There is nothing built in for doing this, but I wrote a bookmarklet that makes it a little easier: javascript:(function(){ var links=$('div.library_result').map(function(idx,block){ var $block=$(block), img = $block.find('img'), name = $block.find('div.yourtags li').map(function(i,o){return $(o).text();}).toArray().join('_'), ext = img.attr('src').match(/\b(?:thumb|max|original)\b\.(\w*)/)[1]; return $('<a style="border:1px solid #999;float:left;display:block;width:52px;height:52px;" href="'+img.attr('src').replace(/\b(?:thumb|max)\b/,'original')+'" download="'+name+'.'+ext+'"><img style="max-width:50px;max-height:50px;" src="'+img.attr('src')+'"></a>').click(function(){$(this).css('opacity',0.5);}); }).toArray(); $('<div style="position:absolute;width:100%;top:10em;left0;z-index:10000;background-color: #ccc;"></div>').html(links).appendTo('body');}()); Process: 1. In Chrome, create a bookmark with the above as the URL. 2. Go to the Your Library page. 3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and keep scrolling until all of your images are loaded. 4. Scroll back up to the top of the page. 5. Select the bookmark you created in step 1. This will cause the execution of the included javascript which will build a block of image thumbnails at the top of the page. 6. Click each image to cause it to be downloaded at it's original resolution. Caveat : There isn't a way to retain the image name, so they will all be named original.jpg or original.png , etc. Hope that helps!