As a DM, I usually give all my NPC tokens an ability macro something like this: /w gm &{template:DnD35StdRoll} {{name=@{selected|character_name} Traits}} {{Trait 1 = desc.}} {{Trait 2 = desc.}} This all hinges upon the "/w gm" because I don't want my players seeing all these details, but it quickly reminds me that devils have damage reduction and that the boss has quick healing and such things. In my up-coming session, players will be taking control of NPCs for some side story. I want them to be able to remind themselves of the token's traits quickly so they can be effective without having to ask a ton of questions. However, I don't want the players whispering to me every 5 seconds. When the GM uses "/w gm" they whisper to themselves. What is the option for a player? Is there a way that I can set up a generic macro, usable by any player, that will cause the player whisper to themselves so that only they see the macro print-out? ------- I've read about the "/talktomyself" function but could not get it to work in a macro. I tried to use this (and similar versions): /talktomyself &{template:DnD35StdRoll} {{name=@{selected|character_name} Traits}} {{Trait 1 = desc.}} This text is not displayed /r 20d20+20 This text is also not displayed /talktomyself off However, all I get is the green boxes telling me that the "talk to self" function is on/off. The middle part of the macro, no matter what text I put there, is not displayed.