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[5e Shaped] 6.4.0

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D&D 5e Shaped Character Sheet This is the redesigned Shaped character sheet for use on with the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons (5e). The sheet is designed to be usable by all Roll20 users regardless of subscription level. If you are updating an existing campaign I highly recommend you duplicate your campaign and use that to copy data over. I also recommend starting each character from a fresh sheet. Shaped Character Sheet Companion Script Documentation Please report any bugs in the issues tab or on this thread. They will however be tracked on the issues tab Features High performance sheet without the lag of old versions (100% sheet workers) Improved styling to match the 5e paper sheet with nearly all elements clickable to output to chat Compendium Integration for NPCs, Armor, Equipment, Spells, Weapons NPC actions and traits are parsed and clickable. Customizable skills with the option to change the ability on the fly Translations (English and French so far) Auto populated Class Features which include things like Lay on Hands or Sneak Attack Spells with filtering and the option to cast at a higher level Customizable Classes - Change Name, HD, or spellcasting level of the classes Armor - Covers normal armor as well as unarmored ability cases like monk, barbarian, etc. Equipment with gold and weight automatically calculated. Equipment Items are clickable from the core page for items like Potion of Healing Attachers can be used to remind yourself to add to saving throws while within 10 feet of your paladin Extra features: Jack of all trades, halfling luck, vision, movement, appearance. Settings for how to output all rolls, death saves, initiative, etc Roll settings to choose to always roll with advantage, disadvantage, or query for both Optional bonuses to all skills, abilities, saving throws, etc. How to Update the sheet yourself (as Pro): Copy the html from github In Roll20 go to campaign settings and choose a custom character sheet. Choose D&D 5e as the SRD In the HTML tab paste the HTML code Copy the css from github On Roll20 in the CSS tab paste the CSS code. Copy the translation from the appropriate file on github (en is English, fr is French, de is German, it is Italian, etc) On Roll20 in the Translation tab paste the JSON from the appropriate file. Hit save. Contribute Since many have asked for it: If you appreciate what I do and want to compensate me for the countless hours that I have spent building this character sheet feel free to support me on Patreon or Paypal ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ). Thanks so much for your support. This Patreon campaign is not affiliated with Roll20; as such, contributions are voluntary and Roll20 cannot provide support or refunds for contributions.
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API Scripter
6.4.0 (2016-09-30) Features Warlock spell slots added (below spell slots) Warlock slots now help determine the spell level query Spell level query now queries for all spells if they have higher level toggled Bug fixes Fixed parsing of damage type when dragging in monsters Realignment of several UI features such as the dividers for NPCs, or sizes of input boxes, or causing the documentation url to wrap as the page gets smaller
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Thanks Kryx! My Drow warlock NPC thanks you too. :) I have a feature request, idea, and I hope this is the place to suggest it. Currently you have a field for accumulated XP. I have been keeping a note of DM XP awards in the notes field, and just adjusting the total. Is it possible to have a field that calculates from a list? In other words, takes the number value from each entry of a repeating field, or each line from a CR-delimited entry (stripping out non-numeric characters) and fills the XP field with the total. For example putting this into the XP log field: 450 Dark Island 600 The Man in the Broken House 1050 Hall of Bone 1200 Home Defense Would update the XP total field with: 3300 I don't know if it's possible/easy/desirable. But it would be convenient. :)

Edited 1475259192
Thanks for the update! Wonderful job as always. There are some instances where a Warlock may use Eldritch Blast and if he was 17th would I input in the Higher Level Box: Dice = 3 Die = d10 So that way the original damage of 1d10 would add in to give the 4 bolts being fired off. 1d10 + 3d10 = 4d10 (Which means each of the four bolts that is being fired is worth 1d10 damage and if the attack roll was a crit then it would turn into 8d10?) But I guess you would also have to make seperate attack rolls for each one so I assume you would just spam click the spell a million times to really see what the damage is anyways huh? Besides that I'm really just wanting to make sure I understand this higher level stuff as I'm slowly starting to get into this and my head spins at times. Will I need to edit this every time a Warlock or any other class levels up to a certain point where a spell immediately becomes stronger and does extra dice damage and such? Or will the SRD eventually have everything scale based off the level of the class you picked?

Edited 1475259864
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API Scripter
Dinnin, a warlock gets more blasts (multiple attack rolls) as the level goes up, so you would not change anything about the d10 damage, and instead click&nbsp; eldritch blast &nbsp;multiple times, as you said in your post. For spells such as firebolt, you have to enter a formula into the damage field that calculates it from your level (when you drag a damage cantrip from the SRD, this will happen automatically). The at higher level &nbsp;field is not for cantrips, but for casting (mostly damage and healing) spells from higher slots, and, if entered correctly, will automatically add e.g. extra damage dice when you cast fireball at level 4. EDIT: &nbsp;And nice update as always!
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Higher level is also used for spells like fly that do not grant more damage or healing, but can target more creatures. The sheet will also prompt you for the level if you're out of the current level of spell slots.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
6.4.1 (2016-09-30) Refactoring Refactored the styling of the page to be modularized. Let me know if you see any weird styling issues.
Just FYI, the server sheet is still 6.1.1 and I know you put out 6.1.2 at least two weeks ago. I know you have no control over pulls but do you know what the version should be? thanks H
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I have not pushed it to non-pro users for a while as there was some instability. I can't really push without people using it for a while and reporting any bugs. But then during that time I make more changes... It's all a mess that will hopefully be more stable once Lucian helps me set up some tests.

Edited 1475276409
Ah, I see. No problem and thanks for letting us know and sorry if this was documented and I missed it. thanks for all your work H
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Things I noticed about the new version Warlock spell slots are not automatically converted from older sheet versions. It might just be my system, but when opened, the standard window is just barely &nbsp;too narrow to have the PC sheet open in 3-column layout.

Edited 1475333610
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Jakob said: Warlock spell slots are not automatically converted from older sheet versions. Correct, players will have to choose to use the new system. Though I could force a recalculation. I'll add that. Jakob said: It might just be my system, but when opened, the standard window is just barely &nbsp;too narrow to have the PC sheet open in 3-column layout. I have no control over the standard window size. Some elements have definitely shrunk a bit as they don't need to take up as much space. So if you want the sheet to take up the full width you can resize up or down to your desired width. That said it looks good to me on Chrome. Send me a screenshot if you see something weird.
Jakob said: Things I noticed about the new version It might just be my system, but when opened, the standard window is just barely &nbsp;too narrow to have the PC sheet open in 3-column layout. I can confirm this problem for sure. &nbsp;All in all everything else seems good, haven't noticed any other problems after the upgrade. &nbsp;I have only focused on existing monsters and characters, haven't gone through creating/importing anything new as of yet, but will post if something pops up.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Can you post a screenshot of what you see?

Edited 1475334572
I know it already was asked, but is there any ETA for spells parsing? I really like your sheet and since damage parsing is fixed it's the only thing that's keeping it from becoming a better substitution for&nbsp;official&nbsp;campaigns.

Edited 1475334740
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Roman said: I know it already was asked, but is there any ETA for spells parsing? I really like your sheet and since damage parsing is fixed it's the only thing that's keeping it from becoming a better substitution of official&nbsp;campaigns. Since you're a pro, you can just use the companion script spell import, that's easy & fast & reliable. Screenshot (I've changed the vertical size of the window to make it more visible in the screenshot, horizontal is standard - when I drag it to be a bit wider, the third column wanders up).
Kryx said: Can you post a screenshot of what you see?
@ Jakob Thanks for fast reply, I know I can drag&drop spells from SRD and it's super useful. But what I meant is that for official campaigns like "Lost mine of Phandalver" and "Storm king's thunder" all NPCs have messed up list of prepared spells. Also there was some attack damage issues, but it should be fixed now. So spells is the only thing keeping this sheet from becoming a better alternative for official Roll20 one.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Roman said: I know it already was asked, but is there any ETA for spells parsing? I really like your sheet and since damage parsing is fixed it's the only thing that's keeping it from becoming a better substitution for&nbsp;official&nbsp;campaigns. Spell parsing? Huh? The sheet reads from srd and from the json if you're pro. What is missing? OGL offers only he SRD. Thanks for the screenshot guys. Could you use the dev tools to tell me the default width of the outer box that contains the character sheet? (The white box with a black border)
Kryx said: Roman said: I know it already was asked, but is there any ETA for spells parsing? I really like your sheet and since damage parsing is fixed it's the only thing that's keeping it from becoming a better substitution for&nbsp;official&nbsp;campaigns. Spell parsing? Huh? The sheet reads from srd and from the json if you're pro. What is missing? OGL offers only he SRD. Thanks for the screenshot guys. Could you use the dev tools to tell me the default width of the outer box that contains the character sheet? (The white box with a black border) I think he means that he wants the Shaped Sheet to convert the spell entries in Characters pre-made in the roll20's LMOP and SKT modules, which if I remember right, you said before was too hard to do because of the way they store spell info differently? Might be wrong though
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thanks for the screenshot guys. Could you use the dev tools to tell me the default width of the outer box that contains the character sheet? (The white box with a black border) 900 px, if I read that correctly.
Liam said: I think he means that he wants the Shaped Sheet to convert the spell entries in Characters pre-made in the roll20's LMOP and SKT modules, which if I remember right, you said before was too hard to do because of the way they store spell info differently? Might be wrong though Yes, that's what I meant. Although I didn't see that "too hard to do" part, very sad is it's indeed so...
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thanks for the width info. I'll put out a fix. Spells are not "too hard", but they are not on the top of my priority list currently as Pro users can make it work very easily and non-Pro users can use the SRD for most cases. I want to do them, but they're a fair amount of work.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
6.4.2 (2016-10-02) Refactoring UI of Core page revamped a bit to include reduced max. See image below. Spell slots seems a bit out of place - not sure what to do with them.
Spells definitely feel out of place. What about moving Hit Dice, Death Saves, Exhaustion, and Rests down and have spells fill the area left, might help balance it a bit better... though not sure the "flow" of information would make sense.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'll probably have spells appear in line on the core page (so next to eachother). It's positioned where it should be according to the paper sheet.
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Here is that view:
Initial impression, I don't care for the look of it, but will have to mess around with it to see if it grows on me.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Keep in mind the core page is supposed to be a quick view of spells. If you have a better way of laying out the spell slots per level in a compact horizontal container I'm all ears.
That works. I also like the Reduced Max field. Pity the token bars can't reflect changes to HP due to temp HP and Reduced Max.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
6.5.0 (2016-10-02) Features Added a spell points macro. %{NAME|shaped_spell_points} or by clicking on the spell points title on the character sheet.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Cleaned up spell slots and spell points: Spell Slots: Spell Points: Spell Slots and Points (with all levels showing):
Nice Job on the Update! The Shaped Sheet quickly became my favourite after my buddy used it in his campaign :)
On sheet version 6.1.1: if you put "+1" instead of "1" into the global saving throw bonus field (setting gear), it displays all saving throw results as 0. You can mouse over the zero and see the correct math is being calculated, but it still displays in the chat as 0.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
That has always been the case.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Don't use "+"
Kryx said: Don't use "+" Got it. Thanks!
Minor design touch, but it may look nice to do the core page spell slots with 3 left-aligned columns. Column 1 = 1, 2, 3 level. Column 2 = 4, 5, 6 level. Column 3 = 7, 8, 9 level. Left aligned so each column has a nice even scan line top-to-bottom. Admittedly, that's a subjective change, but it may look cleaner, or it may not. LMK what you think.

Edited 1475438629
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TheWebCoder said: Minor design touch, but it may look nice to do the core page spell slots with 3 left-aligned columns. Column 1 = 1, 2, 3 level. Column 2 = 4, 5, 6 level. Column 3 = 7, 8, 9 level. Left aligned so each column has a nice even scan line top-to-bottom. Admittedly, that's a subjective change, but it may look cleaner, or it may not. LMK what you think. It is like that, but not left aligned as the rest of the sheet is center aligned.

Edited 1475481288
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kryx said: TheWebCoder said: Minor design touch, but it may look nice to do the core page spell slots with 3 left-aligned columns. Column 1 = 1, 2, 3 level. Column 2 = 4, 5, 6 level. Column 3 = 7, 8, 9 level. Left aligned so each column has a nice even scan line top-to-bottom. Admittedly, that's a subjective change, but it may look cleaner, or it may not. LMK what you think. It is like that, but not left aligned as the rest of the sheet is center aligned. Currently, it's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 And I think the idea was to change it to be 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 I don't know what's better. My first instinct was also to prefer the latter, but I don't really know why, and I'm not sure it makes sense.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It goes horizontally as most players will have only a few levels and a vertical list would then look out of place as if it were missing content.
There is some weird spacing on the NPC sheet: The HD section is not spaced well. The overall sizing doesn't work well for the default width of the window (at least what appears as default for me), it is significantly more narrow than the window, making everything much more "bunched up" than it used to be. 6.5.0: 6.1.1:
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Fixed the HD for NPCs The overall sizing doesn't work well for the default width of the window (at least what appears as default for me), it is significantly more narrow than the window, making everything much more "bunched up" than it used to be. So I have 2 options: Always try to fit the full width Try to set a reasonable width for a section so it can collapse easier for smaller widths Right now I'm leaning a bit more toward #2 as it results in a character sheet that takes up less space. Less space is a worthy goal as we all want to see the game board. I asked Roll20 if there is anything I can do about the default width:&nbsp; Character sheets: Set default width The contents aren't bunched more - just the column widths are less. Core and NPC are already adapting pretty well to smaller Widths. Spells do ok.&nbsp;I expect all pages to become more responsive as I spend more time on them. That may come at the cost of being full width at the default width, but that cost is acceptable for a smaller character sheet.
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Hmm, I like this! Saves a lot of space. (Although I try not to open any sheets anyway and only use the statblock macro).
Sheet Author
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Ya, it's definitely a nice option to have. You can get rid of some of the white space on the ui-dialog as well with this css in some chrome extension: .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-content, .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar { padding: 0; } .nav { margin-bottom: 9px; } btw I pushed some small fixes to NPC sheet input widths last night - the abilities now go on 2 lines.
Jakob said: Hmm, I like this! Saves a lot of space. (Although I try not to open any sheets anyway and only use the statblock macro). Is this what the Sheet looks like now for monsters? Kryx said: Ya, it's definitely a nice option to have. You can get rid of some of the white space on the ui-dialog as well with this css in some chrome extension: .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-content, .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar { padding: 0; } .nav { margin-bottom: 9px; } btw I pushed some small fixes to NPC sheet input widths last night - the abilities now go on 2 lines.
Sheet Author
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Saevar L. "Liquid-Sonic" said: Is this what the Sheet looks like now for monsters? If you reduce the width of the character sheet dialog NPCs will have the right column collapse to below the left column as shown above. Or you can leave it the normal width and it'll be side by side as before.
It is perhaps I am not Pro and can not update the sheet manually in between versions (I should fix that soon!), but I seem to be 3 versions behind. I do not see the reduced max HP heart or the relocated spell slot box. Nor are my Warlock Spell slots all.... unless I add a bonus 2 slots so that it comes out as 2 level 1 warlock slots at 2nd level. I imagine these are fixed and I am just waiting for R20 to catch up with your updates? Which they only do once a week or so? Great work on all this as usual. Love the reduced max idea.
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Correct, roll20 default version is a few versions behind. I push to roll20 when it's stable. If I push before then people will complain about bugs which I cannot fix until another week passes. The process is bad, but roll20 isn't interested in making it more automated unfortunately. :( I'll likely push next week.
The push happens once a week if Kryx in advance have told Roll20 to upload a new version from test to live. I might be wrong, but historically this Roll20 task has happened every Tuesday evening.
Kryx said: Correct, roll20 default version is a few versions behind. I push to roll20 when it's stable. If I push before then people will complain about bugs which I cannot fix until another week passes. The process is bad, but roll20 isn't interested in making it more automated unfortunately. :( I'll likely push next week. I am certainly in NO rush. &nbsp;These additions, while very helpful, are minor changes to what is already an amazingly functional character sheet. &nbsp;I was curious if that was the reason why my version was so behind. &nbsp;Another reason to go Pro perhaps :) I patiently await the slower R20 update process. &nbsp;No worries.