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Pimp my gun!


Edited 1468276915
"What you really want on that thing is gyroscopic recoil compensation. Holo pick up wouldn't hurt either. Hell, may as well go all the way and pimp it out!" For Vic, or anyone else wanting to pimp out their weapons, here is the list of gear that will help. It was confirmed in a meta that these bonuses do stack, but some of them don't overlap, like the laser sight and the holo sight. The following is what I think would make up your basic level of pimpage: Intelligent Weapon +1 if -DM is less than 2 Holographic Sights +1 DM at Medium, IR/Low light, reduce range by 2 range bands. Laser Scope +1 DM when aiming Laser Sight +1 DM at Close and Short range HUD +2 DM at all ranges. Total cost: 9150cr ( with comp/1 int weapon ) With all of the junk listed above attached to your weapon you'll be getting +3/+4 DM on each shot. Even if you're totally uncoordinated you're probably going to hit most of the time.  Optional extras I think would be cool for Vic's Gauss rifle Gyrostabiliser (TL 9): Stabilisers can be added to any weapon with recoil, reducing the recoil by one point at the cost of 300 credits . ( CSS p54 ) Monopod/Bipod/Tripod (TL 4): A weapon can be given a support frame to stabilize and support it for a cost of Cr. 50 . It takes 2 minor actions to set up the weapon. Recoil is halved (round down) when firing from this rest. ( CSS p55 ) ( Handy if you want to lay down the auto. Recoil goes up by 1 when firing a burst, and by 2 when going fully auto )  Bio-Mass Sighting Aid (TL 10):   Using the thermal signature of a target and a densitometer, this device ‘fills in’ the outline of targets on its display. The sighting aid reduces the DM for cover by 2 points and can ‘see’ through up to 12 inches of inorganic material. Cr. 500.The TL 12 version is more sophisticated and can eliminate up to 4 points of DM due to cover; it costs Cr. 750.  ( CSS p54 ) Duct Tape (TL 6):  A strong, fabric-based, multi-purpose adhesive tape. Useful for hasty repair work as well as for restraining and gagging prisoners, among many other things. Cr. 5. ( good for taping extra mags together, or for when you need to keep you man boobs from wobbling during action scenes ) Toughened Sights (Details vary) Rugged versions of these sights are available at one Tech Level higher and at 1.5 x the cost. These sights are extremely tough; they can be used to hit someone over the head as an improvised weapon and will remain accurate afterwards. ( CSS p55 ) X-Ray Outlining Aid (TL 9):  Adding a special outlining element to an existing sighted scope, the firer can see exactly where a target’s body lies behind an obscuring object. So long as the object is not made of metal, shielded or more than a metre thick the firer ignores any cover or concealment that the target is taking advantage of. Cr.300. The TL 11 version is more powerful and can function through up to 3 metres of material. ( CSS p54 ) ( Lower TL than the bio mass scope, and totally eliminates cover DMs, and it's cheaper. I think this is an example of how the CSC is a Frankenstein of different source materials. I chose to pretend this scope didn't exist when pimping out my guns, but here it is if you want it. ) So all up, for a maximum pimpage that includes a gyro stabilizer and a toughened biomass scope you're looking at a total of  10575cr A 100 round mag for a gauss rifle costs 40cr . If you're keen on APDS ammo that turns your AP attack into a super AP attack (-8 from target's armour) you're looking at 400cr per mag. Worth it.  Gauss rifles also come with a RAM grenade launcher. So it may be worth looking into grabbing a grenade or two. Even if it's just a smoke grenade. You're scope can see through smoke so it could be handy to fire that out first. Either that or a some other kind of explosive mayhem. The price of RAM grenades are a touchy subject for me though.... would rather not talk about it.  The following stuff it just for reference.  Rifle, Gauss 4mm (TL 12): Rifle, Gauss 4mm (TL 12): Arguably the ultimate development of the slug thrower, the gauss rifl e generates an electromagnetic field along the length of its barrel which accelerates a bullet to very high velocities. The round itself consists of a dense armour piercing core surrounded by a softer metal covering, ending in a hollow point. This gives the round excellent stopping power and good armour penetration. A single-shot RAM grenade launcher is fitted as standard, it takes two full combat rounds to load a new grenade. Gauss rifl es may use semi-automatic, burst-fi re or full-automatic modes; either the rifl e or the grenade launcher may be fi red in a given round. Gauss rifl e needles are not compatible with handgun ammunition.  ( CSS p82 ) Gauss Weapons use electromagnetic effects to accelerate projectiles to very high velocity. Although of smaller calibre than other projectiles, gauss needles penetrate armour better and deliver worse injuries on the whole. All gauss weapons in this section are treated as full-AP weapons, ignoring a number of points of armour equal to the number of dice they roll for damage. DSAP (Discarding Sabot Armour-Piercing) ammunition can be used in all gauss weapons larger than pistols. It converts a gauss weapon to super-AP, ignoring twice as many points of armour as they roll dice for damage. ( CSS p82 )  (DSAP cost x10) ( CSS p52 ) Intelligent Weapon (TL 11): This adds Computer/0 to any weapon. intelligent Weapon (TL 11):Cr 1,000.The TL 13 upgrade adds Computer/1 to any weapon. Cr 5,000 ( CSS p56 ) Laser Sight (TL 8): A laser dot pointer can be fi tted to most weapons. It is not useful beyond Short range but at Close or Short range it grants a +1 DM on all hit rolls. Cr. 200, negligible weight. At TL 10, the use of more advanced optics eliminates the beam-and-dot signature of the basic laser, at no increase in cost. ( CSS p54 ) Personal Heads-Up Display (HUD) (TL 9): A personal HUD projects an aim point on an image of the target, automatically correcting for wind, gravity and so on. Various display devices are available, ranging from a vacc suit helmet visor to a pair of designer shades. A HUD grants a +2 DM on all hit rolls at all ranges, for any weapon it is keyed to. Pickups for additional weapons cost Cr. 250 each and require an hour or so to fi t and calibrate. There is no real limit on how many weapons can be calibrated to one HUD. Cr. 1,500, 0.5 kg. At TL 11 the HUD is a holographic projector and no obvious visual device need be worn. These HUDs cost the same as the standard TL 9 version but have negligible mass. ( CSS p54 ) Holographic Sights (TL 10): Holographic sights project an image of the aim point for the user and automatically compensate for wind, gravity and similar conditions. They are not useful in a close-range point-and-shoot situation but give the benefits of electronic telescopic sights plus a +1 DM to hit rolls for shots made at Medium range. Cr. 2,000, 0.5 kg. ( CSS p54 ) Electronic Telescopic Sights (TL 7): Electronic Telescopic Sights (TL 7): Electronic sights combining the capabilities of both electronic and telescopic sights . They are still rather fragile. Cr. 3,000, 1.8 kg. ( CSS p54 ) Electronic Sights (TL 6:) Electronic Sights (TL 6:) Electronic sights with image enhancement and light intensifications capabilities are available to provide the capability to see and hit in the dark. Treat any low-light conditions as normal lighting for weapons equipped with such sights. These sights do not increase the weapon’s performance at range, other than by removing the worst eff ects of poor lighting. Cr. 2,000, 1.5 kg. ( CSS p54 ) Telescopic Sights (TL 4): Telescopic Sights (TL 4): High-quality telescopic sights for attachment to a longarm, such as a rifl e or carbine. The sights eff ectively reduce the range to the target (for purposes of determining the DM due to range) by 2 range bands, while conducting aimed fi re. Low-tech (TL 5 or lower) telescopic sights are delicate, however and can be misaligned by jarring impact or temperature, humidity and so forth. Cr. 25, 0.8 kg. ( CSS p53 ) Laser Sight (TL 8): Integrated optics and laser sights give an extra +1 DM bonus to any attack that has been aimed (see page 61 for the aim action). Cr 100. At TL 10, x-ray lasers and improved display technology removes the tell-tale ‘red dot’ of a vislight laser. Cr 200. ( Main Rulebook p102 )
Page references, particularly for the Laser Scope and Laser Sight, would be helpful. Also, throw in some headwear stuff, like HUDs and “Odin’s Eye”, since it’s related.
As a Referee, I want to say that if any weapon or weapon option offers the same science as another piece of gear, such as cybernetics, that those two similar effects will not stack their bonuses.  Why?  Because cybernetics makes the same weapon option internal to the recipients's body as the external add-on to the weapon.  Make sense?  Does to me.  So, use your best judgement if your character is cybernetic, a psi-warrior (for psi-gear), or are pimping your favorite weapon out the normal fashion.  Also be aware of what your weapon's stats are and be prepared to rattle off those bonuses to the Referee at need.  Your Referee cannot memorize every weapon option and cross-reference every situation.  You, the player have to become proactive and state your weapon's case against combat environment or situational negatives.   This group, Artemis, Aegis, Ares, Apollo, Argo or Aggro  has the capability to be a small-unit force to be reckoned with if the player takes a little time to decide on their character's combat style, weapon of choice, weapon options, cybernetics and lesser augments, and armor for all environments and situations.  Your HEV that can survive Wypoc may not be the best if you're in space and have no Zero-G assist option and you forgot the 30 seconds it takes to belt on a Grav-Belt.  That cannon you've holstered is gonna toss your monkey ass backwards without Gyro or bracing first.   Just use some common sense in how you pimp your

Edited 1468278250
Edited the first post to include page numbers. Added the description of the laser scope from the main rule book to highlight the difference between it and the one listed in the CSC. I brought this issue up in a meta - wondering if the CSC laser sight replaced the existing one. It was established that they were two different pieces of gear. 
Thanks Alby

Edited 1468282270
The text below is a macro for Vic's gauss rifle if he wants to use it. It includes the "basic" pimpage given above plus a biomass scope. It asks all the right questions and does the math for you. The down side of pimpage is that you have to do more maths! I put a silly "KAKAKAK" sound effect emote in there. If you don't like that you may want to delete or edit it.  EDIT: To use it you just need to highlight the text and "copy" it. Then go into your character sheet, go to the third "Attributes and Abilities" tab and click the "Add" button on the top right corner of the "Abilities" column.  A "New Ability 1"  will be created. Click the pencil edit button near the top right corner of the new ability and paste the text into the field.  Click the tick button and you've saved it. Make sure the "Show as Token Action" box is ticked as you can only use this macro if you have your token selected.  To highlight all the text you're going to have to scroll and drag across to get it all.  &{template:default} {{name= @{selected|token_name} fires ?{shots|single,a single shot|burst,a four round burst} from his gauss rifle at @{Target|token_name} **KAKAKAK!**}} {{Roll: = Effect [[2d6 +?{Rounds aiming?|none,0 [aiming]|1 minor action,2 [1 Minor action & las sight]|2 minor actions,3 [2 minor actions aiming & las sight]|3 minor actions,4 [3 minor actions aiming & las sight]|4 minor actions,5 [4 minor actions aiming & las sight]|5 minor actions,6[5 minor actions aiming & las sight]|6 minor actions,7 [6 minor actions aiming & las sight]|} +?{Is the target behind cover?|NO , 0|1/2 (-1), 0 [negated by scope]|3/4 (-2), 0 [negated by scope |Full (-4), -2 [2 pts negated by scope]}[Cover] +?{Did the target react?|NO , 0|Dodged (-1), -1|Ducked behind cover (-2), -2 |} [Dodge] +@{Dexterity} [DEX] +0 [skill] +2 [HUD] +?{Range?|Personal , -3 [Personal] |Close,0 [Close & Las Sight]|Short,1 [Short & Las Sight] |Medium,1[Medium & Holo Sight]|Long, 0 [long (holo sight)]|Distant, 0 [Distant (holo sight)]} +?{Other Modifiers|0}[DMs] +?{Penalty|less than -2,1|Greater than -2,0}[Intelligent weapon] -8 [to find effect] ]]}}
double thanks there bro

Edited 1468295968
Oh ... forgot ... here's the damage macro too. It has a thingo that asks you all the questions you need to answer to determine damage, includingwhat kind of ammo you're using. &{template:default}  {{name= **@{selected|token_name}** Damages **@{Target|token_name}** with his gauss rifle}} {{ ROLL = [[4d6 +?{Effect|0}[Effect]+?{Autofire burst damage bonus|no,0|4,4|}[Burst]]]  Standard damage.}}  {{Penetration=?{Ammo|Standard,(Standard) AP- Subtract 3 from target's armour value before subtracting if from damage|Anti Armour, (Anti Armour) AP- Subtract 4 from target's armour value before subtracting if from damage|APDS,(APDS) Super AP- Subtract 6 from target's armour value before subtracting if from damage|}.}}
Cant seem to work out how to edit macros. need to change my initiative macro to 3d6 + 3. Also Alby's macro for weapon attack i think is a little out and confusing i think. Lastly Alby  If Intelligent weapon is +1 if Dm is less than 2, then doesn't it make it useless with all the other mods that give me a +of 2 - 3 - 4 in total?

Edited 1469715796
Macro for 'borged up initiative: /roll 3d6+3+ @{Dexterity} [DEX] +?{Tactics Bonus?|0} [Tactics Bonus] &{tracker} Just remember to tick the " Show as Token Action " box. That way it will appear at the top of the screen when you have your token selected.  Sorry if the combat macro was a bit cumbersome. It does ask you a lot of questions before it rolls the dice. That's just to make sure all the penalties and bonuses are added up correctly. I've put the most common answers as the first option in each question so most of the time you should be able to skip through it quickly.  The Intelligent weapon bonus is a bit tricky. On page 61 of the Main rule book it says that an Intelligent weapon gives you: +1 if total DM is within the program’s tolerance – see page 93 The tolerance is explained on page 93 of the Main Rulebook:  "In combat, add up all the negative DMs to determine the effective difficulty of the attack or action. So if you're shooting Enemy Edward and he ducks behind cover (-2) and you are trying to shoot through smoke (-2) then your total negative DM is -4 which is more than an Intelligent weapon can handle. So in that situation it wouldn't be able to give you a +1 bonus to hit. But if the smoke clears and he forgets to duck behind cover, you'd get your +1. This is why scopes that negate the penalties are handy. They increase your chances of being able to add that additional +1.  The big problem is that p93 is talking about Expert programs. You can never fit an Intelligent Interface and an Expert program into an intelligent weapon ( Max available is Computer/1 ). I brought this up with Pakkrat a while back, and his reading of it was that the bonus was from the intelligent weapon itself and not from any program you put into it. This makes sense because Expert programs can't help you with DEX based skill checks. So I guess Intelligent weapons would have a tolerance based on their TL? Runt's gun has "+1 if negative DM is no worse than -2". This is for a TL 11 Intelligent weapon that he purchased on Flammarian. If we go by the TL where equivalent  Expert programs are available, a TL 12 Intelligent weapon would have a tolerance of -4 DM instead of -2. A TL 14 has a tolerance of -6. I hope that makes sense.  Was there anything else about the macro that you found confusing?
Macro's in general confuse me hahaha. To much like coding. 
Yeah there's a lot of garblty gook. Not exactly user friendly. But once it's set up the idea is that it makes your life easier. Answer all the questions and all the adding up is done for you.  The only thing the macro may not be adding is the bonus you get from your cyberman augments. You could just total them up in the "additional DMs" part. If they add a bonus 100% of the time you could just insert a "+1 [cyberpimpage]" into the macro somewhere. 

Edited 1470006318
&{template:default} {{name= @{selected|token_name} fires his ?{Weapon|Laser Rifle,Laser Rifle|Heavy Laser Rifle,Heavy Laser Rifle|Support Laser, Support Laser|} at @{Target|token_name}**KAK!**}} {{Roll: = Effect [[2d6 +?{Rounds aiming?|none,0 [aiming]|1 minor action,2 [1 Minor action & las sight]|2 minor actions,3 [2 minor actions aiming & las sight]|3 minor actions,4 [3 minor actions aiming & las sight]|4 minor actions,5 [4 minor actions aiming & las sight]|5 minor actions,6[5 minor actions aiming & las sight]|6 minor actions,7 [6 minor actions aiming & las sight]|} +?{Is the target behind cover?|NO , 0|1/2 (-1), 0 [negated by scope]|3/4 (-2), 0 [negated by scope |Full (-4), -2 [2 pts negated by scope]}[Cover] +?{Did the target react?|NO , 0|Dodged (-1), -1|Ducked behind cover (-2), -2 |} [Dodge] +@{Dexterity} [DEX] +5 [skill] +2 [Odin's Eye] +?{Range?|Personal , -3 [Personal] |Close,0 [Close & Las Sight]|Short,1 [Short & Las Sight] |Medium,1[Medium & Holo Sight]|Long, 0 [long (holo sight)]|Distant, 0 [Distant (holo sight)]} +?{Other Modifiers|0}[DMs] +?{Penalty|less than -2,1|Greater than -2,0}[Intelligent weapon] -8 [to find effect] ]]}} (Ignore this, just Jim helping with debugging and needed the Macro)
Does Jeff know of Laser rifle, cartridge. And Assault laser, cartridge. If he is interested in trying 1 out we have a few of each in the armory. both are Auto 4 but the assault laser is 4d6+6 so its average is only half a point less than a laser rifle.

Edited 1476528589
The down side of the Assault Laser is that it uses the Gun Combat (energy carbine) skill rather than the Gun Combat (energy rifle) skill. Otherwise it would be a great weapon for Jeff. For memory the limited ammo is a bit of a drag. The reloads are heavy. One of the character plans I had in my mind was going to select Gun Combat (Energy Carbine) sepecifically so I could pick up one of these bad boys. 
He could still use the rifle its still auto 4 and yer weight but battle dress for him

Edited 1476709316
May be good to keep in mind that battledress doesn't actually do a lot to increase the maximum weight you can carry in this edition of Traveller. The current encumbrance rules state that you can carry up to your STR + END in kgs and remain unencumbered. After that you start taking penalties.  A regular suit of Main Rulebook Battledress will add +4 to your STR, but weighs 6.5kgs.  So you don't actually end up ahead. The TL 14 Battledress adds +6 to STR and has an effective weight of only 3kgs, so you end up ahead by 3kgs.  TL 14 Artillery and Logistics give you the bigger +8 boost to your Strength, but their effective weight is more, so you don't really end up ahead. Kayleb can only carry 2kgs extra thanks to his Logistics Battledress.  Unless I've missed something? I'm hoping that someone will set me straight and prove me wrong here.  EDIT: you can carry more than your STR +END. You take a -1DM on activities that require "free movement" and become fatigued after a number of minutes equal to your END score. If you carry more than 2x STR+END then you're heavily encumbered and take a -3DM and are fatigued after a number of rounds equal to your END score. 
You also need battle dress 2 for arty BD and if you take your standard armor as your base you gain. I mean Izek's never out of a vacc suit, so the BD give me a straight out 6 points of str. and if its only 3 kg then i'm up a total of 9 kg of extra weight.

Edited 1476735181
Err .... nar you'd get 6kgs of extra carry weight from the +6 STR. Then the 3KGs would count toward the total weight that you carry, so you'd only end up 3kgs ahead. 
lyer but by default i am always 6 kg encombered, thats my starting point.
I don’t think we’re playing with a distinction between “Carbine” and “Rifle” skill... just “Pistol” and “Rifle”, I think.
Ahhh neither did i but was unsure so said nothing. I mean if you can shoot a rifle a carbine ain't so different,  but hay if you can use a rifle well, i personally i think that a laser would be found to be easier. No bullet drop, wind or leading, and is not the hard part of shooting a gun.
I don’t think even GURPS makes a distinction between the skill used to fire a rifle and the skill used to fire a carbine... and GURPS is the game that would , if it mattered!
rgr that.

Edited 1477320598
As far as I know we are playing with Rifle, Pistol, Carbine and shotgun are all different subskills of Gun Combat (Slug...). I don't believe that TCR makes those distinctions, but just about every other book does. I'd be happy to be wrong about that, though. I do think that the late Books and Supplements add a ridiculous new skills and subskills,

Edited 1477322372
Wolfen said: As far as I know we are playing with Rifle, Pistol, Carbine and shotgun are all different subskills of Gun Combat (Slug...). I don't believe that TCR makes those distinctions, but just about every other book does. I'd be happy to be wrong about that, though. I do think that the late Books and Supplements add a ridiculous new skills and subskills, Yeah I'm not a fan of the added specializations either. I am a strong supporter of our lack of house rules in this game, so I'm not really giving this as a suggestion, but in our pen and paper Traveller game we ran with the standard Pistol, Rifle, Heavy, FA categories. If the new specializations seemed to fit in between any of those then we made it that you could use the specializations on either side.  So for a carbine style weapon, if you were using it with both hands up against your shoulder like a rifle you could use your rifle specialization. If for some reason you needed or wanted to use it one handed (there are rules for using carbines one handed in the Mercenary book) then you could use your pistol specialization. The stormtrooper blasters in Star Wars were our main model for this kind of thinking. The up side of this was that we could use weapons we didn't have access to the specialisations for during character gen (we didn't have any supplements a the beginning of our campaign). The down side is that it made those additional specializations a bit redundant (maybe not such a bad thing). It was a similar deal for weapons like LMGs. They snuggled between rifle and Hvy Weapons. For us though, we've kind of got a foot on either side of the fence between the Main Rulebook and the supplements. I think I unconciously favor the Main Rules, so I've avoided weapons that need funny specialisations.
I think the Main Rulebook’s take is the one we should use. Also, default to what GURPS says, unless real-world evidence proves otherwise.
GURPS? Really? Why? 

Edited 1477487900
I'm guessing because the folks who put GURPS stuff together actually do a bit of homework? Not all of us have the GURPS books though so it's a poor source to "default" to. To be honest, as long as it's balanced and makes sense and both players and Referee are happy I think we have a winner. This issue doesn't get up my nose as far as some of the stuff in CSC does. Like that ruling where you apply Gun Combar (rifle) to the grenade launcher on your rifle instead of the heavy weapon skill. Not only does that one not make any sense it tips the game balance if any farmer with a rifle is also a crack shot with a grenade launcher. Looked as if the writer of that rule was a GM trying to make his Mary Sue character shine or something. There's also a fighter in one of the ship books that has a bunch of rifles on the front of it. Made me think "I bet that's the same guy who made that silly Grenade Launcher rule!"

Edited 1478529666
Handy reference for anyone grabbing a "standard issue" weapon from the Ship's Locker. These bonus' include HUD (+2 at all ranges), Laser Sight (+1 and short and Close), and Holographic sights (+1 and Medium Range). The bonus in brackets shows the reduction of two range bands thanks to the Holo sights. This bonus is available if you are taking an "aimed shot". Also good to keep in mind that you also gain a +1 DM to hit if you spend any minor actions aiming thanks to laser scopes. Weapons with recoil also benefit from a gyroscopic stabilizer. One has been subtracted from the recoil in each case. Sidearms WEAPON Pers (0-1.5m) Close (1.5-3m) Short (3-12m) Med (12-50) Long (51-250) Weight Auto Rec Damage Adv. Laser Pisto l +1 +3 +3 +2 (+3) -2 (+2) 3 - - 3d6+3 Laser Gauss Pistol +1 +3 +3 +2 (+3) -2 (+2) 0.5 4 -2 3d6+2 AP Stunner +1 +3 +3 - - 0.5 - - 3d6 Stun Long arms WEAPON Pers (0-1.5m) Close (1.5-3m) Short (3-12m) Med (12-50) Long (51-250) V Long (250-500) Dist 500+ Weight Auto Rec Damage Adv. Laser   Rifle -1 +2 +3 +3 +2 +0 (+2) -2(+2) 5 - - 5d6+3 Laser Gauss Rifle -1 +2 +3 +3 +2 +0(+2) -2(+2) 4 4 -1 4d6 AP Shotgun +0 +3 +2(+3) +1(+3) -1(+1) - - 4 - 1 4d6 ST * Assault Shotgun +0 +3 +2(+3) +1(+3) -1(+1) - - 4.5 4 1 4d6 ST * * Damage depends on load. Figure shown is for Buck. HE: 4d6+8 ST HEAP: 5d6 AP The weapons listed above are standard issue weapons. There are enough standard weapons in the ships locker for crewmembers to never worry about whether one is available. The Weapons below are special weapons. Check the company docks carefully to see if one is available before you assume that you can have one.  Special Weapons WEAPON Pers (0-1.5m) Close (1.5-3m) Short (3-12m) Med (12-50) Long (51-250) V Long (250-500) Dist 500+ Weight Auto Rec Damage Imp. Stagger Laser -1 +2 +3 +3 +2 +0 (+2) -2(+2) 7 4 - 4d6+3 Laser PGMP-14 -1 +2 +3 +3 +2 +0 (+2) -2(+2) 10 6 2 12d6 Anti Materiel (RAMP) -2 +1 +2 +3 +2 +0 (+2) -2(+2) 15 - - 10d6 AP* Support Magrail +1 +3 +3 +3 +0(+2) -2 (+2) -4(+0) 25 12 1 5d6+4 Support Magrail (assault) +2 +5 +4(+5) +3 (+5) +1(+3) - - '' Web Rifle +0 +3 +2 (+3) +1 (+3) -1(+1) - - 8 - 3 web (agent p102) * Damage is for standard round. HE 11d6 APDS 1?d6 Super AP (EDIT: Adjusted Anti Material rifle range to Rocket.)
Awesome, Alby, thanks!
Rrounllakhs:   "Sez here in the user book on page One Oh Seven, that a Support Magrail gets +2 to hit at ranges same as Shotgun.  Right dere in the description. Does this list reckon that?"  *Holds out the CSC book for perusal and points to the description paragraph.*
"Does it say otherwise in ANY other book? If so then yeah go ahead and add +2."

Edited 1477606281
Okay .... this is special. Support Weapon, MagRail (TL 15): Support Weapon, MagRail (TL 15): Sometimes misnamed a ‘Magrail Minigun’, this weapon launches electromagnetic induction to launch clouds of ovoid projectiles from its multiple bores. Range is relatively short for a support weapon but the projectiles hit hard. The four barrels fi re in rapid sequence, each scattering 24 projectiles for a total of almost 100 in a split second. This gives a +2 DM to hit at ranges out to Shotgun . This weapon is capable only of what amounts to superfast autofire , although its mode of operation is more like a multibarrelled shotgun. Ugh ... stats for this weapon are a mess. Cool that it does get a +2, but there is no such range as "shotgun". It may be referring to the "optimum range" concept in the play test doc? If so then it'd be getting +2 out to Short range. Either that or it's talking about the maximum range of a shotgun. Then it'd be getting it's +2 out to Long range. It's range in CSC is listed as "Long" instead of either "Rifle" or "Assault". I checked across in the Mercenary book and found that it was supposed to be "Assault" so that's how it ended up in the table above. Or is the description in SCS a change? It mentions that it fires "out to shotgun" in the description, and shotguns have a max range of Long. Maybe the range is supposed to be as "shotgun" rather than "Assault"? In the comment "This weapon is capable only of what amounts to superfast autofire , although its mode of operation is more like a multibarrelled shotgun." ... So this means that it can't fire a single shot or use burst fire? Only autofire? And if using autofire is it only able to attack a single target like a shotgun - dumping all 12 Auto dice into one guy? Does it negate dodge penalties like a shotgun does? This is the reason why you never put opinions into a weapon description. Only mechanical facts. We really need to fill in the blanks here. The description from Mercenary is a little weird too. MagRail Minigun  Modified to fire steady streams of twenty-centimetre discs of sharpened metal, the MagRail minigun does not use revolving barrels like conventional slug-throwing miniguns, although it does have four individual firing ports. It uses a compartmentalised energy cell to direct the individual barrels to fire in alternating patterns, drawing from a single drum-sorted ammunition feed located under the weapon’s rear. If we go backward from CSC back to Mercenary then we've got a "Steady stream" and no mention of shotgun like activity. Also missing the +2. Maybe we could marry them both together and have a weapon that has two different modes of fire? One is a "steady stream" mode as per Mercenary and functions the same as any other weapon with an Auto rating. In this "stream" mode it has a range of "Assault". A second fire mode could be a "dump" that works as described in CSC, where you get your +2 to hit and negated dodge penalties to hit, but all the auto attacks are against one target. In this mode it has a range of "Shotgun".
The Range of the ARMP (Anti-Material Rifle) is listed as "Rocket" in Mercenary as opposed to "Rifle" in CSC. Rocket makes much more sense. I think a 15kg rifle should be less handy at close range than a regular rifle. I'll change the range on the table above to rocket unless Ref feels differently.

Edited 1477823744
I edited the weapon table with what I'm guessing are the bonuses for the two different Magrail weapons described in Mercenary and CSC. The first one is the Mercenary version. It has a range of Assault. The second one is based on the description in CSC. It has a +2 at all ranges and a range as Shotgun. The Shotgun range is a best guess. I noticed that the Support Magrail weapon for Artillery Battledress also has a range of Shotgun. I think it'd be super cool if rather than choose between one or the other the weapon had two fire modes. For long range support you'd choose the Mercenary version, but if you're going room to room you'd go CSC. Otherwise I guess we'd have to choose. :(
That rifle may have been based on gyrojet type weapons, in which case the bullet is a tiny rocket. If so, the damage at close range is pathetic, due to the bullet taking time to accelerate. Otherwise, it should be treated the same as Rifle, and just be made unwieldy to use in close range.
Well it uses magnetic rails to propel sharp disks at supersonic velocities toward its target. - Hence the name "magrail".  These descriptions are from the Mercenary book. First is for the pistol which has a little more detail. The second is for the support weapon we're actually interested in. MagRail Pistol Using the basic MagRail principle of much larger weaponry, this pistol magnetically projects five-centimetre diameter alloy discs at astonishing velocity. Although it has a slower rate of fire due to the limits of its attached power pack, its munitions can cut through armour and flesh with ease. MagRail Minigun   Modified to fire steady streams of twenty-centimetre discs of sharpened metal, the MagRail minigun does not use revolving barrels like conventional slug-throwing miniguns, although it does have four individual firing ports. It uses a compartmentalised energy cell to direct the individual barrels to fire in alternating patterns, drawing from a single drum-sorted ammunition feed located under the weapon’s rear. So they work a lot like a gauss weapon, only that they fire big spinning discs instead of 4mm dart rounds. Did any of you guys see the BBC "Day of the Triffids" series? Great for chopping the head off a killer flower, but rubbish for anything else. Google "Magrail traveller" and youll find forums full of folks bagging out magrail weapons. The idea is a bit silly. Spinning disks would have horrible properties as a projectile. Poor accuracy and very poor penetration. Apparently the TL 15 magic that makes it work isn't enough to stop nerds from squealing about it on the forums. They tried to "fix" it in Central Supply Catalogue by the looks of it: Rifle, MagRail (TL 14): MagRail weapons use the same principles of electromagnetic induction to accelerate their projectiles as gauss weapons but rely on an ovoid projectile (sometimes erroneously called a ‘disc’) which hits hard at short ranges but lacks the penetrative power of a gauss needle. The MagRail rifle fires a volley of these ovoids all at once from its huge 15-com bore, giving a +2DM to hit at ranges out to Shotgun. All shots count as autofire . Support Weapon, MagRail (TL 15): Sometimes misnamed a ‘Magrail Minigun’, this weapon launches electromagnetic induction to launch clouds of ovoid projectiles from its multiple bores. Range is relatively short for a support weapon but the projectiles hit hard. The four barrels fire in rapid sequence, each scattering 24 projectiles for a total of almost 100 in a split second. This gives a +2 DM to hit at ranges out to Shotgun. This weapon is capable only of what amounts to superfast autofire, although its mode of operation is more like a multibarrelled shotgun. So instead of being a rapid fire disk hurling weapon it now shoots out a cluster of ovoids all at once like a shotgun. The shotgun like blast counts as autofire, but it's really just one big shot with a +2 to hit. But in their attempt to "fix" it they made more mess by not being specific about it's range modifiers.
Alby said: Handy reference for anyone grabbing a "standard issue" weapon from the Ship's Locker. These bonus' include HUD (+2 at all ranges), Laser Sight (+1 and short and Close), and Holographic sights (+1 and Medium Range). The bonus in brackets shows the reduction of two range bands thanks to the Holo sights. This bonus is available if you are taking an "aimed shot". Also good to keep in mind that you also gain a +1 DM to hit if you spend any minor actions aiming thanks to laser scopes. Weapons with recoil also benefit from a gyroscopic stabilizer. One has been subtracted from the recoil in each case. Sidearms WEAPON Pers (0-1.5m) Close (1.5-3m) Short (3-12m) Med (12-50) Long (51-250) Weight Auto Rec Damage Adv. Laser Pisto l +1 +3 +3 +2 (+3) -2 (+2) 3 - - 3d6+3 Laser Gauss Pistol +1 +3 +3 +2 (+3) -2 (+2) 0.5 4 -2 3d6+2 AP Stunner +1 +3 +3 - - 0.5 - - 3d6 Stun Long arms WEAPON Pers (0-1.5m) Close (1.5-3m) Short (3-12m) Med (12-50) Long (51-250) V Long (250-500) Dist 500+ Weight Auto Rec Damage Adv. Laser   Rifle -1 +2 +3 +3 +2 +0 (+2) -2(+2) 5 - - 5d6+3 Laser Gauss Rifle -1 +2 +3 +3 +2 +0(+2) -2(+2) 4 4 -1 4d6 AP Shotgun +0 +3 +2(+3) +1(+3) -1(+1) - - 4 - 1 4d6 ST * Assault Shotgun +0 +3 +2(+3) +1(+3) -1(+1) - - 4.5 4 1 4d6 ST * * Damage depends on load. Figure shown is for Buck. HE: 4d6+8 ST HEAP: 5d6 AP The weapons listed above are standard issue weapons. There are enough standard weapons in the ships locker for crewmembers to never worry about whether one is available. The Weapons below are special weapons. Check the company docks carefully to see if one is available before you assume that you can have one.  Special Weapons WEAPON Pers (0-1.5m) Close (1.5-3m) Short (3-12m) Med (12-50) Long (51-250) V Long (250-500) Dist 500+ Weight Auto Rec Damage Imp. Stagger Laser -1 +2 +3 +3 +2 +0 (+2) -2(+2) 7 4 - 4d6+3 Laser PGMP-14 -1 +2 +3 +3 +2 +0 (+2) -2(+2) 10 6 2 12d6 Anti Materiel (RAMP) -2 +1 +2 +3 +2 +0 (+2) -2(+2) 15 - - 10d6 AP* Support Magrail +1 +3 +3 +3 +0(+2) -2 (+2) -4(+0) 25 12 1 5d6+4 Support Magrail (assault) +2 +5 +4(+5) +3 (+5) +1(+3) - - '' Web Rifle +0 +3 +2 (+3) +1 (+3) -1(+1) - - 8 - 3 web (agent p102) * Damage is for standard round. HE 11d6 APDS 1?d6 Super AP (EDIT: Adjusted Anti Material rifle range to Rocket.) Just bumping this for reference.