I believe the DeathFX button in the settings will let you do that.
Alexander said:
That's the problem. Even with !aura and adjusting my settings via the scripts ui. I am still at a loss as to why it decides to pack up and leave home half way through an adventure. I have to go into settings and reboot the script by clicking the button 'save script'. It does this for the start of every session I run aswell.
SyntaxError: Expected "(", ".", "[", "abs(", "ceil(", "d", "floor(", "round(", "t", "{", [ |\t], [+|\-] or [0-9] but "S" found. undefine EDIT: I can also confirm this error happens when I drag a token from the journal to the game table but not when I move a token around the table. It does not seem to happen with all the tokens, just newly created ones. EDIT 2: Okay with a little bit of playing around, I think this error comes up when a token is dragged onto the game table but when I have not properly configured the token. I will keep an eye on what is going wrong and see if I can nail it down to a more precise error.
Looks to me like one of your scripts has an improper character some where. Also looks like you've cut some of the error off. Is there anything that shows up after the 'undefine' part of the error? I would expect there to be some references to script line numbers in that error.Alexander said:
I am still getting the same error. Just thought I would repost to see if anyone recognises the error. This is a constant error message and I can confirm this is what it reads every error I have while running the two API scripts
I run two API scripts, but it crashes with this error quite often, I have tried to get The Aaron to help but this still persists. I run Aura and an older version of 5e shaped scriptsCut for length
Alexander said:
I have another question. When I drag a token, using Aura API activated it obviously fills in a Bar for HP.
How would I add script so that the other bars would fill for other stats.
I'd like Bar 2 to show AC
and Bar 3 to show speed.
SyntaxError: Expected "(", ".", "[", "abs(", "ceil(", "d", "floor(", "round(", "t", "{", [ |\t], [+|\-] or [0-9] but "V" found. undefined
Tim said:
Yeah, that is possible actually - I've since tidied up my jukebox so I can't doublecheck, but it may have been before my clean-up of dozens of tracks. There might have been a duplicate.
DarKDinDoN said:
Seems you have a bug in your script. When the options are set to false and the API sandox is restarted all options are reset to true.
Also, I think it would be a good idea to namespace all options to avoid conflicts with others scripts.