Stephen S. and I have been working on various manipulation techniques for years. There is no on-click, some things we've done instead: "Dractivation" or "Dragification" -- Grab the token and move it, the script activates on('change:token',...) for left or top changing, moves it back to its original position and then performs some function. Stephen uses this a bunch for his dungeon builder interfaces. "Rotactivation" -- Rotate the token, the script activates on('change:token',...) for a rotation change, changes it back to the original orientation, then performs some function. Stephen uses this a bunch for toggling the state of things in his dungeon builder interfaces. You don't have to use that with the primary token either, you could add a little follower token that stays next to the primary and accepts the activations. Some of Stephen's dungeon builder interfaces have a palette of controls you popup up that then take these activations.