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New GM LF 3-4 Players for 3.5 Long Term Campaign


Edited 1382566802
Edit: Full up, Sorry everyone, thanks for all the interest.
Hey! from AZ over here! PM me if you'd be cool with me joining
Sent you a PM
I'd be interested in playing Grady. I've yet to actually play a game in 3.5, but I have read most of the books, so I at least have an understanding of most of the rules. Live on the west coast, so the time zones are perfect for me as well.
I may be interested if the game is not on Saturdays, PM me once the rough time of day it may be on if not Saturday. I am a experienced player and DM, with the 3.5 system.
Brian B. said: I'd be interested in playing Grady. I've yet to actually play a game in 3.5, but I have read most of the books, so I at least have an understanding of most of the rules. Live on the west coast, so the time zones are perfect for me as well. That's perfect, shoot me a PM with your skype ID if you have one. Tenebrous said: I may be interested if the game is not on Saturdays, PM me once the rough time of day it may be on if not Saturday. I am a experienced player and DM, with the 3.5 system. Probably will be late night EST Fridays, though expect at least half or more to occur on Saturdays unfortunately.
i would be interested willing to accept a new player?
I'd like to Join as well, i got plenty of experience both as player and GM, i would gladly lend my knowledge to you, should you require it during game play. If you need/want another player and could use the help of a Rogue/druid character then let me know. I Decided to add you on Skype right after i press(ed) Submit Post, You can accept or Decline as you please ^^
Oops, didn't mean to delete that post above :( Still looking for one more.
I'm in. What do you need?

Edited 1382509158
I can play anything you need, i'm a very versitile player, who love roleplay, and has been doing it for a good time. I saw the edit that you need a melee class. would this be high DPS, assassin and rogue, or tanky Paladin and or barbarian? I'm fine with anything, just let me know. I deleted my previous posts because they did not need to be there. I quickly reacted once I saw a 3.5 recruiting.
New to 3.5. Never played before, but i've done some 4e. Willing to learn, and i pick up things quickly. Can play most class types as a 4e, and i've a slight understanding of how 3.5 works.
New to roll20, but I've got several years of experience as a player, 3.5 specifically, and have collected a good portion of the Wizards books to help with additional info for players and DM's alike. Willing to play whatever class you feel best would fit your needs, love me those melee classes. Would love to join, but if not good luck with your campaign
pm me if you need someone or a backup, i'm versatile and will do whatever roll