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[5e Shaped] 6.4.0

Hi, Is there any way to use an older version of this sheet ? I just duplicated a game where i created a monster manual with all the macros associated but nothing works with the newer version. The version of the shaped sheet used in my original game is : "sheet version : 16th january 2016". thx !
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The shaped legacy sheet is no longer an available option for new campaigns, sorry! The quick and dirty solution would be to repurpose your old campaign.
The thing is that i thought i could just duplicate that campaign (that i still run) and repurpose the duplicate PCs. Thing is that when i duplicate, i have to pick a charcter sheet again. So my macros dont work anymore. Do i really have to choose a character sheet or can i just let that blank and re-use the existing PC character sheets ?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
To use a character sheet it must be selected. The Shaped Legacy sheet can no longer be selected for new games (it does still work for old games). So your options are: Convert to the new sheet Repurpose your old campaign Ask roll20 to setup a new campaign with the legacy sheet (unlikely that they'll do so) There isn't anything I can do to help, sorry!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The best place to ask about the API companion is on that thread. Tokens must represent a sheet for any commands to work. But represents doesn't mean the hp is linked or there is only 1 version. You can read more on some roll20 wiki or perhaps someone will elaborate if it still isn't clear.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
FYI I have sent a PR for roll20 to merge version 6.5.1 to live. It feels pretty stable.
Kryx said: FYI I have sent a PR for roll20 to merge version 6.5.1 to live. It feels pretty stable. Kryx, Thanks for letting us know about the push. H
Kryx said: FYI I have sent a PR for roll20 to merge version 6.5.1 to live. It feels pretty stable. Can't wait!
n00b question, but under settings what's the difference between "sheet output", "whisper", and "public"?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sheet output will use the setting from sheet output. So if hit dice is set to sheet output and you change sheet output then hit dice output will use that setting. Whisper goes to the gm. Public means it rolls openly.
I am new to Roll20 and after checking all the character sheets, I really liked the Shaped sheet.  I am using 6.1.1 from when I added it to my Storm King's Thunder Campaign a couple of weeks characters have all of their stats, equipment, etc entered.  How can I update to the latest version?  Is there a way to "backup" a character sheet in case something goes wrong in the upgrade process?  Is there a way to get the updated version without manually upgrading?  (i.e. when a newer version is available does everyone using 6.1.1 get the latest "official" version?  Thank you in advance for your time (and patience with a noob).
Jason the Dungeon Mofo said: I am new to Roll20 and after checking all the character sheets, I really liked the Shaped sheet.  I am using 6.1.1 from when I added it to my Storm King's Thunder Campaign a couple of weeks characters have all of their stats, equipment, etc entered.  How can I update to the latest version?  Is there a way to "backup" a character sheet in case something goes wrong in the upgrade process?  Is there a way to get the updated version without manually upgrading?  (i.e. when a newer version is available does everyone using 6.1.1 get the latest "official" version?  Thank you in advance for your time (and patience with a noob). There's no way to backup a sheet but you can make a copy of your campaign before you update, just incase there are issues. If you use the Shaped Sheet in the dropdown menu rather than Custom, that gets updated whenever Kryx pushes a major version to roll20's github. Can be a little while longer than the regular updates you see in the forum, but those are considered the stable updates that anyone can use.
Thank you for the prompt reply Liam! So essentially (and ideally) if I don't want to be on the cutting edge of things, I should just wait for the "stable/official" update to come to the Roll20's system? If I *were* to want to manually try to upgrade my current character sheet -- is there a way to do this if I am using the "Shaped Sheet" from the Roll20 dropdown?  Will my characters have to re-enter any information or will the data all still be there but just using the updated form?
Jason the Dungeon Mofo said: Thank you for the prompt reply Liam! So essentially (and ideally) if I don't want to be on the cutting edge of things, I should just wait for the "stable/official" update to come to the Roll20's system? If I *were* to want to manually try to upgrade my current character sheet -- is there a way to do this if I am using the "Shaped Sheet" from the Roll20 dropdown?  Will my characters have to re-enter any information or will the data all still be there but just using the updated form? No problem :) Yes, cutting edge is Custom, stable is Shaped Sheet on the dropdown. If you want to use any version higher than the current stable, you need to copy the HTML, CSS and translation code from the github (see the first page of the thread for the links) into the boxes given when you switch to Custom. All the information should update fine (apart from if there are bugs obviously). And if you decide to go back to stable, you'll have to wait until a version higher than what you have on Custom goes to the dropdown (as depending on what Kryx has changed in sheet versions, the code may have changed how certain data is accessed or stored).
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thanks Liam. What I push to Roll20 is more stable, but sometimes it falls behind by a few weeks or sometimes longer. I play on the current version on github and always have. Several others here do as well so it's pretty stable as well, but may have some minor issues. It's up to you what suits your needs.
Kryx and Liam, thank you both. &nbsp;Last question -- would any of the updates to the Shaped form fix an issue I posted here? &nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>&nbsp;
Hey guys! Anyone know where a change log of the sheet is? &nbsp;I like to read them to make sure I'm not missing out on any cool features! &nbsp;:)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Go to page 1 of this post and you'll see a what has changed on the most recent versions. Older posts have other changelogs
Ah, okay. Off to read the other posts I go! Hold my beer! On a unrelated point: Kryx, if I had a lot of money, I would totally donate to you a lot of money! Your character sheet and your attention to posts is awesome!
eastwood said: On a unrelated point: Kryx, if I had a lot of money, I would totally donate to you a lot of money! Your character sheet and your attention to posts is awesome! ^ What he said.

Edited 1476171601
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Well if you're interested you could always just contribute a little - most people only give small amounts. Details if you're interested: Contribute Since many have asked for it: If you appreciate what I do and want to compensate me for the countless hours that I have spent building this character sheet feel free to support me on Patreon or Paypal ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ). Thanks so much for your support. This Patreon campaign is not affiliated with Roll20; as such, contributions are voluntary and Roll20 cannot provide support or refunds for contributions. Up to you though :)
I noticed a weird thing with item descriptions. Whenever you place a number between text it is automatically formatted as an inline roll as soon as you click outside of the text window. The only way I found to get around this was to add some other markdown to the number (bold, italic). Is this by design? Cause I found it pretty annoying.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Where are you noticing this behavior? I don't see it happen on traits.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
6.5.1 is live:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>