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Planning Characters

Alright folks, let's take a look at what characters we might be bringing into next season to be able to plan properly. I know that I personally have completed two: Aldric Cadeyrn : A Knight that uses a custom weapon and shield. Legitimate Hobbes : A Holy Warrior with sickle and shield. Uses Agriculture, Earth, Hunting, and War realms and is focused on the more natural side of things alongisde. . . Culain : Hobbes's Grassdog. Having revamped him and discovering that he was crippled by a point mistake, he is now a bit more robust. Can play as backup for stealth scout, detect traps, help with surivial, and has the Healing advantage which allows for HP recovery, Crippled Limb healing, Disease curing, and detoxifies poisons. The third character has not yet been created. Let's hear from folks so that we can get a coherent group going. ((I'll get the actual sheets linked later))

Edited 1474890464
Here are the three I'm pitching (I revisited these and realised that I found Jainam incredibly dull and Alva uninteresting, updated): #1 Jarleth Grasseyes: Mace/Shield Knight, main-line fighter. Very tanky and very dangerous, but easily flanked without support (no peripheral). #2: Aracely: Daredevil Swashbuckler, main-line fighter. Quite dangerous, but cannot deal with high DR easily and is hard-countered by AoE effects. She doesn't do much out of combat as usual for the class. Comes prepackaged with: Vortigus: Superior Horse; serves as a riding mount, packmule and mobile platform for Aracely to perform wicked cool stunts off of. #3: Elmer Rhubarb: Indoorsy scout. Strong mundane trap-detection and stealth. He does decent ranged damage too. I can try to make a cleric despite what I've said but I can't say that they'll be terribly effective (see: Lou, Welet).

Edited 1471454756
I have a Mountain Elf Scout-Thief who is mostly finished, there :&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Mostly outsider skills, stealth/rogue skills. Pretty good at them too due to Martial Artist DX and increased IQ. Also this delicious visual perception score. Doesn't do much damage to his bow but 20 bow skill (or 23 without moving) ain't half bad, so I can do face shots regularly. Maybe even eye shots ! And with the stealth he has I can even attempt to cancel enemy defenses entirely. Am also working on a melee storm cleric. It's not yet updated to 300 points, at 250 points atm. It will be be able to heal, blast, or buff with Blessed(Heroic Feats) or other spells and do some melee as needed. Third character I do not know. I am thinking about Kessai's long lost cousin (we need something with ridiculous ST), or a wizard.
Naryar said: Third character I do not know. I am thinking about Kessai's long lost cousin (we need something with ridiculous ST), or a wizard. Definitely need a wizard. I think Mark is gonna be taking a Half Ogre Knight that specializes in Dwarven Crossbow
Working on my wizard now. Mostly focusing on Body Control and Movement and Protection spells for offense/battlefield control/defenses/buffs (all those blocking spells tho), and some other minor colleges for support. Don't have a single damaging spell too lol. I really need an expensive power item, though. I already upped my Recover Energy to 20 and my FP is pretty high. Going Staff for increased parries, even bought more DX to raise defenses. Now I need to raise my quarterstaff to 3000$ or so... Balanced is available due to some eastern adventure pyramid magazine, I'm not sure about making it out of stuff like Orichalcum or Meteoric Iron. Would meteoric iron mean I would not be able to use Melee spells through it though ?
Naryar said: Would meteoric iron mean I would not be able to use Melee spells through it though ? Probably since you couldn't get a Staff enhancement on it. Not even through Staff Attunement perks.
Naryar said: Working on my wizard now... Poke me if you want 1-hit-instakill-anything or other convoluted spell combos that will mentally stun every player around the table (including GM) as they try to understand your godlike mastery of GURPS standard magic, effectively grating you ATR n . =)
Valter said: Naryar said: Working on my wizard now... Poke me if you want 1-hit-instakill-anything or other convoluted spell combos that will mentally stun every player around the table (including GM) as they try to understand your godlike mastery of GURPS standard magic, effectively grating you ATR n . =) Meteorites fall, the wizard dies.
Christopher D. said: Valter said: Naryar said: Working on my wizard now... Poke me if you want 1-hit-instakill-anything or other convoluted spell combos that will mentally stun every player around the table (including GM) as they try to understand your godlike mastery of GURPS standard magic, effectively grating you ATR n . =) Meteorites fall, the wizard dies. Looks like poor Naryar will have to start over xD
Valter said: Naryar said: Working on my wizard now... Poke me if you want 1-hit-instakill-anything or other convoluted spell combos that will mentally stun every player around the table (including GM) as they try to understand your godlike mastery of GURPS standard magic, effectively grating you ATR n . =) I still have PTSD from your ridiculous wizard munchkinism, so no. Also, what Chris said. Going for Dragonbone Balanced (why hello there Oriental Adventures) Extensive, Expensive Inlay quarterstaff... that's 53 CF, aka 2120 $... I need more cost factor ! Don't think i'm going to use more than 6 points of sig gear on this thing too. Probably add weapon bond to it because why the hell not, 18 base Staff skill on a wizard.

Edited 1471556380
it would be worth dropping 1 point for a missile spell and 1 point for the Psychic Guidance perk, it's pretty overpowered. Good Luck! Also, I noticed that there was a 'Long Staff' in Martial Arts that you might be able to enchant with Staff if you need something a little more expensive ;) Reach 3 too, might even be able to Fast-Talk (GM) your way into applying -3 to ranged penalties when using it. Oh, and Spirit Wood from the same article as Balanced (Stick) is worth a smidgen more than Dragonbone.

Edited 1471634417
hmmmm alright, gonna do my post here Isidarr , Mountain Elf Scout/Thief. Basically a rogue with outsdoorman skills and a bow. Good DX, decent IQ, mostly focused on the bow (23 skill if not moving) but more than competent at skills too. Can stealth out/stealth in out of a fight. Mostly finished, I have to work with arrows and Cornucopia Quivers though, so I'll do that.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.... Also the classic edgy character : a loner,&nbsp;paranoid and vaguely sociopathic antihero with no sense of humor, code of honor (professional), etc. etc. Nearly put Nightmares on there but then he'd be Shadow the Edgehog or something. Fun for the whole group, I'm sure. Meredith "the Transmuter" , High Elf Wizard (it's not my fault if elves are good for the chars I want to play :P). Focusing on battlefield control, debuffing and buffing with Body Control, Movement and Protection mostly. Although no elemental spells at all and the only damaging spell is Deathtouch. Also has 18 staff skill and a 3k costly power item, and good FP and Recover Energy at 20, so FP shouldn't be a problem. Oh and all the paut too. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Also a female... about four centuries old and looking the part. Somewhat deaf and generally kindly. Still, don't piss the 95-lb grandma Body Control wizard.&nbsp; And it's official, the encumbrance rules are my worst enemy in GURPS. Not the gm, not inattention. I hate you too, encumbrance rules. Massani Kalnos, Stormbrother, human storm cleric. Equal parts sword-and-board fighter (well, flail-and-board), healer, buffer, and blaster. Still at 250 pts, so need to actually improve the guy. Gonna make heavy use of Blessed (Heroic Feats) on this one.
Hmm, these should all be fairly interesting blokes. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I'm most likely going to be taking Hobbes & Culain and fill out the miscellaneous slot on the team roster.This is due to the fact that I may end up running a dungeon level or two. This&nbsp;means we might still need a good fit for Ranged, Melee, Arcane and Divine, though keep in mind that folks are still experimenting with how to make wacky characters which means for Ranged we might well end up with Mark's Hogre Knight wielding a Dwarven Crankbow. But we'll probably need to make sure that our character mesh well into a team.

Edited 1471884083
totally, and on that note I'll mention that Chris and myself have figured out that there would be significant overlap for the 'outdoorsy' niche between Hobbes/ Culain and the vanilla Scout. Waiting on Mark to post his preferences (if he wants to use his half ogre or not), but I can take an indoorsy scout instead if that is what we need, replacing Outdoorsman 2 with Craftiness 4. If Mark does want to use that Knight then I can make a sneaky Rogue to help with scouting, re-instate Jantark (2HS orc knight with thick armour and a thicker skull) or work something else out as needed, heck could even take the scout anyway and have a double-ranged party. Aracely and Alva could be used, but I don't know if Stripe still wants to follow the '4 core classes of Knight/Scout/Wizard/Cleric + 1 misc' rule that we've been trying to follow so far. To me it looks like the WIP rules don't care for the exact classes so long as the overall roles are filled, but that might be coming from a biased reader's interpretation ;)
Makes me wish I had Internet now. Rothko could help in crazy ST department. But it should be about three weeks more before I can even think of coming back. :(

Edited 1474838441
Scrapped Alva for being superfluous, scrapped Jainam for being throughly uninteresting. I'm presenting a Knight, Scout and Swashbuckler. Wouldn't mind playing any of them honestly. Locking these three forever, no more changes. Jarleth is an old character, although he was using a flail rather than a mace in earlier versions and had half the DR too. Elmer is similar to Jainam but with a cooler name and less of a focus on seeing things, more on scouting ability. He is also ditching the nature specialisation so that there's less overlap between Hobbes and himself.
Any updates on the lineup? I'm getting an itch to play Ulf @ 300 CPs =)
Sadly no updates. So far we've only got Hobbes/Culain locked in and we haven't heard from Luke.

Edited 1474892061
I'll lock in Jarleth Grasseyes (Knight) if that makes thing easier for everyone else. Checking in via Uni internet, the house isn't linked up yet :X Looking forward to the start of things! E: uploaded an old gcs file and hadn't noticed: Vitals DR was showing 2 as well so I had to jigger a placeholder advantage to patch that. Jarleth Grasseyes
i dont have a lot of time now that school has started back up so i am thinking sticking with somthing close to kritty lol