As the title states I'm currently seeking a weekly Pathfinder group to join. I currently DM a campaign on Sundays and I haven't been able to actually be a player in a Pathfinder campaign in some time. I've got a few different character ideas that I'd like to try out but if there was something in particular the group needed I could come up with something pretty easily to fill that need.
As for the group itself, I've been in some groups where there were evil characters or characters who took the Chaotic Neutral alignment as their free pass to do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted and those groups really weren't my thing. I've also been in groups that seemed to be dedicated to RP much more than anything else. I don't mind a bit of RP but two sessions of three to four hours each of nothing but RP just isn't my thing either.
Currently I'm available in the evenings after approximately 5pm EST on pretty much every day but Sundays.