I have some old PF characters with repeating attacks with single digit repeating rowID's like 0,1,2, etc. It doesn't seem to be an issue except when I tried using ChatSetAttr to change some of the repeating attribute data it errors out saying the row doesn't exist on any of these old id's. I can run the same script on a newly created repeating attacks and it has no problem. I can even pull each of the old rows attribute data to chat without problem as well. Not sure why they don't get along with ChatSetAttr. I have tried "$0" for the row as well as just "0" as the rowID(this crashes the script with "TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null") Perhaps it's the way the script evaluates rowID? Thoughts? Thanks example of successfully pulling the name of the repeating row $0 to chat example of trying to delete name with ChatSetAttr;