So, I'm trying to output a command button from a script so that users can click it to change some settings. The command syntax has a colon in it though, which breaks the command button since it is essentially a URL.
I found this thread from a few months ago where Silvyre suggested double escaping the offending character. This gets the command button output to the chat properly (it is clickable and brings up the roll query prompt it is supposed to), but the command doesn't work because now you have : right in the middle of the command where the colon was supposed to be. Escaping the colon only a single time results in the button no longer being clickable. Any ideas for a workaround (other than changing my command syntax)?
I found this thread from a few months ago where Silvyre suggested double escaping the offending character. This gets the command button output to the chat properly (it is clickable and brings up the roll query prompt it is supposed to), but the command doesn't work because now you have : right in the middle of the command where the colon was supposed to be. Escaping the colon only a single time results in the button no longer being clickable. Any ideas for a workaround (other than changing my command syntax)?