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Low-Light Vision and Dynamic Lighting

So, I was wondering if in a future update it would be possible to get some streamlined help for implementing low-light vision and other such vision multipliers when using dynamic lighting. As it currently is, implementing low-light vision for characters accurately requires two lights, one a normal radius and the other the larger radius. I was wondering if it would be possible to attach a multiplier (x2, x3, x4, etc) to a character so that when that character's vision is being rendered it gets multiplied by that value for just that character.
I was discussing this with a friend yesterday. My current method for "faking" low-light and darkvision with Dynamic Lighting is to set a 50' radius of light with Dim Light at 0' on a token that only that player can see. Then, if they want their own torch, I can drop a torch token under their player token, set the torch's light to 10'bright/20'dim All players can see, and group it with the person holding it. That way they have light, players who have low and dark vision can see things, but it doesn't bleed into the screens of people without those vision features, and you as the GM can control torches yourself if you need to put them out dim them or add more. But I don't see why this can't just be rolled into token controls by giving each token a second Light setting. We have 2 Auras, plenty of bars, but a second light setting would be able to handle both vision and light sources on the same token.

Edited 1382315263
That would be one solution, but even if you could just attach a "multiply dynamic lighting by >insert number in a box<" that might be even more efficient and also let them see all light sources correctly without having to attach two light emissions to each one. If it works anything like light rendering in 3d applications, the fewer light sources actually in use the quicker things render, and I'd think it would be fairly easy (relatively speaking, I'm no programmer) to just insert a new variable in the light source rendering code that checks the size of a given light source for a given player's vision. Don't get me wrong, I'm not discounting the idea at all, and I'd love to have a second light source available.