I'm currently living on the east coast of the United States and I'd love to find a group for Fridays. Early morning groups, groups that started at something like 8 or 9am EST, would be great as well and if that was the case then any day would be fine with me. I've got a lot of experience playing Pathfinder and I'd say that 90% of the time I've spent playing on Roll20 has been spent playing Pathfinder. I'd also be interested in playing a Deathwatch game as well. I've been hoping to find a group playing that system but I've not had any such luck thus far. I've played or been a DM for Legacy of Fire, Second Darkness, Carrion Crown, and Jade Regent. While being a DM was an interesting experience to add a bit of perspective to see just what it takes to run a game, it's not something I'm looking to do again any time soon. Second Darkness and Carrion Crown were the APs I've DM'd and the other two I've been a player in. I think my group made it like halfway through the first book of Legacy of Fire. I'm still in the Jade Regent game which I've been in since mid-March of this year and we just managed to get to the fifth book. I'd like to stay away from groups that are primarily younger players. When I say younger I mean players that are like 16 or 17 years old. I've been in groups like that and I don't end up staying with them for long.