I've been working on a sound control API script and noticed something a little funny while I was implementing the volume control section of it. The volume sliders in the jukebox aren't accurate at all. The mid way point on the slider is equivalent to about 30% volume instead of 50%.
Slider at roughly half-way point (actually a bit to the right of center):
But has the below stats logged in the API console (from an on('change:jukeboxtrack') event):
Moving the slider all the way to the right, does result in the volume being set to 100:
Slider at 50% (set via Script) for comparison:
Slider at roughly half-way point (actually a bit to the right of center):
But has the below stats logged in the API console (from an on('change:jukeboxtrack') event):
Moving the slider all the way to the right, does result in the volume being set to 100:
Slider at 50% (set via Script) for comparison: