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[AD&d 2E] Proposed Changes


Edited 1477396060
Sheet Author
Hey guys, I finally recharged after sinking months into that sheet and I'm ready to upgrade some of it. Here are some chief areas I'd like to focus on, but do message me with any issues that need addressing or changes you'd like to see. Changing the scroll down format to a tabbed format for quicker access. (I'm still experimenting with how to do this.) Updating Henchmen section. Ideally, I'd like the Henchmen tab to be somewhat useful, so I'm incorporating repeating sections, breakdown by class and type and button rolls. (This is by far the largest piece on my to do list, literally, just size wise...) Updating Spell section. I'd like to break down the spell section into cleric and wizard and give each separate tabs for spell levels. Ideally, this will make keeping track of spells easier and get rid of the WallOText that currently displays with too many spells input. (I actually have this done already, but it will wipe everyone's spells if I implement it.) Minor format fixes. (This is a never ending battle. I'm aware chrome users are not seeing the sheet correctly in some places. I'm trying to fix that.) I'd like to revert the sheet to having a text box for class instead of a drop down. Kind of a bad move on my part I feel. ***Add a Critical box to define criticals that aren't based on 20. ***Add a Powers Tab to spell section. ***Look into adding script work to the sheet for better optimization. So, do give feedback, do you want these changes, do you not? Should I focus on something else? These changes should take about 2-3 months to finish around my schedule, so, time isn't a huge factor here. I won't be rolling out an update until it's 100% ready to go. ***Edits

Edited 1477396307
Sheet Author
So, update, I'm finished with the changes unless anyone has a request. So far, I have: Changed the format of the sheet from scroll and hide to tabbed and sub tabbed. Added the Maztica currrency and calculator. Added a check box to optionally use coin weights. Revamped the Henchmen section to allow for henchmen of any class (per GM discretion). Added a Journal tab for easy to use notes and entries. Cleaned up some of the errors and bugs, notably with the psionics section. Revamped the Monster Sheet, adding extra attack sections, buttons, Initiative, and Special Attack macro section. Added a Priest (or other holy person) Turning Table, with repeatable function for those who can repel more than one kind of thing. Reverted class boxes to text boxes. Added Wizard Spell levels 11-15 for high level campaign options. Broke down spell levels into separate tabs for better consolidation. Added Priest Quest level spells. ***Added a Currency button that adds your gained money to your stored money and tells you your new total. ***Added an Apply Weight checkbox to the Gear list. (per item) I'm opening the sheet to public review again so people can decide if they like these changes or not. Also, to see if anyone has suggestions or criticisms that can be addressed. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> *** New Work Address For the Sheet ***Edits
Forum Champion
Hello, I like the Journal idea. The blue color background looks nice. Please make the "Class" field wide, like the way Kit and Title and Vision and Diety are, so that longer class names can show without scrolling off the edge of your small class fields. Example, "Specialty Priest Of Egyptian Pantheon".&nbsp; Please change the Class to one wide field, not 4-5 classes. If they are multiclass it would be written like Fighter/Thief in the one field for class. &nbsp;This allows things like a Macro in chat that calls forth the class into text chat. Example macro that would work if this is restored to a single field for Class: @{Selected|Token_Name} a @{Selected|race} @{Selected|class} around Level @{Selected|level}, has @{Selected|HP} HP. Output into chat: Bob a Human Fighter/Thief around level 5/5 has 28 HP. Jim a Specialty Priest of Egyptian Pantheon around level 4 has 19 HP. Change Alignment to a free text box not a drop down, so that variations can be typed there. &nbsp;Example: Neutral (Evil tendencies). Another example: Lawful Good (now Chaotic Evil due to Helm of Opposite Alignment). These kinds of variations cannot be entered when restricted to a 9-point alignment drop-down menu. &nbsp;Another speedbump in the drop-downs the DM is unable to enter a template default answer such as "No Evil Alignments allowed", which DM can do with a free text alignment. Thanks for your work on this alternative 2nd edition character sheet.
SFX said: ...stuff Added the Maztica currrency and calculator. TYVM!! i've&nbsp; just started doing a matzica campaign and this is really helpful :)

Edited 1477251012
Sheet Author
Appreciate the feedback guys. Gold, "Specialty Priest Of Egyptian Pantheon" isn't a class, it's a specialty kit, which there is a whole box for.&nbsp; Priest would be the class, "Of Egyptian Mythos" would be the specialty. Part of the reason I set this up this way is, only one specialty or kit is allowed normally, hence a nice long title box for it. Call macros are just as easy with multiple boxes too." /em invokes the power of their @{class1}/@{class2} abilities!" Using this method, you aren't stuck calling all classes every time you use a power or reference specific to only one of your classes. The reason I set up alignment with the dropdowns is for ease of reference and change. Neutral (Evil tendencies) isn't an alignment, it's a personal quandary. As for barring certain alignments, it makes no difference. You can say no Evil, and not use it the same as you could say no Evil and someone writes it in anyways. Dom, I'm trying to push the sheet out, but it may be about 2-3 weeks. I've got a scrap to clean up and I'm trying to re-flavor the sheet with a different color scheme: If everyone likes this better, I'll switch it out, and if not, we can keep the old one.
I admit i like the new colors, sheet feels more flavorful. Also, having it tabbed is a great improvement, I and my players will love it for sure! I would like also to suggest that the&nbsp; optional rogue skills (as in Dark sun and player's option) should be still in the same coulumn, but hide-able. Not everyone use them, and this would help to remove screen cluttering. Thanks for your effort :)

Edited 1477270632
Sheet Author
Hmm... a second rogue sheet with optional only skills... I like it. I should be able to implement that before I quit for the night. I'll need to add some CSS and alter the henchmen section... Speaking of, has anyone looked at the psionic henchmen? I added only the modified psionics to it for now but was considering the core version too. Thoughts? Edit: It seems that it is not possible for a repeating section to contain tabbed information. Because of this, I am unable to put both rogue sections (finished that btw) and both psionics sections in the henchmen. For Rogue, it is easy enough, I just leave it alone. But psionics is another ball game. Would people prefer the core or S/P layout? S/P is compatible with both if you just manage the numbers a bit where Core is only good for Core.
SFX said: The reason I set up alignment with the dropdowns is for ease of reference and change. Neutral (Evil tendencies) isn't an alignment, it's a personal quandary. As for barring certain alignments, it makes no difference. You can say no Evil, and not use it the same as you could say no Evil and someone writes it in anyways. So.. I was wrong. I apologize, I was not aware that this function had carried over in some capacity from 1st ed. I've rectified it on the final sheet to be a simple text bar. Sorry about that, my familiarity with the game doesn't extend as far back as I'd have liked it to unfortunately.
Hi SFX I would like to do another suggestion: the spell section could be even more useful if you add, on the same row of wizard & priest spell, a Granted powers tab(many kit and classes have a X/day spellls or powers), and maybe even another tab for spells who aren't wizard or priest ones, like the pluma and hishna magic. Also, would be possible to let the weapon macro roll as many attack one write in #attacks weapon section?It would be really helpful!

Edited 1477329663
Sheet Author
I can add hishna, pluma, and even birthright stuff. Granted powers would have to be generic, but doable. As for the attacks: I don't understand. If you mean launching several attacks from the weapon line, that is possible with macros, but perhaps I am misunderstanding? Edit: need details for other magicks (levels, types, splits, this would include sha'ir too)

Edited 1477330545
Sheet Author
Actually, now that I look at it, those are basically all Wizard spells... The name box allows you to denote which type of magic it is if you want, cuz at this rate, I'd have to add a slot for necromancers, chronomancers, geometers, etc etc so on and so forth. That would also eat up about 3-4 thousand more lines of code. I can do granted powers, but I think I'll leave that at that since, beyond that, there is not a whole lot that can't be done with it already. Just my musings on it, feel free to support adding them though. If that's what the majority want, I will definitely do it.

Edited 1477334647
here, in #of strikes, the hit roll works only once, i.e i put 2 strikes but ac hit get calculated only once. For the attacks like 3/2, 5/2 and the like, the solution is pretty simple. put under"hit" button a "round up" button. So, 5/2 if checked is rounded up then 2.5--&gt;3 If unchecked 5/2=2.5 -&gt;&gt;&gt;2. this would be extremely useful for characters and monsters alike, and should be pretty simple to implement too. About the "range" box, could be possible to increase his width a bit? often you cant read them all at once. About the spell tab yeah, maybe just a "granted powers" should be enough. there one can insert his powers and/or additionally spells given from strange classes. Tyvm again for your time and disponibility.
Hmm.... the bar is pretty squished as it is, as noted by the lack of area in the range field. Adding another checkbox to it (underneath would make the line look pretty sloppy when repeating is used) would not fit unless I pull more space out of it. But even with a checkbox, you'd need a macro to make that work, and I can't think of a way for a macro to reference variable values like that. Something like a checkbox with a @{} value would only work for the one number unfortunately as the default off check is "0". If we assumed flat numbers only, I could write the macro for the ThAC0 box to roll Xd20 as posited by the checkbox value which could result in something like "/em hit an AC of [[{{@{value}*@{checkbox}, @{value2}}kh1}d20-@{ThAC0}]] (I'm BS'ing a bit because the sheet editor is down and I can't remember exactly how the to hit is factored) resulting in say, 3 hits reading [[{{3*1, 2}kh1(=3)}d20((=18+5+13)(=36))-18]] "/me hits an AC of [[18]]" The thing is, I've seen the Pathfinder sheet do this successfully. How they did it, I don't know, and it may have something to do with TheAaronSheet, which, I am not versed in :/ I can try to learn it for a future update, but I feel you guys could be waiting months for an update if I tried to stick it in this next one. Definitely something I want to look into, especially for the weight calculator, but small steps :) I'll get there.
So, I've come up with a solution to the weapons bar. I can't test it until the editor comes back up, but hopefully, that will be before I forget where I'm going with this. My idea is similar to the monster sheet layout. Instead of populating a row with a squished string, make a three column layout and and stack vertically. Still repeating, just, different layout. Lemme know what you think. If this would be a good idea or bad one.
SFX said: So, I've come up with a solution to the weapons bar. I can't test it until the editor comes back up, but hopefully, that will be before I forget where I'm going with this. My idea is similar to the monster sheet layout. Instead of populating a row with a squished string, make a three column layout and and stack vertically. Still repeating, just, different layout. Lemme know what you think. If this would be a good idea or bad one. Dom said: You could get a bit more space if the "weight" field is removed. That field has no significance in combat terms and weight can be inserted into the equipment section anyway. This way the row feels less cramped and the "range" field size can be increased.
Yeah, the thing is, I'd like to add a crit field, as grand mastery confers a lower crit threshold with some weapons. I think I can still increase the size of the range field, but I'll need to do some experimenting. I should have a stable and complete version by tomorrow night, public release, probably in a week if I can keep from burning out.
SFX said: So, update, I'm finished with the changes unless anyone has a request. So far, I have: Changed the format of the sheet from scroll and hide to tabbed and sub tabbed. Added the Maztica currrency and calculator. Added a check box to optionally use coin weights. Revamped the Henchmen section to allow for henchmen of any class (per GM discretion). Added a Journal tab for easy to use notes and entries. Cleaned up some of the errors and bugs, notably with the psionics section. Revamped the Monster Sheet, adding extra attack sections, buttons, Initiative, and Special Attack macro section. Added a Priest (or other holy person) Turning Table, with repeatable function for those who can repel more than one kind of thing. Reverted class boxes to text boxes. Added Wizard Spell levels 11-15 for high level campaign options. Broke down spell levels into separate tabs for better consolidation. Added Priest Quest level spells. ***Added a Currency button that adds your gained money to your stored money and tells you your new total. ***Added an Apply Weight checkbox to the Gear list. (per item) I'm opening the sheet to public review again so people can decide if they like these changes or not. Also, to see if anyone has suggestions or criticisms that can be addressed. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> *** New Work Address For the Sheet ***Edits Also... Fixed all crit thresholds to read properly. Added a Granted Powers section. Revamped the player info section. Fixed the rogue and psionic henchmen sections. Fixed the layout of the currency sections. Fixed the Weapons section. It now features a crit threshold box, Size and Weight have been removed as they have no bearing on combat, and the Range box has been increased in size. Plus lots of bug fixes. I am opening this sheet to the public on a production side test game. Play with it, fold it up, smash it, break it, rip if you can. I need solid evidence that I *finally* didn't miss anything and this thing is ready to go. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>