelines found below, you're encouraged to send me a character link using myth-weavers. Once I've received a few PMs I'll take a look at them and try to decide on who would be the best fit for the group.
Currently the group has an Inquisitor, a Sorcerer, and an Oracle in it. The Oracle is interested in switching to play a Paladin if someone else was interested in playing an Oracle or a Cleric in the campaign.
**Character Creation Guidelines**
* Character begins at level 2
* 20 point buy
* Any Paizo content is permitted
* No third party content
* Any race/class combination is fine
* Two traits
* Average starting gold for your class
* A character background for your personal use is encouraged though I do not require it
* No evil alignments and chaotic neutral is discouraged