So I finally had a game going with people and it was great, everyone had their PC ready, I had everything ready. In my group I had 2 veterans and 2 people who have never played D&D before. So I told everyone that this was going to be different then most games. I told them there was a plot twist. So the twist was this, their PC have died and have been reincarnated to better suit the goals of this powerful Evil Cleric. This was right in the beginning with brand new PC's. This wasnt from the regular reincarnated list it was from a table that i made with about 60 ish different forms from goblins to mind flayer (1% chance). Everyone seemed happy with this as it brought upon a cool element or something different. The two people who have played D&D left the game at that time, removed me from skype and haven't heard back from them at all. They never even said goodbye or anything. So there I was with two new players who ever ecstatic. One was like, "Cool my first Character is a Changling, this is so cool." This is just me ranting about this as It made me very sad, I would have thought that some players who have played for a while would like something original and not run of the mill standard. So i crafted a small dungeon and ran those two through it and we had a blast, even though there was only two PC's they had a really fun time. tldr: Two people left my game and made the new players sad, said players will reamin anonomous