This should work: [[floor((abs(1d100cs>[[@{selected|perception} + @{selected|WB}]]cf<[[@{selected|perception} + @{selected|WB}-1]]-[[@{selected|perception} + @{selected|WB}]]))/10)+1]] Will give you a green highlighted roll on a success and a red highlighted roll on a failure. The above picture shows my test case using an integer in place of your attribute calls. Check out the Dice Reference for details on the math functions above: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hope that helps and happy rolling, Scott EDIT: Woops, realized I flipped the relationship of your roll to the target number. You'll want to do: [[floor((abs(1d100cs<[[@{selected|perception} + @{selected|WB}]]cf>[[@{selected|perception} + @{selected|WB}+1]]-[[@{selected|perception} + @{selected|WB}]]))/10)+1]]