<a href="https://app.roll20.net/join/61480/Rcpldg" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/join/61480/Rcpldg</a>
Hello all, DM Umutuku here reminding you that it is Tuesday and there is victory to be seized by the courageous.
Skirmish Tuesday is happening on Tuesday this time (DM woke up on the right side of the bed and actually remembered it), and the only change I'm making is that we'll be starting at 7 instead of 6.
For anyone who hasn't played in my Tuesday game yet here's what's going down.
This game is public and open to anyone! I'll try and make something work for as many people as we get participating. If you don't want to participate then you are still welcome to join as a spectator.
The evening will consist of random combat, awesome monsters, assorted shenanigans, and no NPC's who expect you to remember plot points. :D
Depending on how many people we get, the events could be anything. Probably some PvP, probably some Kaiju Big Battle (I think it worked pretty well last time even things got a bit drawn out with the higher CR monsters). If we get enough people (and I manage to get it prepared) we might even form teams for a castle siege or some open field combat/line battle with officers.
Some experience will be expected in being able to understand the Pathfinder rules and being able to quickly generate characters for the various games that we will play.
Newbies will not be turned away, but will be expected to learn quickly and keep up with everyone. Saturdays are for rookie tutorials, and Tuesdays are for glorious competition.
<a href="https://app.roll20.net/join/61480/Rcpldg" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/join/61480/Rcpldg</a>