I've been looking for a solution to this for some time and can't seem to find the answer.
Here's the macro I'm working on which doesn't work yet:
What I'm trying to do:
Prompt for burst: yes or no
If burst=yes; prompt for autoValue; autoValue==integer; prompt for recoil; recoil==+/- to &tracker value for @{selected|token_id} + + @{selected|mod-Strength}; integer + Damage Roll (pull down to chose from [1...6]d6
and autoValue==numberOfRoundsSpent; done
if burst=no; Prompt for autoFire;
Prompt for autoFire: yes or no
if autoFire=yes; prompt for autoValue; autoValue==integer; autoValue=roll that amount of dice, group into pairs, each pair is an attack; roll 2d6 per each attack for the "to hit", roll damage for each attack rolled;
and autoValue==numberOfRoundsSpent*3; done
if autoFire=no; continue to $Atk, continue to Damage Roll for a single attack; prompt for recoil; recoil==+/- to &tracker value for @{selected|token_id} + @{selected|mod-Strength}
I'm thinking it might be easier to have 3 separate macros:
1. auto-fire
2. single shot
3. burst
The hardest part I'm having is the elseif logic and I can't find a way to group matching pairs from a pool of dice being rolled and counting matches as attacks. Thanks in advance.
Here's the macro I'm working on which doesn't work yet:
!power {{ --tokenid|@{selected|token_id} --emote|@{selected|character_name} pulls the trigger... --format|default --name|Attack --leftsub|Action --rightsub|Gun Combat --Attack:|[[ [$Atk] ?{Attack|Single,[[2d6]]|Burst,[[2d6]]|Auto-Fire,[[2d6]]} + ?{Modifier} ]] vs Opponent --Recoil:|[[ ?{Recoil|1,[[1]]|2,[[2]]} + @{selected|mod-Strength} ]] --[[?{Damage Roll | 1d6, [[1d6]] | 2d6, [[2d6]] | 3d6, [[3d6]] | 4d6, [[4d6]] | 5d6, [[5d6]] | 6d6, [[6d6]] }]] damage }}
What I'm trying to do:
Prompt for burst: yes or no
If burst=yes; prompt for autoValue; autoValue==integer; prompt for recoil; recoil==+/- to &tracker value for @{selected|token_id} + + @{selected|mod-Strength}; integer + Damage Roll (pull down to chose from [1...6]d6
and autoValue==numberOfRoundsSpent; done
if burst=no; Prompt for autoFire;
Prompt for autoFire: yes or no
if autoFire=yes; prompt for autoValue; autoValue==integer; autoValue=roll that amount of dice, group into pairs, each pair is an attack; roll 2d6 per each attack for the "to hit", roll damage for each attack rolled;
and autoValue==numberOfRoundsSpent*3; done
if autoFire=no; continue to $Atk, continue to Damage Roll for a single attack; prompt for recoil; recoil==+/- to &tracker value for @{selected|token_id} + @{selected|mod-Strength}
I'm thinking it might be easier to have 3 separate macros:
1. auto-fire
2. single shot
3. burst
The hardest part I'm having is the elseif logic and I can't find a way to group matching pairs from a pool of dice being rolled and counting matches as attacks. Thanks in advance.