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Players click image to open handouts??

Has anyone worked on allowing the players to be a little more interactive? Specifically, as the title implies, if I were to drop an image and I want it to be a virtual version of a note - the players can click on it in the game and have it open up the note in a handout I created. Anyone have anything like that?
Press z when you have a token or object selected.  You will zoom in on it. Press shift + z and everyone sees the zoomed up image.
Forum Champion
To add on to Saevar's suggestion, if you make the Note into a token/object on the tabletop, and give Control of that token to All Players, then the players will be able to discover the note and press "Z" for themselves to see the full size pop up. (It won't be a Handout, technically, in this method, but it will be accessible on-tabletop for players to discover in-game). Wiki docs, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Forum Champion
You can also create the note as a character sheet, then associate the image with the sheet. Players can then perform alt+double click to open the sheet associated with the image.
I think I was too wordy in my initial request. I want to link an icon on the game board to a handout. The second solution from Gold will suffice for now though. Franky - that's a good idea. Create a faux character sheet then link the icon to it. Like it. Thanks for the responses!
KCRift said: I think I was too wordy in my initial request. I want to link an icon on the game board to a handout. The second solution from Gold will suffice for now though. Franky - that's a good idea. Create a faux character sheet then link the icon to it. Like it. Thanks for the responses! Your Welcome.
Mike W.
Sheet Author
I too would like to find a way to link a token\image to a handout that pops open when clicked.&nbsp;The second solution from Gold works but the players have &nbsp;a tendency to move that taken on the map - either by accident or intentional. I was going to use this for cities and other locations so that the players can click on it and up pops a handout with all the nformation they need.
The Aaron
API Scripter
If the moving of tokens is the only problem, perhaps this will help:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... =D
The Aaron - your solution worked for sure to keep people from moving the tokens around. The "Z" zolution also works for zooming in on the pics. The only thing I'm missing now is a fricking "OnClick" functionality to Roll20 - which seems to just be absent.&nbsp;
The Aaron
API Scripter
Stephen S. and I have been working on various manipulation techniques for years. &nbsp;There is no on-click, some things we've done instead: "Dractivation" or "Dragification" -- Grab the token and move it, the script activates on('change:token',...) for left or top changing, moves it back to its original position and then performs some function. &nbsp;Stephen uses this a bunch for his dungeon builder interfaces. "Rotactivation" -- Rotate the token, the script activates on('change:token',...) for a rotation change, changes it back to the original orientation, then performs some function. &nbsp;Stephen uses this a bunch for toggling the state of things in his dungeon builder interfaces. You don't have to use that with the primary token either, you could add a little follower token that stays next to the primary and accepts the activations. &nbsp;Some of Stephen's dungeon builder interfaces have a palette of controls you popup up that then take these activations.